Everything posted by Semi-C
XJ 600 Fiddling
Many thanks for your time squire
XJ 600 Fiddling
Thanks Cynic Had contemplated 900 Div but had shyed away due to spring rates. Thundercat had slipped my memory though, could be a good direction Would you know how tough it would be to get a set of thundercat forks/yokes on an xj 600 headstock? It would be new ground for me fitting non standard bits, have dismantled and re-assembled but never substituted. As for swingarm transplants, also exciting (read: Terrifying) new territory.
XJ 600 Fiddling
Hello all, I have taken possession of a 1991 XJ600, on the road, plenty good enough for everyday service. Kinda.... On our return journey to my house I found that it has a tendency to list to the left which becomes a veer to the left if hands are removed from bars. Also, there is a fluttering felt through the bars, possibly Headstock (although this feels fine) possibly shock linkage bush (with which there is some play). Left hand fork leg has evidence of fluid leak so a seal set is to be installed and I hope with forks removed, refurbished and re-installed, straight ahead service will be resumed. I aspire to a more modern (17" front and back end, proper sized wheels & tyres) and was wondering if anyone on here has any hints, tips and cheats on which donor bike's front end would bolt on with the least trouble and which donor bike's back end could also be coerced into fitting my frame with the least grief? I had considered YZF750 as a source of either or both but am yet to get a measuring stick out and confirm it's suitability. Here's hoping that some other soul has had similar ideas and has already made progress with some of the R & D. Yours Cross Fingeredly, Col.
How Do
I'm actually from East Anglia but my folks are from oop them ways so I've evolved to communicate via a bit of diverse dialect. S'smart enough for me like...
How Do
I could really do with some of that ( counselling that is! ), Not sure if I can make the transition on my own
How Do
Ay oop there, My name's Col and I have just become the proud owner of a 1991 xj600, fair smart it is. Not a model I'm overly familiar with but not my 1st Yamaha. Only ever previously owned 2t bikes (4L0 LC, F2 YPVS, RXS100....) Early feeling I have from the XJ is ok, definitely different but not bad. I look forward to chatting with y'all Ta'ra...