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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. Nice one bippo, did a quick google and it looks like a sexy bike! Must say i am impressed how quickly you have found a new bike- good on ya
  2. would anyone happen to know the power and weight (ideally power to weight, so i don't have to do the math my self )of the wrf 250 and 426 please? The ones towards the start of 2000's like '01 '02 models. The reason i am asking is that i am keeping an eye out for a new bike and a few wrf's have come up, unfortunately i'm on a A2 license so have limits to power and power to weight. i Think the 250 would not need restriction but pretty certain the 426 would- ideally looking for exact figures so i can see how far each is from the limit- this will help a lot in trying to choose or even what to consider. The 250 may well be quite a bit under so may be better getting the bigger one and restricting it down to pretty much the exact limit- would also imagine that the 426 would weigh more so the power to weigh may allow a bit more power and still be in the limit? Hopefully that made sense, if anyone could help me out i would be very grateful indeed! Also if anyone could point me in the direction of a restricter kit that is within the new laws would be great (for the bigger bike as i'm sure the 250 would be within the limits) , not even been to see the bikes yet- so this is just some research into possible bikes. i found a restricter over at fiinternational but it's for the old license A2 this would certainly be legal for me to ride but more restricted then need be.
  3. welcome! My uncle has an old-ish gsx750F locked away in his garage! Hope I'm still at it well into my 60's...we shall see
  4. Just came across this video of some bikes going over the bridge... a bit slow but you can at least see how narrow it is. They get to it at about two and a half minutes in
  5. AWESOME!!!! Nice one bippo! happy days, thinking of a new bike yet? great news!
  6. great point they all seam to disappear in a huff
  7. They make lots of noise! But in all seriousness pretty much everything about them! The way the bike moves Looking the business in your biking gear All the looks for people you pass Chats with other bikers Freedom to go pretty much anywhere you like (i have been up mountains, no exaggeration) That rush you get when you get your boot to the ground on a tight corner or maybe a roundabout Dreams of getting a big tarmac eating sports bike, you know -something stupidly fast Park in between cars if there is isn't space Filtering on a very busy day, whilst smiling to my self The way bikes look Pretty much always able to jump to the front of the queue at traffic lights tons more but i can't think at the moment
  8. ahh just noticed you said its not H4, hmmm. In that case i don't have a fucking clue i'm afraid
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-SR-125-10F-1996-2002-Neolux-Hi-Low-Beam-Bulb-Headlight-Lamps-/330862477530?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4d08f0c0da sounds like what you might be describing? but it says for 96-02. have a look at the specifications, they might help you figure out what bulb you need? sorry i couldn't be more help
  10. sounds like a cool place....one day , one day!
  11. who have you been talking too chamallow! Don't listen to a word of it........ s'all good Tommy! you sure deserved a high 5 for that one
  12. hahaha DT - back in the day ehh and Jimmy the place i did mine it was just me and some other lad, he was 'renewing' (getting another) CBT for his job as his old one had ran out and i was going for the first time. As i was pretty nervous, i asked how many people had to retry their CBT another day and he said less then 10% and almost all of those had never been on a bike before in their life. I asked how much more it was for another day and he said nothing it's free- until you meet the standard and pass the cbt. He also mentioned that the odd one or two had to go back a fair few times, the determined ones got it done! i must say that i don't think using a helmet that old is the best of ideas, but i'm not going to lecture each to their own! LOL
  13. i paid £100 using their bike and gear. I think that was September last year.
  14. welshwan


    No worries! cheers matey!! Some kind of off road style bike- what one ...well only time will tell I'll be sure to keep you all informed
  15. Hew hasn't signed on here since 2010 mate
  16. They CAN, but fairly unlikely- IMHO If you do get stopped just say you don't have lock or W/E for you bike and that you thought getting it home was the best idea. I would IMAGINE you'll be fine....however if shit go's tits up don't blame me lol
  17. The brake light is the one i would be more worried about as you can use your arms to indicate. I would ride it home just to make sure its somewhere safe and you can have a good look over it there, on your journey be very aware of whats around you as you don't want to be stopping to fast encase the vehicle behind does not know you are slowing down. I would check the wires, make sure all the connections are corrosion free, have a look at the bulbs to see if they have blown. ermm others would probably have a better answer but as it's abit dodgy getting home with no brake light i thought i would warn you to be careful, just encase you have some silly cunt go into the back of you Good luck
  18. xt 125 speedometers are notorious for dying mate, might have bitten the dust?
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