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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. where the hell are you living, nextdoor to a crack-house or something? 1000 third party!?!?! fuck man, i thought my 250 was alright, but nothing special- turns out im wrong!
  2. Great introduction! well done that man I have no idea how panniers attach to those bikes but would like to welcome you to the YOC none the less!
  3. welshwan


    I fucking love tattoos! .....as long as they are done well! Be extremely careful who you choose to mark your skin for life...have a look at the pictures of work they have done- but also if you can have a look at their work in the flesh, then you really will see what their skill level is up to. What tattoo are you gonna get anyways?
  4. are you trying to get fully comp?- i think that may well be your problem. I bet those WR's are pretty high up the list of bikes likely to be targeted for theft- Only thing i can think of.
  5. try turning your handlebars at 90 mate
  6. Hmmm mixed feelings about this one- maybe the people i did my training with were just really chilled? or understood that i pretty serious making a 60mile trip each way. They were really understanding and didn't get pissed off at me ONCE (mind you i did NOT drop the bike) I would recommended them to anyone, and i will be going back there to do my full tests in just under 2 years time. When i was waiting to do my mod2 in the test center we were watching another training school doing some practice of the mod 1 on the test 'track' when the young lady fell over on a 2011 plate bike, the guy was far from happy and his body language was very discouraging( he just stood there hands on hips looking mighty pissed off, waited for what felt like a good 10 seconds before helping her up)- we all know that she must felt like shit for falling off. no need to be a dick about it, accidents do happen and also these bikes are insured! The guy i learnt with even told me how much as i was bitching about car insurance at the time (turns out he was paying less to insure about 15-20 bikes fully comp then it was for me in a 1.4 car FIRE AND THEFT! ) Anyhow......... what im getting at is that maybe he wasn't making her feel as laid back about it as she might have been- lets face it doing a cbt without ever being on a bike is fucking scary and you are always think 'don't fall , 'don't fall' . But then again who's to say u have to be nice and chilled with people. different teaching methods i guess. I'll stick with the one i went to by the sounds of it lol
  7. welshwan

    Warren Mandel

    LOL random as fuck. maybe a bet?
  8. i love how the water or whatever liquid he fell into just splashes back up along the inside of that massive hole! Comedy gold
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! close call though mate
  10. YES on the how-to videos, knowledge needs to be shared....and i'm starting to think that i might have to join the smokey side one day, and if i did i sure would appreciate a how-to I really don't like scoots but it's a Yamaha so it's all good
  11. welshwan

    y reg r1

    hmmm not finding much man, all i could find were 3 other variations of the 'GO!!!!!' theme: one two three but no info about them, maybe the answer is not in the decals- maybe they were done after. Possibly a more tuned version?..... as if that was needed! or something along those lines?
  12. welshwan

    y reg r1

    very nice looking bike! not sure what special it is though - but i do know that 46 is Valentino Rossi's racing number. i will see what google can dig up about this
  13. I understand matey! i'm sure theirs does break they just don't say anything
  14. Actually on further thought! maybe the carb needs to now be set at a different level then the book says to make up for the big bore exhaust. There is a lad on here 'prichard xt' he seems to know a heck of a lot about these bikes, see if you can contact him, he's on my friends list. Don't forget to post a comment when you get to the bottom of it so that others can
  15. They are pretty nice bikes, cheap on fuel, pretty light-ish, looks good, nice sitting position and seat but there is always maintenance or bits and pieces that need doing.......i guess every bike has things break from time to time but the problem i think with the XT is that people buy them as reliable commuting bikes and people expect not to have to do much work on them but you do, when it's something you can't do yourself garages take the piss with the prices they charge so people get annoyed and look for something else. But lets be honest as far as bikes go the XT is pretty good reliable bike. You certainly could have picked a much higher maintenance bike thats for sure! but yeah i'm not sure what to suggest mate, best of luck!
  16. Never mind! sorted now- managed to get hold of the last owner and he had put a connector bit on it to stop the bare wire from shorting on the frame or W/E. We did see it but thought it was for the indicators as they have been removed! Happy days
  17. Age of the person doesn't really matter, just when i think of someone about 20-ish i think of my self and how i ride a bike......
  18. Hi there mate, there are actually alot of bikes on the road that will not idle, mine for example! lol Its almost certainly the carb that needs a clean and adjusting, i have tried but can never quite get it right! I will have to soon though as i'm planning on getting rid of it. So yeah carb cleaning/adjusting is my bet
  19. OMG just been out on the XT and popped my first 180MPH wheelie!
  20. I would say that how it has been looked after and how it's been used is more important then the age. For example i would be more inclined to buy a 10 year bike off and older owner that uses it for the odd bit of greenlaning or whatever then a 2 year old bike that someone that has had on the track or 'had a go at enduro'. The fact that someone is not technically minded might be of advantage to you, as these people tend to make sure their bike is booked in for a full service at the garage, so you will have paper work to know 100% that it has been done, but if someone says they do it them self's- yes they might well do but you will have no way of knowing how often and what has been changed. Little things all make a difference
  21. Hi all, iv been helping my uncle today- trying to get his bike ready for the MOT......and here is where the problem is.....The previous owner has cut the rear brake light off leaving just about 3 or 4 inches of wire sticking out the the rear brake set up- but we cant find the other end. If the person just cut the wire and left one end logic would say that the other end is in there somewhere but we cant find the other bloody end! Any ideas where it might have been tucked away or more to the point where does the wire go would be of great help! i checked my XT in the hope that it is a similar setup but from the rear brake it just seams to join into the main wiring loom? and as its all wrapped up its a bitch to follow. I think we have checked all of the wires that are not wrapped up around the engine area with no luck Bit awkward to explain without pictures but as i didn't take my cam i couldn't get any! ANY advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for looking gang
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