Everything posted by Keith59
BT1100 Bulldog - the benefit of your wisdom please!
Just bought one and I love the bike. But it is built for comfort not for speed. Pulls like a train from 30 in top to 110 plus not sure what it will go on to. But then that's not what this bike is about. Agree a test drive is the thing to do. I don't think it's a lot faster than my 600 bandit, but its a great bike in my opinion.
bulldog tyre blues
Just bought an 05 plate and love the bike. Using bridge stones and all is good.
Bulldog hugger
Guess that's a ,no, then?
New puppy
Thanks for the welcome posts. Bit new to all this forum stuff. Cheers. Love the bulldog, definitely built for comfort not for speed, but changing gears is so old school now.
Bloodhound British "rocket" car animation
What happened to the ej200 jet engine?
TDM 850 Handguards
Sorry cant help you with makes. But I picked up a set of ,fit everything, guards from my local bike shop (v ten bikes) for £30. They did the job for me and kept the icy wind blast down. Recommended. I had them fitted to a bandit.
Bulldog hugger
I can only seem to find one hugger out there. Anyone know of a better selection
New puppy
After 38 years I have now purchased my second Yamaha. First bike was a 1974 fisie I am now the proud owner of a bulldog. Cheers