Everything posted by edoffroad
Howling/Screaming Noise
Sorted...Front wheel bearings replaced and no more noises. After chatting to a yamaha mechanic it seems that on a Fazer, even if you slightly over tighten the wheel bolt when refitting the wheel it can bugger the bearings causing this revolving, screaming noise! Whilst the wheel was off I also cleaned up the Speedo assembly which wasn't running as freely as it should and had a slight squeak....Could it have been that? I also fitted some trim to the edge of the double bubble screen....could it have been that? I doubt it. Main thing it's sorted now Thanks for your input and suggestions Ed
Howling/Screaming Noise
It must be the wheel bearings Pat, gonna change um tomorrow, everything else is checked and replaced if needed. Thanks Ed
Howling/Screaming Noise
I'll take a look at that tomorrow Preload....then I might have to try Shit-Fit and then if they don't know maybe a paranormal society to see if it is indeed haunted!...I'll let you all know. This might not be helping me fix my bike buts it's giving me a giggle.. Cheers, Ed.
Howling/Screaming Noise
I'll give it a go Ken, but the noise was there before we changed the brake pads, just in case it was the break pads as they were cheap and nasty things that weren't the best fit. Thanks
Howling/Screaming Noise
It's not an import it's a UK bike so no gold thing Noise. It's also not that typical wife whine either, it's even more hi pitched!! I'll keep on with the process of elimination DT and see what's what. Thanks all
Howling/Screaming Noise
There no noise or rumble at all Mervin when turning the wheel, really smooth. I'll try the silicon on top od the double bubble screen and see if that helps Clarkgray Thanks
Howling/Screaming Noise
Morning All I've just serviced my 600fzs fazer 2002 and everything seems to be running perfectly. The bike is new to me since passing my test in October and since riding it for the first time there has always been what I can only describe as a Howling/sreaming noise that seems to be coming from the front end. It doesn't kick in until about 25mph and gets progressively louder and the pitch gets higher the faster you go! It's had new quality brake pads, there is no play in the front bearing at all and the break discs are in excellent condition. I've even taken off the front mud guard extension to see if that was rubbing on the nearly new tyre to see if that makes a difference but it doesn't. At first I thought it was just air rushing through the fairing but it's got more of a revolving/spining noise to it. If any one has experienced this or has any suggestion please. Many thanks
Evening All
Thanks All, Iv'e taken your advice DirtyDT and ordered a stainless one.
Evening All
Hoorah I've passed Mod 2 and can't wait to get out on the fazer. Does anyone know the best place to purchase the downpipe part of the exhaust system and approx cost. I've had a look on ebay and stainless systems are anything from £159 to £200. Can you purchase a mild steel system and would it be any less than stainless. The end can is fine. Thanks
Evening All
Thanks for the info guys, will let you know how it goes when I pass my test. Thanks again
Evening All
Thanks bippo !
Evening All
Thanks for the welcome and explanation of Dyno Jetting, It has had an aftermarket can fitted also. Will this make much difference to performance or alter enconomy? Apparently it's got a K & N air filter too. Thanks
Evening All
I'm new to the bike scene, had a couple of 125's in my youth but the mid life crisis tells me that I should really bite the bullet and pass my test now. I have done my theory test and CBT last week and start a Direct Access course in a couple of weeks time. I wasn't going to by a bike until I'd passed my test, but a friend of mine was selling his yellow 600 fazer FZS on an 02.So I bought it. It's sat in the garage facing the back wall with a sheet over it so it can't wink at me. The chap I bought the bike off said that it has been Dyno Jetted, what does this actually mean? Thanks in advance for any info