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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. welshwan


    or hours? nahh i kid, hopefully its nothing serious, maybe break an indicator or something
  2. welshwan

    MOD1 bummer1

    awww mate gutted! i'm certain you will get it next time! best of luck for when you redo it! i'v got mine booked for monday, wish me luck! feeling abit nervous now lol
  3. tempting fate? bad juju man LOL
  4. another north wales lad, welcome aboard mate! would love to meet up with some local bikers but ermmm i haven't the bike for it YET. get back to me in a few months LOL. R1 are nice looking bikes mate, post up some pics if you have any!
  5. To hell with what they think , do what makes u happy....if you want to go hang out at the local biker place why not! I'm sure loads of them went there on there own. plus you might meet some people there that would be up for going for rides or could let you know of ones they are going to be doing that you can tag along, then you can pull up with a whole load of other bikers. 100 miles is a fair old ride on a 125! the most i have done in a day is about 150 miles...so fair pay to ya! Let us know if you ever get round to stopping there, let us know if they were cool and whatever
  6. Nah i don't find it lonely it's nice to get some genuine silence when you stop the bike all you can hear is the wind and maybe the odd sheep lol. You can have a good old think about life, people and everything in between Helps you remember whats important.....well it helps me think like that anyways.. Thing is that when you are on your own you can go at you own pace, which i think is very important or otherwise when you go to quick to keep up you will more then likely have an accident, and vice-versa if you are the quickest one, your riding buddy might find themselves going abit quicker then they can handle to keep up, or you could just be bored shitless waiting for them to catch up and they could be feeling abit ego damaged lol. Another thing to consider is that if anything happens when your on your own, such as the bike not working properly or you hurt yourself you might struggle to get however far the nearest people are, and depending on the problem you might end up having to leave your bike in the middle of nowhere and there's no one to send for help. Do remember this could happen anywhere that isn't all that busy when on your own though, like late night travels and so on. so don't let this that put you off too much. (touch wood so far soo good) Don't think of it as just going for a ride for the hell of it, think of it as EXPLORING! i'm sure you pass roads all the time that you don't know whats at the end of them- why not just go and find out. More fun exploring them then just riding for the sake of it maybe I'm just odd.....okay i know this to be fact but surely others want to know all the local roads, side streets and dead ends. this is what i like doing and it ends up taking me to places like that ^ Due to this i now know loads of local short cuts and good diversions if traffic is crap or road is unusable. give it a go you might be pleasantly surprised by what you find around you! As for riding partners i went out for my first ever ride with another biker Sunday, a lad from work who has one of those Chinese 125 bikes, to be honest it does look pretty cool- retro even though it's on an 11 plate! as for top speed the bikes are pretty much the same so that made for a cool ride, not having to go slower or him having to. I enjoyed it very much and was great fun, took him over Barmouth bridge, he had only ever done it on a bicycle before so the tight space was abit worrying for him lol - but he did fine, didn't even take out a cyclist or anything hahahah. He was pretty impressed at how quickly i was going around the corners- to which i replied 'fucking hell you should see me on the supermoto wheels, i have had my boot on the floor before now!' SuMos innit..... I was toying with the idea of making a post on here to ask if anyone would be up for a day of greenlaning around my area, i think i know enough to keep us busy for a good part of the day, i could map out some routes and everything, but then i thought i have NEVER been greenlanng with anyone before so i can't even compare to anyone to say how quick or slow i am, as i wouldn't want someone to come all the way over here and spend the day waiting for me to catch up. Personally i am more then happy to take it easy, would be cool just to share some of these awesome roads and tracks. But yeah i ride a xt125 so might be best to wait until i get something abit bigger. who knows.....if anyone fancys it....HIT ME UP!
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYSpkXRSvZE 'what do you think'
  8. item number: 150853996010 looks pretty cool. I did think about getting it for the XT but decided it looks tight enough without the number plate bracket - made my own, and smaller led indicators, but then again i guess the XT is abit chunky so looks alright eh. And if you need to get a 'LED Load Resistor' i have two here so you are more then welcome to one of them!
  9. was just having a look through ebay, and found this dt125 tenere - in all honesty i have never seen one before and thought you guys might want to have a look. and if it's as rare as they are saying might make a cool project. the bike has nothing to do with me- just thought i would share it, if not just to have a look at the pictures. http://www.ebay.co.uk
  10. on the SuMo wheels i got the clock to say 72 once..... that sure was a big hill! and the 10% or so for the clocks being off slightly
  11. Almost certainly! lol....... part of the reason i put on separate switch, and if anyone asks i only use them when on the fields. Ahhh sounds like you were lucky with the bulb or the ebay one is shite, might have saved me a few bucks...ahh fuck it, bikes looks like it's getting prepped for the Dakar or something.... , fucking L plate.... soon it will be gone, SOON!
  12. Funny you should mention the hand guards as i have a pair of carbon looking ones here ready to mount, however one end of them fits into the end of the handle bar and my bars ever so slightly to narrow (maybe a millimeter) so will drill it out over the next week or so and put them on, actually that's why there are not both quite facing the same way, i took them off for the new ones and then realized i needed to drill...so popped back on. The one i had was item number : 360598036094 on ebay, but when i'm not signed in it says sold out? Had a quick look and found this one in hong kong: http://www.ebay.co.uk Now that you know what one it is, you might be able to find one at a better price? as the postage alone on that one is £12 The light had a 'L' bracket so i drilled a small hole in the fairing just above the indicator, i will get some more pis up when the weather calms down abit. There was a handle bar mounted one on there when i bought this one, but i looked at the bike and realized that handle bar ones would just light up the inside of the hand guards and the speedo lol
  13. yes certainly need one for the other side gonna order one within the next week or so^. i'll get a pic up when i eventually get round to it! cheers bennyboy oh and as far as how to do switches i thought about using it as the high beam but in all honestly these things fucking dazzle if you look right into them even from abit of a distance, so decided that i would have them on an independent switch so that there is no chance of me putting them on accidentally or whatever as the switch for them is more towards the middle of the handle bar (enough to know what light your gonna turn on) just went out now to help my uncle tend to the lambs (its that time of year) and it was plenty bright enough to go around some pitch black fields in the middle of nowhere, in all honesty this one on its own is brighter then the high beams on the headlights and would easily suffice on its own, but like you said symmetrical is better and also with two i can imagine these lights lighting up the whole of a single track road (both sides, far ahead and immediately in front of me) . gonna be awesome. These lights are crazy good ...maybe on par with a cars headlight? one of the best mods i have made on the bike, along with the rear brake reservoir protector! ALL GOOD
  14. got this pic for now: will get pic of it on and the switch for it when it's not pissing it down.
  15. Finally had enough of the appalling headlight on the xt125, i firstly considered getting a more powerful bulb but after seeing the hassle Grouch and j0hn had with them i thought it wasn't worth bothering with so just accepted i would have to put up with not being able to see very much of the unlit streets and just go slower to be safe. After a long time of this i again decided something must be done. Firstly i considered an after market enduro type universal front fairing with integrated headlights but who way to say these would be any brighter, and you just know they are going to be a bitch to fit and mount securely- so thought id give that a miss. Then it hit me- SPOTLIGHTS! . I had a look on ebay and discovered a fair few, plenty of different designs, sizes and mounting brackets. The first ones i thought i would get were a twin halogen spotlight (both stuck together) but i was afraid this would use too much of the bikes electric, and cause undesirable consequences + after measuring, it would have been a bit big and looked very odd, not of course to say the ones i did eventually choose don't look odd. So i found a mini LED spotlight with 3 bulbs in it apparently kicking out about 1200 lumen, looked at the measurements and it was only about 3 inches long and 2 in diameter- sounds good to me. Uses 15Watt and i have not noticed any difference in the bikes performance, doesn't seam any slower and all he indicators seam just as bright at they were . After an hour or two fucking about with drills, stress and lots of wires, i got it on and plugged in (only one spotlight as i wanted to see if its any good first), and fuck me i could see that it was lighting up the gardens wall slightly in the day (never had this with the headlight, even on main beam). So all up and running i went for a little ride about town as it got a bit darker and once there wasn't any other vehicles about to blind i put it on and could see it was lighting up the walls of the well light streets, success. i was going to go out tonight to fully test it on unlit roads but i'm not sure if i can be assed with this funny sideways rain! who knows maybe a bit later - we shall see. Another good thing about these is that unlike the headlight you can adjust where the light beam is aiming, making them in my opinion ideal for damn near everything, from when you need to see further away or when u need to see whats just in front of you bike. When i eventually brave it outside i will get some pics of the light light on the bike, i don't think it looks bad to be honest i quite like it, will defiantly look a lot better with one on the other side too. At the end of the day it's there for it's function not it's styling- looking cool is just a bonus lol
  16. make sure you spray plenty of oil (i have been using wd-40 as my mam was kind enough to give me a tin of it). otherwise you might well end up rounding it and then having to drill it out. I know this because i have had to drill 3 bolts out my self and my uncle and cousin had to drill out EVERY single screw holding on the front disk on the original wheels. (we did try everything on the disk mind you heat, oil, brute force....maybe a hammer came out once or twice also? lol So yeah for the 2 seconds it will take to spray and the 30 seconds of waiting for the oil to penetrate the thread is definitely worth it, especially compared to the 20 mins or so trying to drill it out. In all honestly i did have a look online for a plate but the only decent one i could find was like £40...and that still wasn't perfect....so i took the £7 or £8 paint option ...on and £2 for a wirebrush drill bit. And boy oh boy do you feel good for dong it yourself. Be sure to let us know how it turns out man!
  17. Thank you both very much!!! Means alot - chuffed to bits As you can see from the pictures there are still plenty of bits that need to be painted, also found out the other day the the rear subframe is bent (pretty badly) So will hopefully be buying a second hand one over the next few days and painting that (as most on ebay are abit rusty) Not started painting the exhaust guard yet- as i need a couple of things before i get cracking on that- but will update this thread when it's done
  18. OHHH! also check out the kick stand ^ gave that a couple of coats too ^ (used some heavy duty metal paint)
  19. Just popped out to get a couple of pictures of it on the bike, wasn't planning on doing so- hence it being a little dirty:
  20. A little update .....the sump guard is painted and on the bike. In my opinion it's a pretty good job, only things i was not 100% happy with is that firstly you can still see some of the dents and lumps (but in all honesty still looks tons better then it did before) and the second thing is the texture on the inside of the guard...but this is just the texture of the metal...i could have kept grinding away until it was smooth as fuck but didn't want to keep thinning the metal....after all its there to protect the bike first and foremost. All in all extremely happy....let me know what you think? pictures make it look abit scruffy but i can assure you it was perfect finish . no bubbles or sections of thinner/thicker paint.
  21. By the looks of things , if you ever get round to selling it, i would imagine a few people from here would make you an offer knowing the amount of work done by professional mechanics, and of course all the bits you have changed. Then again some might just think it's cursed, i am wondering this myself Ahhh well atleast it's getting sorted eh
  22. pretty sure the electric starter is different too, maybe mine was changed at some point?- who knows lol ahh right i was wondering why it had a min and max setting- query settled
  23. very tidy example mate, makes mine look scruffy. On another note what are the extra switches for? or have they just changed the style of switch since mine (2005)
  24. your damn right i want to see a purple XT! lol. well that fucking sucks man, did u buy a new seat or change the cover? i would imagine a white undercoat would help bring the blue out abit better. After all didn't they tell us red and blue made purple back in school? good luck with this mate!
  25. thanks for looking out for me mate.......but i always shop around
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