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  1. nice one, they are cool looking bikes. Welcome sir.
  2. welshwan replied to a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    pictures of the bike and i'll tell you what you're missing...... hahahaha yeah, i'm a prick. What i think you're missing is 'led indicator resistor' also known as a 'flasher relay' Have a google and see what you think.
  3. how many gears does it have? As far as i know the WR has 5 and the YZ has 4?
  4. i like the YZ best! that thing looks fun!
  5. welshwan replied to vayduh's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nice bike dude! clean as fuck.
  6. was there on sunday. Great day of looking at bikes i can't afford until they are about 10 years old lol ..... at least i know what i'll be getting in 2024 (excluding that h2r- i think that thing will hold it's value stupidly well) . Great day out, and comic-con was on at the same time to, so plenty of laughs looking at the people all dressed up as game,movie and comic-book characters . i THINK they got a reading of 310BHP from that monster H2R
  7. welshwan replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Classics
  8. welshwan replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    no worries man! Just wondering where you've been that's all. You probs fancy the AGV for the same reason people like Alpinestars or ducati because they are fancy as fuck lol. It's always nice to have fancy things but not always worth the difference in price.
  9. welshwan replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    Some people may call me a liar but the price does not necessarily reflect how well they'll protect your head. Best place to look for a safer helmet would be - http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/ All the ones on there have been tested (not by the manufacturer i must add) They have a 5 star rating system and illustrations of how the head has taken the damage. I bought a nitro Aikido helmet for less then £50.... it's 5 star rated. This is the same rating as a £799.99 AGV pista gp helmet. (links for the nonbelievers - AGV http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/testsratings/agv-pista-gp and Nitro http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/testsratings/nitro-aikido ) Obviously make up your own mind, but i would happily use the Aikido for any kind of bike riding. My only question is why the hell don't we hear from you until you need help? lol Where have you been grouchy? You should pop by more often is all i'm saying
  10. welshwan replied to rich.xt600's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thanks DT! certainly worth considering it lives on the tarmac anyways. it's pretty good at cornering as it stands, bet it would be unreal on sticky 17s. or maybe riding enduro tires for ages on the XT and husky has changed what i consider to be good at cornering. i think it's currently on 21 front 17 rear. going to do some measuring when i'm in the garage next. Thank you very much!
  11. welshwan replied to rich.xt600's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    sorry to hijack the post but, if i wanted to put supermoto wheels on the DR650. could i get a 17 inch rim and spokes put onto the original hubs? i have no idea how this stuff works
  12. congrats dude! i was also on top of the world when i passed mine
  13. welshwan replied to BradZ's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    silly question, but are the hose clamps securely fitted?
  14. Yeah i do the same. Use the back brake and when the feel the bite, release the rear brake slowly, whilst applying the throttle slowly.. i live on a hill and that's the easiest way i find. If you use the front brake, it can be a bit awkward to use the throttle and front brake at the same time. not impossible but very awkward, why make these things harder then they need to be.
  15. welshwan replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Looks good, i've never had a single part of any of my bikes look that good, let alone the whole bloody thing!