Everything posted by emilz23
Searching for electro or kick starter.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-YFS-200-DT125-LC-200-WR-200-ZAHNRAD-F-KICKSTARTER-GEAR-KICK-10V-15651-00-/190816941296?pt=Motorrad_Kraftradteile&hash=item2c6d9374f0 FOUND IT!!!! Someone please tell me this is right !? Ever numbers are the same
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Is this the gear im searching for - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/38986-Yamaha-TZR125-4DL-91-95-Starter-Idle-Gear-/300862704819?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts_13&hash=item460cd08cb3 ? Or this - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-YFS-200-Blaster-YFS200-Used-Engine-Kickstart-Idle-Gear-1989-BDK-/150915680656?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2323468990 Have 29 teeths.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Okey, this is really sad, because no one have that Kick idle. No stock in europe or japan. Where could i get it ? Someone have full sizes of this part, maybe i can make it by myself.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Where should i find that - KICK IDLE ?
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Okey, I will order from OEM - http://www.oemmotorparts.com/oem5.asp?M=Yamaha&T=DT%20R%20%20125&Y=2000&L=YA-DT-R-125&O=STARTER&F=YA-DT-R-125_al&L2=YA-DT-R-125_al Or please let me know where i can buy those cheeper. For now items + shipping ~90 Eur.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Eh, i will search, but ... Maybe i will order it from OEM parts, only 50 Euros, i think its reasonable price. And im from Latvia, in here 125ccm motocycles are not so popular, so here i cant find it. And if i order it from UK, wonder how much it could cost, i dont have so moch money.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
I asked dealer in Latvia about these items, so here are prices - retaining circlips 99009-15400-00 2 - 2.6423851 British pounds thin thrust washers 90201-154E8-00 2 - 4.20379447 British pounds nylon cog 10v-15651-00 - 58.8531226 British pounds So, any shop form UK or Europe is not selling these parts for reasonable prices? Because, this is too expensive. Need that nylon cog!
Searching for electro or kick starter.
so, i need that h23035?
Searching for electro or kick starter.
emn, what is that - H23035 ? I need that too?
Searching for electro or kick starter.
I think i will order this - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/yamaha-dt125r-kick-start-shaft-2003-model-/200920148165?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D7350617909818348163%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D5%26sd%3D360517728112%26 It shall fit? Its from DT125R 2003.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Can you post any pic of, how it looks like, when it is in right place? Registered in forum, waitting till admin confirm.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
So you are saying, that, than by editing kick start mehanism from 2000-2004 dtr it could fit in my yamaha? P.s. Can you post a picture how is it looks when kick start is in its place, so that i can see, if it could fit in mine by minimal editing it. P.s.s. Should i take 2003 yamaha DTR kick start assy for a shot (to try if it fits?)? Because it is only 20 + shipping, what is more cheeper than buy starting motor. P.s.s.s. If you have skype, please invite me - emilz23 - so we can talk about this.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Okey, i will search for that kind of company. How do you think it going to cost to insert kickatarter in my bike? I have searched in ebay for mehanism and there it is only 25gbp. but electro starter around 100gbp. So, i want kick starter, and it could solve many problems, like i dont need to have battery, because all work could be done by generator. I wrote this to many companes, lets see what they will say.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Yep, windings. I brought it to one expert in these stuff, he said that it is dead, and need a new one.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Hi, as my electro starter is dead. I am searching for new one. Electro starter looks like this - My moto model by yamaha is not coming with kick starter, but there are place for mechanism like that - http://www.bildites.lv/viewer.php?file=qnhtlchnd8542ig6pi0m.jpg http://www.bildites.lv/viewer.php?file=u9b65ar35emhiieq1es.jpg http://www.bildites.lv/viewer.php?file=bnrmuapghcejrwh601a.jpg http://www.bildites.lv/viewer.php?file=37zkgpublv71xe72zgb.jpg http://www.bildites.lv/viewer.php?file=36uchwli1k94lf3fgyfu.jpg http://www.bildites.lv/viewer.php?file=64cmpcmux2pmhphb201b.jpg http://www.bildites.lv/viewer.php?file=tg0isp7sm2fybirfzbua.jpg My bike - Yamaha Dt 125 X 2006.
DT 125 X '06 starting problem
I have no # on my bike, because i have not got such a part, because it orginaly is not coming with my bike. So ... Peoples at yamaha.com have such a information about this question of my?
DT 125 X '06 starting problem
And - as i looked at yamaha kickstarters, then yamaha yz 125 kinckstarter is the same as yamaha dt 125. Im i right? Please someone can give me sizes of mechanism of yamaha dt 125 04-08?
DT 125 X '06 starting problem
So, from whitch "DT" models the kick starter mechanism is compitable to my model? In e-bay are many mechanisms from 2000 to 05 ... but no 06 ... are those are compitable to my model?
DT 125 X '06 starting problem
In replacing ... i am talking about starter ... by the way, where i can buy them? And, please ... http://www.oemmotorparts.com/oem5.asp?M=Yamaha&T=DT%20X%20%20125&Y=2006&L=YA-DT-X-125-1&O=STARTER&F=YA-DT-X-125-1_AL&L2=YA-DT-X-125-1_AL which of these i need to cheange ( Im asking because, i will send request for parts in yamaha shop in my country, so they can find and order them) ... And in kickstarter - should that, whant i linked will be compitable with my bike?
DT 125 X '06 starting problem
Yea, its mindblowing Im noob in these stuff ... So, all i need is just buy new one and replace?
DT 125 X '06 starting problem
And inside in case are spot behind cluch special for something (i think for kickstarter). .edit - i think i can repair the starter and put in kickstarter - for reason if starter "end" again.
DT 125 X '06 starting problem
P.s. And is it possible to put kickstart mehanism to my Yamaha DTX 125'06 from Yamaha DTR 125 '04-08???? Like this - http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2329490d21
DT 125 X '06 starting problem
@ AirHead - As I sad - When i press the button, when the big gear and magnet are in right place , starter moves little gear, little gar moves big gear, big gear moves magnet, they together moves crankshalf - and motor is trying to start, like it does when all was right. But, when the big gear and magnet is not in right place - the big gear is just spinning for no reason - nothing happen, only that big gear spins OR if fuses starts working, and that little thing, where "+" wire is going to battery and wire who is comming from starter and multiple wire who are goig to CDI, where fuses are located at - are making "click" noise when i press "start" button. .edit - if i mannualy get magnet in right place it is starting motor. But if i realase button in wrong moment and big gear spins to far - engine not starting. @For all - sorry for my bad language .... When i will have time - i will make video ...
DT 125 X '06 starting problem
Hello my dear Yamaha fellow So, in last year, when moto season was going to the end, my lil' yamaha was started to have problem with "coming to live" aka starting up. I tried to figure out, whats the problem, but no success. So I parked and prepared my yamaha for winter. So, in recently days, I found myself that spring and moto season is not far, so i get my yamaha out of "winter sleep" and started whatcing and searching for the problem. Me and my dad feagured out, that problem may be in starter, so i take out starter form under of engine and opened it. It was full of dust and black inside. Starter coils was in very dramatic situation, too. So I cheanged them. Starter now worked as new. I pluged it in engine and screwed it in place ... Seted up all, and started up motor. It was like starting, but then i saw interesting thing what happened. On CRANKSHAFT ASSY there are Magnet (in generator) in end of assy and before it is big gear (nr 003) who is connected with smaller gear (nr 007) - this little gear is incisioned by starter. So after clicking "start" button on handlebar - the big gear is srating to spin and in the second (if magnet is in real place) starts spin with magnet together and starting engine (from sound i can tell it) ... And if i release "start" button the magnet stops imeadetly spinning, but the big gear is stopping far more slower (as wheel in the air if we spin it with power - and after we release it, it keeps spin) ... After than, i push "start" button - it keep starting engine or spins without magnet and not starting engine (not moving crankshalf) or fuses starts them work and I cant start engine, because from (http://www.oemmotorparts.com/oem5.asp?M=Yamaha&T=DT%20X%20%20125&Y=2006&L=YA-DT-X-125-1&O=BATTERY&F=YA-DT-X-125-1_BR&L2=YA-DT-X-125-1_BR nr 015) is not allowing it .... So where is the problem why the "big" gear and magnet are not starting and stoping together - when i push or realese "start" button. How i can fix it? Pic in here - http://www.oemmotorparts.com/oem5.asp?M=Yamaha&T=DT%20X%20%20125&Y=2006&L=YA-DT-X-125-1&O=STARTER&F=YA-DT-X-125-1_AL&L2=YA-DT-X-125-1_AL Model - Yamaha DTX Engine - Yamaha 125 cm3 (2 stroke) orginal from DTX Year - 2006 Parts - +/- all orginal. HELP! P.s. And is it possible to put kickstart mehanism to my Yamaha DTX 125'06 from Yamaha DTR 125 '04-08???? Like this - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DT125-DT-125-DTR-125-DT-125R-DT125R-2006-ENGINE-KICKSTART-DRIVE-COG-GEAR-SHAFT-/151016508705?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item2329490d21
Yamaha Dtx125 vmax 90km/h
How much psi i should have, how is normal for this bike?