yamaha dt 125 sm 2007 starter motor
just get a kickstart mechanism, oil seals, 2 circlips, lever and lever nut. Iv just priced it up and its less than 50 for the parts, if you cant fit it yourself itl be about 30-40 labour. kick start is much more reliable and much more fun
kick starter?
so airhead how do you do it? can you keep the same side casing and fit the kick start mech to it or do you need to buy a full new casing with the mech allready fitted off say an older model dtr?
dt 125 x 2006 wont start and sluggish top end???
iv had my fair share of problems with dtr's and my guess is the restricter is still in the speedo or it s the powervalve or the powervalve servo. i would go to a bike garage and just ask one of the mechanics to have a look under your speedo and see if its still restriced the wont charge anything for that, or look on youtube it may show you on there how to find out if its restriced. to find out if its the powervalve causing the problem look on the left hand side of the barrell and theres a round cap with 2 screws in and 2 wires going into it, simply take off the cap and youl see where the 2 wires connect, take off the front pipe of the exhaust and feel inside where the powervalve blade is, make sure its wide open, (should just feel like the rest of the exhaust port) you can easily move it so its wide open then when its in place use something to keep the plastic part infront of you from moving, then follow the 2 wires back out the cap and to the servo, then disconnect the servo wire, its a 4 pin white cap sorta thing its a lot easier than it sounds, then while you have the servo disconnected and the powervalve pinned open go out on your bike and if its wprking as it should then it was the servo causing the problem, if its still the same then it may be the powervalve its self, before removing the pwervalve you can check the blade by removing your front pipe and putting your finger in the exhaust port on the barrell, feel the blade it should be smooth if not you need to remove the powervalve and clean it or replace it if its damaged, go back under the cap with the servo wires in and unscrew all the bolts you see, then on the opposite side of the barrell under your frontpipe there is another cap with one bolt it, remove that and there willk be a small allen key bolt, symoultaniously unscrew the 2allen key bolts from each side and your powervalve splits in half and comes out each side, trust me this is a lot easier than it sounds oh and by the way with the powervalve pinned open it makes your bike incredibly faster must not very fuel efficient. once youv done all of this once you can do it with your eyes closed! If your bike is still sluggish then all i can think is the fuel mixture is off and i have no idea about fuel mixture sorry, i learned to do all of this myself simply by geting my tool set and going at it not having a clue, but if your unsure go on youtube and type in dtr powervalve and it will show you one working as it should, i hope iv been of help because i know how it feels to have a nice fast bike that isnt living out to its full pottential. if you have any questions just give me an email [email protected] as i am not on this yamahaclub forum site very often
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