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Everything posted by mailee

  1. mailee replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in General
    Inside every old man there is a young man trying to get out! Happy Birthday.
  2. mailee replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in The Bar
    I did 320 miles in one day on the Virago last year and have to say it was very comfortable. I now have a Hornet but wouldn't like to do that sort of mileage on it though.
  3. mailee replied to Ttaskmaster's post in a topic in General
    Stockings and suspenders.
  4. mailee replied to Tommy xs's post in a topic in The Bar
    Went to Willingham woods yesterday and then a ride out to Tattershall today. Lots of bikes out thought my head would fall off from nodding. Weather improved later in the afternoon today but it was a cold ride out.
  5. mailee replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well! Doesn't she look a cocky bu**er.
  6. mailee replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I did like the Ewan and Charlie thing. At least they travelled like 'real' bikers on dirt roads, camping out, and taking the rough. I think if Henry did that it would kill him! he nearly always rides on tarmac roads, stays in top quality hotels and takes his bike into a garage at the merest hint of trouble, what a wuss! He even ran out of fuel on a Harley while doing route 66! I am afraid if he was riding with me he would find himself in a ditch somewhere.
  7. mailee replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    So! you are the two that like Henry Cole! everyone I have spoken to hates him. I have to admit I can only watch him for a few minutes and then have to change channel. Man, that man can whinge for England!
  8. mailee replied to slice's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    HOLY SH*T! what was he riding...a rocket?!
  9. mailee replied to lallasro's post in a topic in Video Section
    Hee, hee. That's the Elf, where's the safety.
  10. mailee replied to lallasro's post in a topic in Video Section
    WOW! That is truly fantastic. Is it running on compressed air?
  11. mailee replied to slice's post in a topic in General
    WTF! I thought it was a trailer for a new Toy story movie!
  12. mailee replied to rdleigh55's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    OOer! He's not from Royston Vasey is he?
  13. mailee replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in General
    I think it is mainly down to the fact that a 17 YO can only ride a 125 anyway so it's must be a waste of money to take a test when you can just keep doing a CBT after two years. They will probably wait until they can take the full test and get a bigger bike.
  14. Ooh, yes, I like that. Are there many about and are they any good? i am thinking of another bike, that could just be the one. Hmmm
  15. mailee replied to Preload's post in a topic in General
    Afraid I'm gonna be different here. I like the look of the XVS1900 and think the Victory's are Fugly! I hate those headlamps!
  16. NO NO! don't do it, it's God's waiting room.
  17. mailee replied to mailee's post in a topic in General
    Yeah, tis a shame but I had to work on Saturday so it had to be Sunday. Maybe in the future guys.
  18. mailee posted a post in a topic in General
    Had a good ride out today to Squires cafe. It is the first time I had been after hearing so much about it and have to admit it was worth the ride. It was advertised as a 2T day and there certainly was a few there along with some stunning bikes. I did have a bit of an embarrassing moment as I arrived as I pulled up in the second parking area which is on a steep slope and as I tried pulling the bike backwards into a parking space up the hill I fell over with the bike! Luckily no damage only my pride and someone came to my aid to lift it again. My mate couldn't help as he was still holding his bike on the brake waiting to park. Sods law I suppose. Anyway here are a couple of pics from the day.
  19. mailee replied to slice's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Never mind the cat, that is the first time I have seen a prop stand shaped like a screwdriver! Beautiful bike by the way.
  20. mailee replied to lauragilmour's post in a topic in General
    That price sounds about right. I failed my MOD 1 three times but passed the MOD 2 first time and it cost me £1,200! This was using a training school bike with lessons. Wish I had taken my bike test back in the 70's when all my mates did as it only cost £15 back then. But as has been mentioned you could ride up to a 250 on a provisional. I was a naughty boy and rode a 350 at the time.
  21. Obriens 65 makes a good point but very early bikes didn't have kick stands just a centre stand? If it was a case of which side of the road you drive on then it would always be on the nearside. I wear my Hein Grericke jacket with the lining still in and leather trousers over base layers with a pair of bike boots. It has to be very hot for me to be comfortable.
  22. mailee replied to tomyqss's post in a topic in Video Section
    Crazy man me thinks!
  23. mailee posted a post in a topic in General
    Having only been riding 'big bikes' for just over a year now and being on the small and light side I was worried about taking a pillion. After reading up on advice and taking with other biker friends I bit the bullet and took my lad on the back today. We went for a bit more than a little jaunt as we did a 100 mile round trip to Lincoln! He loved it apart from his new lid pinching a bit and I learned a lot about carrying a pillion. He had already been on one of my mates bikes so he knew just what to do and once we were under way I hardly noticed he was there. Biggest problem was stopping and making sure the bike was upright to keep the balance right. On the return journey I was stopping like a veteran and it became much smoother to a halt. I found pulling away was fine just needing few more revs and feet up on the pegs quickly for the balance. The bike is only a 750 Virago but it seemed to pull well two up and did seem to be a little more sluggish to respond to inputs to the bars apart from that it was a great ride and a big hurdle for me to overcome. Problem now is I feel knackered with all of the concentration.
  24. mailee replied to Katie1's post in a topic in Video Section
    Finally a sensible voice. She should run for president. Even better she should be our Prime minister.
  25. Well it's here again on Wednesday. I shall be going along but not on the bike as I am taking two others with me. I am taking my lad who want's a lid so he can come for a ride with me. Might even get him riding yet.