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  1. I've checked the air filter and that seems ok. I think I will get a new plug, but thought it would last longer than 3-4 months. I'll try and get it in for a compression test soon
  2. I got my SR last October and it seemed to be running fine. After the first few weeks I noticed some problems with it. Firstly I needed to push the clutch lever back out for it to engage the clutch again. I didn't mind this too much at first until it wasn't engaging properly at all. I was thinking I would have to replace the whole clutch. Fortunately when I changed the cable that sorted that problem. Then I noticed that every time my handle bars were turned left the engine would start revving up so on closer inspection I found a tear in the tubing for the throttle cable. I eventually changed the cable last weekend. The main problem I'm having though is the bike started struggling to start even on the choke. It would just turn and turn but not start. So I changed the battery and spark plug and all was fine for a few months. Now it won't start again ( unless I bump start it) and when it is going sometimes it cuts out. There is a spark from the plug and the battery levels are still fine. The plug is a little bit black and also I think it had a bit of oil on it. I'm not particularly mechanically minded but am getting there slowly. Any ideas as to a cause or solution would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post
  3. I've had some similar problems on my 2000 sr. Sorted most of them out but now it's refusing to start unless I bump start it. It's turning over fine and I'm getting a spark from the plug but it just won't start. I put a new battery and new plug in about 4 months ago and it's been fine up until about 2 weeks ago. The plug is looking a bit black and possibly has some oil on it but I'm not sure of the reason or remedy to this.
  4. Hi all. Just started on a sr 125 first bike since I was on a moped 11 years ago. Might be on asking a lot of questions on fixing it up and troubleshooting, because unfortunately I think it has a few problems. Many thanks in advance Andy