Everything posted by skiddkid
What is my bike?
i would fix it up! i have an 82 yz250. i sold the frame, gas tank, seat and plastics, but i still have everything else(including an engine that runs like new). i wish that i never would have sold it, it has been garage kept and the engine only has about 1000 miles on it! i found it in my grandparents basement and my grandad said that i could have it. but yeah! thats what i would do with it.
Whats wrong with my bike?
have you checked you air filter or opened up your carb? it sounds like your jets could be plugged. As for the front wheel, i really cant say w/out a pic. sry
'05 TTR90-E
'05 TTR90-E
What is my bike?
Hey man, do you want to sell that bike? Ill buy it from you! how much?
DT Start problem
The battery wouldnt have anything to do with the engine just quitting on you unless it came disconected (wich it probably hasnt if you can still turn the lights on). Check the alternator, if it comes disconected, your batt would lose its charge and you would have an open circut in the wiring wich would cause the bike not to run.
Anyone want a yamaha pw 50?
Any want a yamaha pw50? make me an offer!
Hey everyone
Hey man, im jacob. I'm 16 and know exactly how you feel! Ive been riding on the road 4 about a year also. Im a huge fan of small bikes. If you want to go yamaha, check out the ysr 50! It sounds small I know and it is, but it is so powerful! I have 2, one has a yamaha yz 80 engine in it and goes right about 80 MPH!! I dont know if you like small bikes but you forget how small these are when youre riding one!!
Serial number!
Does anyone know a website where i can type in the serial number of my yamaha pw50 and find out what year model it is?
Help Please
Hey man is this a moped? it looks like an old yamaha mj50.
YFM 80
I have an '85 yfm 80. somethings wrong with the steering somewhere and it wont turn sharp at all. i mean, i have a bayou that turns sharper than this thing. i know that it should make tighter turns than it does because ive ridden one very similar to it (same make and model) and it was the tightest turning quad iv ever ridden. if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
pw 50 problem
Does anybody have a wiring diagram for an old pw 50 or know how to hotwire one? I've been trying to get this thing running forever but dont have time or money to go out and buy a manual. if anyone has any special tricks for wiring one of these things up please let me know!!
Do I have to scrap it?
Hey is this a dirt bike or quad or what?