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Everything posted by shambles1980

  1. continuity test looks like a right pointing arwo pointing at a vertical line with a horisontal line running through it. hope that makes sence.. that would be used to check that one end of the wire is actually connected all the way through to the opposit end of the wire. "thats just checking the wire dosent have breaks in it or bad connection in the middle some wher. it is not for measureing power." your multimeeter would be used to measure 6/12v by setting it to the correct V --- "dc" or V~ "ac" then you wpuld put the black end on ground. and the red end to the source of the power.. "where it enters the horn/light/switch exetera or where it exits the switch, not the battery live" the multi meeter will tell you how m,uch power you get through.. so its better than the tester above. as it is more accurate. "it dosent really mater which way you have the red and black wires, it will just show a - infront of the reading if they are backwards."
  2. seems as though all my parts have now arrived. So i will be starting work on this asap. just going to start with a strip down/rebuild. and put the new head on and hope that cures any issues it has. Decided to go with an inline fule filter after the tap. "and a new tap" Figured id like to see the fuel im also looking to see if i can find a big bore kit for it, but i dont seem to be able to find one. the closest i can find is for a yb 100 or dx 100 "both look the same to me" but not the same as an rsx 100. I had also planned on changing the sprocket size on the engine. was hoping to kill off some accel and add a bit to the top end. but if i cant find a bigger piston and barrel i think thats a bad idea. im also wondering if there is any sort of fairing for this, something like the old supredream had would be good i think given the round hedlight. Any way. Project should start in the next week or so. im decorating the new house at the same time. and my wife managed to take down a big lump of plaster striping wall paper yesterday. so im having to fill that in too. i will try and add pics. "of the bike rebuild.. not the house redecoration lol"
  3. is there some sort of method to allow me to post a wanted advert in the wanted section? i just cant make a new topic there..
  4. i spray paint xboxes all the time. i know thay arent bikes but they are plastic, provided you wet and dry them. then clean them (i dont use acetone based solvants for that, even isopropy can be bad, so good old soap and water is good.) work up in grit with wet and dry i start with about 180 grit to get the scratches out. and work up to about 400grit. then clean thouroughly. "you can even throw them in the a dish washer at low ish temp with a Tiny And i mean tiny ammount of washing up liquid rubed on to them just remember to take them out before the thing decides to steam dry them" that will get them clean after sanding. then you need to give them a few coats of primer. i like to leave them for like 16 hours between coats. but the general rule of thumb is you can either do a second coat after its become tacky (probably 20-30 mins later) or you have to wait the full drying time and then do a nother coat. if your like me and prefer to let it dry to guarantee no messups, you again hit them with some 1000/1600 grit wet and dry (wet). dry that off and wipe down thouroughly so its clean. as for the painting.. its not the easiest thing to avoid orange peel but its down to the ambient temperature and mositure. i will only paint on days between 18-22c and i do it indoors.. "in a shed/garage" Its also a good idea to get some warm water "room temperature" and put your areosol an in that so its about the same temp in the can as it is out of the can. short even burst of paint is the way to go.. you can always add more but if you get to much on there it will run and you will hate it, and i dont care what any one may belive. if it does run and you try to catch it "dab it" then thats just ruined your paint job" if you dont try and catch it.. its ruined your paint job. Oh and clean the nozzle lots and shake the can lots. And if its running low. then get a diferent can. dont use the thing till its empty. Theres nothing worse than doing a nice looking even coat then the thing spits out blobs all over your work. if your really keen about the finish. some printer paper and toothpaste which has bycarbonate of soda in it will act like a ultra fine wet and dry. as for the frame being haveing the numbers ground off it.. I would not be happy owning that frame.
  5. i think they should remove seatbelts and airbags from cars. they have belts and airbags and a giant steel cocoon around them, This makes them feel invulnerable so they tend to drive like idiots. re move most of the saftey devices Maybe line the dashboard with knives and im sure they will start to pay attention to whats going on around them. having said that you always get the odd idiot. i was on my way to a city near me the other day. and was a biket just infront of me. he turned up to go to halfords and then some idiot in a car was coming down to the junction on the wrong side. there was no way either the car or the biker could have seen eachother before they both arrived at the same spot. Luckily the biker had gone really close to the cerb so they did not collide. if the biker had been in the center of his side of the road it would have been ugly. or if the car had been closer to the cerb. I saw an altercation begin and felt like going over to help the biker, but the car driver seemed to realize he was actually on the wrong side of the road. Thats purley a terrible driver and nothing to do with not seeing any one. And no matter how you anticipate what these idiots will do. you really cant expect to see one coming down the wrong side of the road on a junction on a blind corner.. A small part of me wanted the biker to have been a car and then there would have been a collision and the idiot driver on the wrong side of the road would have had a LOT of explaning to do. and with any luck been taken off the road.
  6. still wating and its frustrating lol. cylinder head still has not arrived. and whats worse "to me at least" i orderd new set of oil seals. and a sprocket carrier bearing from the same company. the sprocket carrier bearing arrived yesterday. (was dispatched on the 1st) but the oil seals were dispached on the 29th and still have not arrived. and i havent been able to get them to reply to emails.. the head wont be here till the 5th!! (thats forever away) also i just spotted a cb125 for sale for cheap. But the wife wont let me buy it because im still working on this bike.. any one know a good way to convince a wife that i need 2 bikes?
  7. I dont think thats 125cc.. Its been a long time since we were allowed anything larger than 125cc as a 1st bike in the uk. next they will be saying Has to be 4 stroke too. They like to suck the fun out of life over here.
  8. The "pop up" um.. "pop's up" when you arrive not when you try to leave. no virus excetera and no issues here but thought id mention that as its apparantly not running as intended. and personally i just closed it then found my own way to register lol (i dont like poper uppers"
  9. i just dont like sitting around doing nothing lol.. Im used to having what i need at hand. and then being able to do it.. lol if the bike was down here id probably have the engine in the house with me now nice cup of coffee and engine in bits getting all cleaned up. I had to rebuild an ar125 i bought in boxes about 13 years ago "some one had striped it down and just decided it was to much work" turned out to be missing a woodruff key, and i couldnt figure out where the disk valve should be in relation to the piston, but apart from that it all went fine. sold it to a friend who replaced the woodruff key and set the disk vale correctly and it ran like a charm.
  10. Name: Yamaha rxs 100 (1990) Date Added: 30 September 2012 - 09:56 PM Owner: shambles1980 Short Description: Bit of a sad state at the moment. cylinder head spark plug hole has no threads. losing compression passed the plug. needs a couple of new mirrors and offside side pannel. Head replaced. side panel found. View Vehicle
  11. dont have any good places around here in rural wales lol.. been looking at heli-coils. wonder if they are viable. im still not certain that i could drill the hole out straight enough. but as i do have a new cylinder head on the way it should be ok. seeing as i have all the bearings seals and gaskets on the way im still going for a full strip down clean and rebuild. Im hoping that will give me better preformance and make it more economical to run. had a crazy idea to JB weld a plug in place given that its a low pressure engine. see how that holds whilst i wait for the new head
  12. ok. was up there again today. Found out why the spakplug was only hand tight when i got the bike.. Seems some one had over done the tightening. and the thread is knackerd. have a new cylinder head on the way now. any way tI found all the gears now and seem fine. I assume that this lack of power issue the bike has will be due to loss of pressure from the cylinder head. You can hear all the pressure hiss out arround the plug when you crank it by hand. Hopefully that will be an easy fix then. Il just clean out the cylinder and then replace the head and with any luck that will have it fixed. As for the old head. Im wondering if there are any over sized spark plugs i can get, then i could use a tap and die set on the hole and use a bigger spark plug. seems a shame to waste it due to something like a few bad threads
  13. i went up there today. and the spark plug has been removed from the cylinder head. "had no tools to replace it with me" so i did the old jam my finger in the hole and see if there is any pressure test.. Seemed ok.. Kicked it in to 1st. and pushed and even without the plug in you could tell it was in gear... But i aint so sure that im able to select 2nd or 3rd excetera.. It may just be the gearing and the fact that it had no spark plug in there, but i swear that bike felt like it was in neutral in every gear expet for 1st. obviously i will be going back up there tomorrow with my tools. and il try it again with the spark plug in. hopefully with the spark plug in il get some resistance when i try to push it in gear. any way Im assuming it was just easy to push due to the piston being able to travel easily due to missing the spark plug. But im wondering if the inlet reeds can go and cause issues like this? I should probably just strip it down and get it on the bench before i try to diagnose whats up with it. but given that i just got the bike and I want to work on it but the dumb thing is miles away All i have is trying to think what could be the issue.
  14. ok, bear with me on this one. im in the middle of a house move and the bike is about 3 miles away. so i wont be able to tell you things about it untill ive been up there and done stuff.. any way heres the deal. picked up an rsx100 the other day, and it is in a bit of a dire straight cosmetically its not to bad. needs a new indecator lens. and had apparantly passed its last mot before the issue started.. Now all i know is that it starts but has no power. and the previous owner thought iot could be carb related, but he is no expert. it has had a new piston and not that long ago "i assume to try and rectify the issue" and if they replaced the piston im sure they would have noticed any gouges in the head. But i will check for some any way. I think its likley to be a crank seal or something thats blown, so i have bought a complete gasket set and complete engine oil seals set. it could be bearings i guess but as i havent started the bike yet i cant listen out for any tell tale sounds.. so basically id like a list of things to check. Im presuming that i should start off at the exhaust and work my way up to more serious areas such as the head. any way help apretiated. i havent rebuilt/striped a 2 stroke engine since the 90's so glad of any help offerd
  15. well you have to admit, no one is ever 1st interested in personality.
  16. Hi i just picked up an RSX 100. "number plate tells me its 96, guy thought it was 84.." its a bit worse for ware. needs a bit of electrical work. some engin work "hopefully carb related" and a copiuos ammount of tlc thought id come join up here as it may be a valuable source of needed parts.
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