Everything posted by mailee
Lancaster night
Just been to East Kirkby Lancaster night. When they take it out and taxi it around the runway. Great night out and tons of bikes there. There were some really nice bikes there too.
MT-07 ...
Yep, tis cold. Been under that water more times than I care to mention. Some of the best dive sites in the UK up there. Brings back fond memories. .
Big boy test
If you don't use a school you will have to find a big bike, try to insure it as a learner, get someone else to ride it to the test centre for you, and back again if you didn't pass. The way the test works now is all aimed at making you take instruction with a school making it difficult to do it alone. If it is a good school they can asses your riding and tell you how many lessons you might need to pass. (Which shouldn't be many by the sound of your experience so far)
Lincoln bike fest
Had a good day out at this today. Lots of bikes and some good bargains to be had. Bike parking was pretty full when we got there. [img width=600 height=450]http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r375/mailee66/Bike%20stuff/DSCN3568_zps7237e937.jpg Some nice bikes there too. [img width=600 height=450]http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r375/mailee66/Bike%20stuff/DSCN3582_zps5f7ea308.jpg [img width=600 height=450]http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r375/mailee66/Bike%20stuff/DSCN3569_zps6663a271.jpg This was definitely a bit unusual! [img width=600 height=450]http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r375/mailee66/Bike%20stuff/DSCN3570_zps8ee252bc.jpg Also a warning to never let the kids loose with a spraygun! :shock: [img width=600 height=450]http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r375/mailee66/Bike%20stuff/DSCN3577_zps86d93b6b.jpg And some cool pushbikes! [img width=600 height=450]http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r375/mailee66/Bike%20stuff/DSCN3579_zps1e3be368.jpg So many bargains I had to get an extra pair of panniers! [img width=600 height=450]http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r375/mailee66/Bike%20stuff/DSCN3587_zps13a4259c.jpg Stopped off at Willingham woods on the way back for a brew and saw this little beauty. [img width=600 height=450]http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r375/mailee66/Bike%20stuff/DSCN3584_zps2e1bb6be.jpg [img width=600 height=450]http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r375/mailee66/Bike%20stuff/DSCN3585_zps81290447.jpg
The Last Bullet you'll Ever Need
This sort of thing has been has been researched in ballistics for years. There was a similar round out a few years ago called the 'Glazer safety slug' That one comprised of steel balls that separated on impact. The idea behind this sort of research is to minimise the round going through a victim and into an innocent bystander, take on board a passenger liner as an example. it also imparts more shock to the body meaning a drug crazed attacker can be taken down by one round. Only drawback is that being the USA it will be available to everyone and his dog instead of just the forces that need them.
My mate and I decided to have a bimble around the Lincolnshire wolds today as it is so picturesque in the sun. We took all the back roads which are pretty narrow and occasionally get stuck behind the odd tractor moving from field to field....but today it was 40 of them in a convoy! After following them for a couple of miles we decided to stop and have a drink and a smoke to let them get off the road. We then set off again and took our intended route turning left at a cross roads and right into the back end of the convoy again! this happened twice before we finally got past them all! ~We found out later that they were all going to a show two villages over. Luckily were weren't in a hurry and the sun was out but the next time you are stuck behind a tractor just remember, it could be worse.
Louth bike night
This has been running for about three years Slice. I think they are in competition with the Barton bike night.
Louth bike night
Just got back from this and it was a great night. The place was heaving and there were lots of very nice bikes. Here are a few pics of it. Not to mention twins! My camera was on overtime as I took over 100 pics with it! Don't worry guys I won't post them all.
Oil level?
Thanks guys, I will get my mate to help and see what we can do.
Oil level?
As you probably know I own a Virago 750 and have a bit of a problem. When I try to check the oil I can't see through the small round window due to it being a nicotine brown colour. Is there another way to check how much oil is in there?
Custom Dragstar 650 bobber
What's up with a Virago then Noise? As for the panniers.....it is now pannier...single after I burnt one. oops! maybe i should have wrapped my exhaust. LOL.
Awesome Sword Skills
I don't think they should allow him to have anything sharp.
Custom Dragstar 650 bobber
That looks really nice. I do like the look of gloss back and chrome. Shame about the exhausts being wrapped though, I think that spoils it. just my opinion of course.
Don't tell me you haven't done it !
I pulled up outside a mates shop to show him my new bike. Turned the key and nothing not even a light on the dash? After checking wires, ignition switch, and then trying to move the bike I found it was in gear! lifted the lever and on came the neutral light! doh!
Virago 750 gear change
Thanks Neversaydie, I wasn't sure if the ball joint just sprung off or if it would strain it.
Virago 750 gear change
Can anyone help me with a question. I need to remove the gear change lever on my bike (Virago 750 1992)as the weld has broken on the lever pivot pin. Can I take it apart from the ball joint on the linkage or do I have to take it off the selector rod on the case? I managed to drop it the other night! only gently but it cracked the weld. Doh!
Do you Love Cheese ??? (NWS ?)
'Well twist my nipple nuts Mr Lister Sir' Brilliant stuff!
Touchscreen phones and gloves - what's the answer ?
I have a Bluetooth helmet that connects to my phone but to answer a call you have to touch the button on the side of the helmet. if I don't want to answer it I just don't push it.
Slice, you were right!
No, luckily the exhaust is ok just a dent in the rear of it, (out of sight)but certainly need a new set of panniers.
Slice, you were right!
Nah, no problem Slice. It was my own fault for not paying more attention to them. Thought I would post it up as it may save anyone else doing this. My main concern was how much damage the small co2 canister did to the silencer!
Slice, you were right!
Well after your comment on my panniers being close to the new exhaust on my bike I didn't heed the warning! I know I should have had a closer inspection but on a long trip yesterday it did burn through the bottom of the pannier! The first I knew of it was a loud bang while doing 70 on the M11! Gave me a bit of a shock and after finding somewhere to stop it had burnt the bottom of the pannier out and left most of the straps i had in there hanging out the bottom! As for the loud bang, I had a puncture repair kit in there with co2 cartridges and one of them had gone off! putting a golf ball sized dent in the silencer! i count myself lucky it didn't do any more damage. On the way down while doing 60MPH I had an assisted suicide with a crow on my handle bars! no damage there but the crow looked a bit the worse for wear in the rear view mirror! Other than that it was a wonderful day out and a great ride covering over 320 miles. I now need a new set of panniers and I have learned a lesson.
New pipes....so sweeeeet
Well Slice, it is about the same position as my old set so we will see. I shall keep my eye on it just in case.
New pipes....so sweeeeet
Sorry Toutsuite, video is a bit beyond my computer capabilities.
New pipes....so sweeeeet
Ok, here we go then. I managed to get out in between the rain showers and now a thunderstorm!
New pipes....so sweeeeet
Well after asking on here for info on a new set of pipes for my 750 Virago I bit the bullet and bought a set. They are a stainless set for a company on E-bay and at £300 notes not too bad price wise. I was worried about the sound being too loud for the neighbours after hearing my friends Vance and Hines pipes on his Harley. shouldn't have worried as these sound perfect! they are a bit louder than the standard 'pea shooter' pipes I had but have a really nice deep throaty sound like a proper 'V' twin. I was also worried about removing the old pipes, especially the studs on the down pipes but with some tips off you guys on here I sprayed them well with Plus Gas over a couple of days and this did the trick. They were almost as clean as a whistle and came off very easily. Taking the old pipes off proved a bit of a fiddle but easier than I had read on some forums. (those things weigh a ton!) should get a few more MPG without all that weight. LOL. fitting the new pipes was pretty easy and the only problem encountered was how tight the silencers fitted onto the down pipes and I had to drift them on with a block of wood and a mallet. Everything lined up perfectly and the fit around the frame was spot on. I had ordered a set of gaskets for them but they hadn't arrived in time so I was very lucky to find the gaskets were in good condition and could re-use them both. As I was tightening up the system the 'postie' arrived with the new set! Doh! I struck the bike up before everything was tight to make sure it didn't blow and sure enough it didn't but I instantly fell in love with the sound WOW! it was so sweeeet! I have to say that the system is a very good quality with being all stainless steel with double skinned down pipes and good welding on the brackets. It is also much thicker steel than I expected and has a good solid mounting on the bike. Only two gripes I can think of and that is a shame they don't include the gaskets and The Haynes manual is next to useless for this job! mind you I have found Haynes manuals rubbish for most jobs anyway. The Clymer manual is better but still not comprehensive on the exhaust. Sorry no pics at the moment as it's doing the usual cats and dogs but will get some later when it fines up a bit.