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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. Here is the way down to the bridge from the Barmouth side zoomed out map (pink dot): zoomed in slightly (red dot): Street view coming from Dolgellau into Barmouth, this is just into the 30MPH zone, up the first hill, down the other side, round the corner and then there is a small straight part of the road with a row of very large semi detached houses to your right. The turning to the bridge is right opposite the last couple of houses (on your left) In this pic the turning is right next to the blue, red and white signs: I will do it from the Fairbourne side in the next few days as it takes a fair bit of faffing to get all the pictures and to explain. but definitely in the next few days
  2. A nice little bog along the way. Bike on stand as i'm psyching myself up to take it on: The bog, however the camera has managed to make it look like a mere puddle: I made it out the other end intact! : Not looking too filthy considering it just went through that lot:
  3. Here's a a couple of shots of the road its self: Looking back in the direction towards Dolgellau: This is where i am heading (a place called Rhoslefain): Hard to see without me pointing it out, so this is where the road is going right through the hills (writing done using paint so give me a brake lol):
  4. Tell you what it is damn near impossible to find unless you know the area very well or someone has already shown you.....so next time i go there i will try and get pictures of the little path that turns off the road down to the bridge (on both sides if i can ) I will see what i can find using google for now....but might have to wait until i get over to Barmouth next.
  5. Thanks buddy hopefully a few more pics to come. It's a great one man! I love it, i try and cross it every time i am in the area and saves you a fair few miles compared to going inland and around the estuary. : actually here is a rough, VERY rough map of the difference (red is the usual way-or should i say the cage way) and (green is the shortcut across the bridge) by the estimate about 25 miles saved!!!
  6. Unfortunately i was unable to take pictures of the more challenging parts of the lane as i was on my own, and could only put the bike on the stand to get a picture on the easier parts. A nice rut that water crossing the path made (this was pretty deep, over my foot pegs and about 15 meters long) picture doesn't do it justice)
  7. Thought i would go for a nice little ride through the welsh countryside today. Had a great time, saw some lovely sights. Here's a few pictures of how awesome wales is hahahahah: (do forgive the lack of picture quality, these were taken on my phone) Firstly here's Barmouth bridge (it is 820 m long so just over half a mile of wooden planks, and fuck me do they make a noise) very good fun....the toll is £2.50 to cross on a motorbike HOWEVER there is very rarely anyone there to pay this time of year, in summer months i have been told there is someone there in the daytime. The bridge is open 24/7, i highly recommend you give this ago if you are ever in the Barmouth area! Here's what it looks like from a distance (not my picture) : Once i had crossed it, it was up towards the mountains in the background of the second picture i headed. Up there, there is a greenlane called 'bomber lane', it is called this because on the 8th of June 1945 a B-17G Flying Fortress from 511th Bomb Squadron, 351st Bombardment Group, crashed on Craig Cwm Llwyd on its way from Polebrook to RAF Valley, which was in fact the first leg of its journey back to the USA. Here's a picture of the plaque in honer of these men (the first two pictures i took, and the third i found online)
  8. fingers crossed that i find it a doddle! Not an overly nerves person when it comes to cars and bikes....so we shall see in the next 48 hours
  9. you will feel like a champion knowing YOU did it!
  10. I understand sometime these jobs can be daunting, however once you just get into it and just set aside a few hour. I had to do this yesterday even though i was day off and weather was lovely ...but every now and again we have to put aside a few hour for general maintenance and other jobs.....yesterday it was: clean bike lube chain tighten chain clean under the chain guard as it was just caked in a mud and grease combo (which only have 3 bolts holding it on )..u can do it put one of those little storage net things on the back of the seat changed rear light bulb changed gear lever (as i had snapped the old one) All this took about 3 hours....might well have taken alot less had i not been taking fag and drink breaks every 10 mins lol (i think i might have even started to watch something on TV at one point) Plus you can get oil all over your jeans and pretend you have been working ever so hard on your bike all day
  11. Nice one mate, i am going to my first lesson on a big bike this Thursday....mainly to see how much training i need to do in order to get to test standard. Very excited hahahaha
  12. ahhh shit, well then....good luck with not leaving it in gear hahahah
  13. if you leave it in gear and try to start it like that does it just bump forward and then kinda bump its self off of the stand? if you see what i'm asking?
  14. welcome Only one i can say is for Q2 and the answer is that you don't need training unless you really don't know how a spanner works, as there is almost certainly enough information already on here to teach you how to maintain your bike and what isn't .....just make a post and i'm pretty sure you will get an answer.... ......unless you start hurling abuse....like an other recent person did LOL. (not recommended) Anyways. . . . enough of that. Enjoy the site, and don't forget to have a good look through it using the search function at the top right of the screen ^ there's tons of info on here actually one of the users 'beef' has just this evening posted a 'how to' for bleeding brakes and cleaning the master cylinder .
  15. Letting him in would be the nice thing to do.....however you don't have too and it was his fault for not being 'on it'. If i were in his shoes i would carry on with the lane i was stuck in and turn around and try again at the next SAFE place. Not try and shove my way into traffic.
  16. Yeah it better be 'Wurth' it . hahahahaha thanks gang
  17. what did he want you to fix? the fact that is constantly says MPH or the fact that it doesent have KPH. i got mine tested about a month ago and mine looks JUST like the one in the picture with the constant MPH on it. what's this bloke playing at?
  18. i usually just wear my black textiles, maybe a motocross shirt over, as it is bright blue and still looks alright...well better then high viz. The only time i can imagine wearing one would be when i get round to doing my mod 1 and mod 2, mainly to try an get some brownie points. Might help persuade them that once i get my license i will remain a sensible rider hahaha
  19. How do you find it? does it stay on the chain pretty well or does it spit it off after a few miles? As what i have been using is pretty much gone after a few hours, well not gone but you know what i mean....
  20. 'Documentary telling the story of the world's craziest race, the 9,000km Paris-Dakar rally, a beacon for eccentric adventurers battling the desert terrain in customized vehicles.' I am afraid that it is on the BBC iplayer so unless you have/are using a British IP address i don't think you will be able to watch http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01r1cnw/Madness_in_the_Desert_Paris_to_Dakar/ i don't know if it is any good yet, just about to sit down to watch it.
  21. It's about time i forked out for some decent chain oil for my bike, and was wondering what oil gets your seal of approval? Very interested to find out
  22. great review mate, might have to get a set of these next. one question i gotta ask though (if you know that is) how are they on a grassy field? the tires i currently have are great on everything except for wet grass. just doesn't want to stay upright lol , front end always coming from under me
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