Everything posted by paul-666
YBR stalled
surly if you could only get 0.75l in then there should have been 0.25l still in there ? as when I did my oil it dose take a full 1L, or am I missing some thing here lol
Yam Virago 535
Funny enough I was going to as a similar question about the Virago 750 version lol
- Ink
Foamys bikes'n'stuff on the web!
Looks shit hot to me mate
New speedo help needed
I'll go to the breakers yard tomorrow and ask there
New speedo help needed
I need to fit a new speedo to my ybr can any speedometer be fitted ( universal one of ebay or similar )
First ever pillion
My oldest can't wait to go on the back of a bike its his mother that won't let him LOL
*NOOB* Disconnecting the battery
It will be the left side as you can't put them in the right hand side as the air filter is in the way LOL
Has any one ever had a Yamaha 600 Thundercat
I like the Fazer Its finding a naked one as I'm no fan of the half faired look but I'm still looking for summit cheap and reliable, It dosen't need to be the fastest 600-750 in the world but it dose have to clime big hills I was hell bent on a Bandit but there getting more dear the brighter the sun gets then I liked the Yamaha fzx 750 ( baby v max) but finding on that's no 250 mile away is a problem
Has any one ever had a Yamaha 600 Thundercat
I'm looking them up
Can you fit panniers to any bike ??
All noted and if I get stuck trying to fix them to my bike I can always ask lol
Found my next bike :)
that's a nice bike you have there a big jump up from the ybr
Can you fit panniers to any bike ??
so if I could buy a bike with them on already I'd be better off ?
Has any one ever had a Yamaha 600 Thundercat
not a job for a noob then lol So if the thundercat has a crap gearbox what other bikes along the same lines do Yamaha do in a 600cc-750 cc that wont break the bank second hand as I'm only wanting to spend about £1500-£2000 for my first big bike
Has any one ever had a Yamaha 600 Thundercat
are they hard to to repair?
YBR rear wheel swap
very true bippo When I pass my direct access I'll be keeping my little YBR for the winter and the wife to ride ( so I maybe riding a pink bike soon in the snow lol) apart from it having skinny wheels the bike it self is pretty much bomb proof (and wont go up big hills lol) I'm just looking at ways to try and make it a bit better there are a few different mods you can do to them but I don't want to do anything to the engine as its good of fuel and the body work is all fine it's just a few bits and bobs that could be better
Can you fit panniers to any bike ??
This is one of the things that I was struggling with
Has any one ever had a Yamaha 600 Thundercat
Has any one ever had a Yamaha 600 Thundercat and what do you think of them ? The only reason I asked is when I asked the wife what she liked and all the bikes I liked she didn't lol she likes the look of a Kawasaki zx7 but I think I would have to be riding a bit longer for one of those ! but I do look the look of the Thundercat and I have had a look online and from what I could find it looks a pretty good bike but they aren't brand new which I'm not bothered about and there reasonably price at about a grand and a half for a decent looking bike, and if I dropped it I wouldn't cry as much as dropping a brand new bike which would be a fair few more grand and a trip to the body shop instead of me fixing a cheaper bike. What would I have to watch out for when buying a Thundercat ??
Can you fit panniers to any bike ??
Can you fit panniers to any motorbike I was looking on line and I'm a bit confused at how they fit ? I'm not going crazy and wanting to fit them to my YBR or any thing crazy like that lol I'm just looking into how they go together on a bike any info would be great
YBR rear wheel swap
There's nothing wrong with it the tyres I have on are great I only missed 7 days over winter due to bad snow on the main roads so there's no problem there I just wanted to know what I needed to look at to do this as the rear wheel is only 90/90 18"and the 250 is 130/70 17" so there's a canny bit more rubber to keep you on the up right if you know what I mean
- SMIDSY petition
YBR rear wheel swap
because my peddle bike tyres nearly fit on it lol
ybr 125 engine query
You could use a 2007 engine as that's the last year they used carbs on the ybr
YBR rear wheel swap
Could I swap the rear wheel on my 125 ybr for the rear wheel on a ybr 250 ? I know the swing arm is different but the breaks are the same what else do I need to look up on this before starting anything ?
need advice on an engine swap
If I'm right your 55 plate is a carb model and the 2010 bikes are fuel injected but I'm sure everything else is the same. Maybe more electrical stuff but a look in the hanes manual for the year of the bike engine you are going to use could help