Everything posted by welshwan
DR sixfiddy
SORRY it's no yammy. If this thread is not welcome please let me know and i'll take it down. Well as you know i got my hands on an old DR650 about a month ago. The other day i noticed that the fuel tank was leaking Not too sure what i am going to be doing with the bike, to be honest. This thread may go little further than a few bits and pieces being fixed up, but that would be too easy. As we all know life isn't usually that straight forward. So lets see how this one goes. The jobs i know that need doing so far are: tank repair and repaint new seat cover spot lights POSSIBLY some kind of bashplate/sumpguard Exhaust needs painting mirrors Top box Renthal bars Hand guards repainting of some other bits and pieces Here's how the bike stood when i bought it: I have started to strip some of it down slowly, i'll get some pics up of how it looks later on.
New guy
Welcome sir! Any chance of a few pics of the big old thumper?
can you attach a L plate to the bottom of your reg plate using cable ties?
Sure you can. Just need to drill two holes near the bottom of the reg plate. Here's how my 125 was- it passed its MOT like this. Also never got pulled over for it. Please head on over to the new members section to post an intro, you will get far more replies like that
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
New guy from london :)
Can't help think of this scene whenever i hear the name Harry and with you being in London..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naGOZoHxA-I Welcome sir!
Car head lights on back roads
Guy Martin series- Speed
great show - lots of fun and the mans a bloody nutter ! Also that episode when he is aquaplaning the dirt bike was shot not far from here! Bala lake, luckily the monster in there didn't eat him hahahaha
Pillion Seat Bag
looks like just the ticket I am tempted to invest in one my self now
chain came off need help ASAP
I believe that DID are thought to be a good brand. That's what i put on my XT way back when and i have no complaints.
Storing my bike is a pain. Advice?
Only problem with two parallel each other is if the wheels go in the crack in-between it can push them apart and the bike with fall in-between. Yeah the grit made a huge difference, but don't let the great traction trick you into believing it won't slip. it still can- just be careful sorted
Storing my bike is a pain. Advice?
should get a supermoto or enduro you could ramp those fucking stairs! But yeah, plank of wood is the best, scaffolding planks are more then strong enough and wide enough, just cut to length. wet planks can be very slippery so be careful! you can mix some sand/grit with a wee bit of old paint, varnish or something like that and paint the plank with it and it will have much better grip on there (thats what i did with my ramps) . you have it fairly easy. To get my bike out - i have to move a car, unlock the garage, prop the door up with some wood, line two ramps up to get it over the 1 foot wall, push bike over the ramps, put ramps back in the garage, close garage door, lock it, move car back in-front of the door. THEN go and get my gear on and start the bike.
Pillion Seat Bag
what are you planing on keeping in there? so i have an idea of what size you might be looking for
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
skip to about 30 seconds in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DfQV9TPRoY
Engine Number Doesn't Match V5
I wouldn't worry about it too much, if i were you! On my V5 it has 8 digits for the VIN number. BUT for engine number it simply says 'not known' - and this is after the DVLA sent it back in my name. ALSO the engine number is on the engine of the bike, not sure why it's not on the V5.
Fly screens
i'm not a fan to be honest. My DR has one and it just feels as though it is making all the air that would otherwise be equally distributed over my body and forcing in all into my face. But i'm very much used to the 'sit up and beg' seating position and having little or no wind shielding. Unless you doing over say 80? all the time then i wouldn't bother. Others may well disagree. £100 would get you a load of long-johns and thermal t-shirts, if it's the cold that is getting at you? if the actual wind is the problem, they do help but you will feel a lot more wind resistance on your head.
Christmas came late....
NICE! breaking them in now is better then not being able to use the levers properly
Chain break, now engine won't start
sounds like the carb to me matey. have you given the carb a few taps with a screwdriver handle? knocks excess fuel from the carb, might help?
Another bike on the horizon
I was watching a blue one on ebay as well, but it got to like 24 hours left and it was ended. guess the guy was hoping for more?
Another bike on the horizon
big old monsterbikes! no wonder they are relatively low revving things! POWER was about to make a cock joke- but i thought better of it! It's fucking pissing it down here today so i don't think i can be arsed going out in this lol i'll go out tomorrow, even if it's snowing!
Another bike on the horizon
Only messing with ya matey Well the bike is here. Picked it up in a transit from chorley this afternoon. When i got it home i tried and tried to start it, even tried a couple of bumpstarts down the hill outside my house - NO LUCK Quick look on youtube, and there is a video showing you just how to start it. did as the video said and it started first time! Not been for a ride yet, but on first impressions the seat height is LOADS lower then the husky (just as well for a shortass like my self ). angle of the forks is noticeably different, huge metal tank. Hopefully put the insurance through in the morning and go for a spin.
Another bike on the horizon
yours can't look that bad, can it?!
Few upgrades
well, i think that is one of the best looking 125s around! Ohh DT50 you do NOT need mirrors or indicators here (i THINK only one mirror is illegal but none is A okay, i got my XT MOTed with no mirrors), and if you don't have any lights you can go for a daytime only MOT. Think only light you need is brake lights. AS for doing your test, do what you want man . BUT if you are putting your tests off because you are nervous, don't! You have been riding well over a year - you'll pass no worries. Even if you don't just rebook until you get the pass! Should knock your insurance prices down too!
Rain Season Maintenance
Happy to help! wurth chain wax comes highly recommended. That's what i used to use when i had the road wheels on my old bike.
Another bike on the horizon
Yep husky is a fucking beast, had it over 85 on dirt tires! don't expect the same from the honda, as long as it can keep at 60 i'm more then happy. the husky only takes a fairly small amount of oil and does not have a 'real' oil filter...really not made to be rode about all day, everyday. take it on a fast dirt track, the woods or over the mountains and you'll have the ride of your life, but certainly not a mile cruncher. Picking up on sunday, hopefully sort insurance monday morning and take her for a spin. I'll let you all know how it goes! not sure what the gearing is like on this, can't wait to try it out! Going to be using this for strictly road riding, when i get it i'll take note of the tire sizes and see if there are tires to fit that are more road ones then the half and halfs. will use these up first though! CCM looks pretty damn tidy. Anyone know if they are a good brand? seen a few on ebay but don't know anyone that has owned one. I had noticed the TTR in your list of bikes a while ago, have you got any pictures? they look great fun, but a fair bit out of my budget.
Few upgrades
Nah tommy, most enduro and supermotos have their brake lines like this. My husky is pretty much the same too.