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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. good luck tomorrow! and welcome of course!
  2. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth - nothing more.
  3. welshwan

    S H E D S

    they are all up now.....give it two weeks of working on the bike
  4. GGGGRRRRRROOOOOUUUUCCCCHHHHHHH! Look even 'overly attached girl' misses you! slight side note this is my 420th post soooo..... GANJA
  5. my aunty used to have a couple of minis , i bloody loved them! But i must say i cant remember the wheels sticking out quite as far as yours - is there something aftermarket going on there? .... mind you i was only about 8 or 10 when she last had one....so could imagine how time might blur my memory! Foamy do you technically need bigger arches on that, with wheels that wide? i put some 205 wides on my old corsa mark 2, they were almost an inch wider then the stock ones , the difference in handling is pretty shocking. I think they were just narrow enough to get away with leaving stock arches...just about lol Very cool
  6. i somehow thought that trend might carry on......ahh well, if you can't beat 'em
  7. Thanks guys, much appreciated- i'll go and hunt one down right now.
  8. i thought the spacer was the small metal one between the wheel and swing-arm this is the one that gos into the center of the hub. Is it still called a spacer?
  9. welshwan

    S H E D S

    I think the dog approves Shed looks a good size too, nice one chap
  10. sorry for the dumbass question- i have been told the answer to this about a week ago and my mind has gone blank. I need to replace the part inside the wheel that is between the wheel bearings, It's basically a metal tube for the spindle to go through. Feel silly asking but need to order ASAP so it's best to ask right away id think Thanks for looking
  11. welshwan

    Tennis elbow

    back with a vengeance Glad to hear you are getting back into it
  12. Yeah be careful out there man! Feels like the cameras are bloody everywhere - thank fuck i live in the middle of the countryside Nearest fixed camera is about 50 or 60 miles away. i see an R1 in your near future! all i can recommend is only speed where u know 100% there are no cameras, what i used to do in the car if i was prating about was to go one way at the speed limit, when you get to wherever, turn around right away and go hell for leather on the way back As if they need another reason to take our money
  13. restricted license i'm afraid mate
  14. I'm afraid google isn't turning up anything for me either! In all honesty, i think it looks great as it is!- id be more then happy with a bike that looks like that
  15. welshwan


    You know what mate, i have the welsh version! on the flop it says LCH and at full mast it says: 'Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch' and yes that is actually the name of a place!
  16. welshwan


    ohh and check the spelling before he tattoos it on! sounds silly but then again...
  17. very good! i enjoyed that one
  18. welshwan


    hey welshwan! I bet your considering a name change now hahaha Thinking about it......... Only kidding, gotta represent!
  19. it says Aquote matey- had to check paperwork on that one lol apparently i live in one of the cheapest parts of the UK to insure vehicles and its £252 But it didn't really seem to matter when it came to insuring a car....i shudder at how much i used to have to pay
  20. grouch has some aftermarket one fitted on his, he's not broken it yet so must be good When/If he ever comes back online ask him. maybe send a PM so its there waiting for him when he next signs in.
  21. welshwan


    You fucking what? only messing matey hahahahaha
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