Everything posted by shambles1980
2 days past my cbt and already addicted to riding lol
hello and welcome. just keep a close eye on those smidsy's
look what I found!
a 50cc moped up to a whopping 33mph is ride-able on a full car driving license without passing or even taking your cbt if you had your license before 2001.. so im looking for one for my uncle as its costing him to much to go to and from work right now in his car. so thats one reason for a moped.. or you have the reason why i used to have a c90.. Its just fun to tear around flat out at the edge of the bikes limits whilst not really being in that much danger of an horrific accident when your young. also they seem fast when they are screaming lol.. although the c90 was more of a wind up rather than a peddle jobby. still fun. also its fun to give to kids to chase chickens on farms.
wr125x running lean due to fitting full arrow exhaust?
the usuall fix for running lean is to jet up. probably gonna need for some one with more expirience with ths set up to pop in though.
2stroke oil adjust on neos 100?
ok i cant really take it any where right now though. need to change the tires as they arent fit for anything. should have them in the middle of next week. im also changing the break pads front and back which should be here tomorrow. i wouldn't feel right taking it on the road before then.
MOT a thing of the past?
I understand not needing tax.. but no mot? I mean id be happy to save the money. But i think id be happier to know that some one els also thinks my bike is road safe and may spot something i didnt think about.. dry rot tyres for instance. maybe i decide well i can get 200 more miles out of those then have a blow out and really regret my choice "if i was lucky enough to get the chance too" Having to have an mot however would make me look at the tyre and say well its a shame it has some cracks but it wont pass an mot like that. so buy some new ones.. now personally i wont ride a bike with dry rot on the tyres, but a lot of people seem to think they are fine. and a mot is the only reason they change them if the tread looks fine. if its a matter of they wont pass the emissions test or similar. then cut that part out of the test.
2stroke oil adjust on neos 100?
ok so time to start using the real 2 stroke oil res. filled it up. started the bike let it tik over on idle for a bit.. More smoke than you can shake a stick at.. My diagnosis? To much oil getting thru.. my question? how do i adjust it on this stupid thing?
Throttle needle vs airscrew adjusting - 2stroke
looks a little rich but probably fine. like i said i do tend to set up a bit more on the lean side.
Japanese Ducati (yes, they finally did it)
lol i liked that i was expecting to see a "dubati" badge or something.. was quite a good immitation of a 998 though.
Throttle needle vs airscrew adjusting - 2stroke
im glad your checking your plugs. it really is the only way to get these things running right. personally id also make sure the exhaust is in tip top condition. the ehaust on 2 strokes makes a big impact.. on my rxs if i had some how managed not to attach the exhaust properly the thing would rev like no ones buisiness. and i can guarantee it would have exploded if i tried to ride it any where like that. but it sure did sound like it meant buisiness. personally i like to set everything up to a basic level. "pin in middle setting" start it adjust the mixture via carb screws till it sounds good running at idle "i like to do it by ear, if the idle sounds good to me then i will let it just idle for a while. make sure there arent any differences in the idle noise "speeding up slowing down" if it seems like a good idle setting. makes sure the plug is clean. then go rag it arround for a while. then bring it back home and check the plug(s). Hopefully it will be the correct colour if not then its time to adjust. I do tend to set up a bit to lean when i do it by ear if im honest, rev counters help with that. not all 2 strokes have them though. but if you do have them use them. but running a bit lean you would tend to hear slight differences in the noise whilst its in idle. if i go by the above picture. id say that i usually set up aiming for picture number 18. and then id be happy to not mess with it any more.
Oil leak can anyone help me ?
The Beast bit me
some one here has a fetish.
scooter pannels and road saftey test?
so My neos' 100 is actually comming a long a lot better than the rxs ever did. running sweet as a nut now. got new wheels/tyres coming. Really need to source an instument panel though.. cant seem to find one. but I have emailed abbey motorcylces. "although from memory im going to need to phone them to get a reply. and by the end of the convo everything i asked for will be in a box posted and 1/2 way to my house lol. so i will need to pay them, this means its best to wait till I have the money in the bank for that." any way previous owner seems to have taken a bit of a spill. the lower belly pannel i can fix prety easy id imagine. but the foot well part is beyond my repair skills. (i could make it look nice, but the bit where the pillions right foot would go is completly missing) now is this a mot failure or what? could i just mesh it then fibreglass over the hole. spray it black and call it a day. could i just leav it as hole? or do i need to replace it for it to pass the mot..
im back.
looks like it.. turned her over the other day. I cant say it sounds good lol.. My old man was there saying "thats what two strokes sound like" I had to just shake my head at him.. it wasnt the Ring--a dinng ding ding ding.. that we all love it was a Ring-crccchhhh a d chhhrrchh crrrChhh ding.. sounds terrible. posibly a chewed up piston ring. but looks like its been over on its side. so im hoping its the fan for the little magneto (or what ever they are called these days) seems to be coming from that general area either way. Going to get the tools out this week end and see what i can find out. but never really worked on moped/scooters before. any way il see whats what. and it would be good to know what exactly is needed to pass a mot. which pannels have to be good (if any) and things like that.
im back.
been away a while sold my rxs 100 it just was a money pit unfortunatley. now i have an extra money pit. yamaha neos 100. needs some bits and piecese again. so i will probably be here for a while again.
rxs 100 still low on power
nah this was almost definatly smoke.. noticed it coming through the side of the pod filter so took it off. i dont think i could see fule mist as grey smoke slowly coming out of the filter. -edit- Just took it as fast as i could round the garden a few times small wheelie here n there. "it cant manage a proper wheelie how its running now. unless it decides that its going to run well like it occasionaly does" any way, ragged it about for a good 6 mins. pulled up and checked iside the carb.. its definatly smoke.. There not Loads in there but theres enough to mess with the mixture. im thinking has to be the valves. i dont see how the cdi or something could mess up the fiering in such a way as the smoke would be able to get in there when the valves are open.. infact i dont see how smoke could get out of the barrel when the valves are open at all as the piston should be in the way. has to be getting through the reed block on the exhaust part of the stroke. for the sake of £20 i think its worth replacing the reeds.. it still needs a good run. raging it about in 1st isnt helping any one. and im sure 2 stroke oil can only do so much with the abuse im giving it.
rxs 100 still low on power
noticed some exhaust fumes coming from the carb.. Im thinking the reed block or at least the reed valves may have an issue. i did check the reed valves though. couldnt suck air through them when they were stuck to the reed block, and when i blew they worked ok. i guess im not working at the same psi as the engingne though.. I would imagine if smoke gets back in to the carb it would mess up how it runs.. "messed up mixture would explain the temprimental pick up too i think" Probably go ahead and buy some new reed valves and replace them.. "they are fibre reeds in there now" took them off a spare block though and fliped them over. like i said they seemed to seal pretty well but if i see smoke in the carb after turning the engine off (air filter off) it seems like the reeds must be messed up correct?
rxs 100 still low on power
stock pipe. cleaned with that custic stuff. but i was thinking of aming for a ginneli if i could find one. but still cant figure this thing out. it's almost there though it cant be far off.. every so often it will say "oh yeah im a 2 stroke" and then try to throw me off.. but apart from that its mostly acting like a 4 stroke
rxs 100 still low on power
sorry about the vid lol.. i had no where to mount the camera.. the bike dosent sound like that really either. but you can hear it picks up rpm then kinda stays at a certain rpm then a few seconds later it says oh yeah im supposed to go faster.. like at 1:46 - 1:48 (only a couple of seconds there but you hear it goes.. "reew blubl blub reeeeww blueb blub" in stead of the usal high pitched im a 2stroke looke out noises... think changing the cdi or coil would help any? also i have adjusted the carb the best i can to this filter. but i will probably need bigger jets. but its not going like its running lean if anything it feels like its to rich. but that may just be me thinking it should scream more running lean. and chug more running rich.
rxs 100 still low on power
so i have slowly been working in this rxs. did a top end rebuild new hear barrel and piston, still dosent seem to run as well as it should. seems low on power and a bit lumpy, then we have oassional bogging down. its sorn so i ant take it for a good ride. and how it is put together right now its not fit for the road yet.. thought id make a you tube vid of it see hat you guys think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFTWUeWWlq4&feature=youtu.be
spinning wheel bearing
im sure you can find a bearing that will fit even if its not specifically for wheels.. But id just use the tin can. I dont think at 6bhp it will be the end of the world if you used a bearing for say a camshaft that fits instead of a wheel bearing.
carb overflow hose! petrol shooting out
just thought id mention it could also be that the overflow screw (little jobby down by the overflow pipe, that you can see with the carb on the bike.) isnt in properly, or the little seal on it isnt on it.. if you undo that screw fuel will come out even if the float is set right and the little pin it upshes up is fine.. but as already mentioned. i would also check that the little pin the float pushes up is actually there. and that the float is pushing it up when its in the up possition.
How the hell do i remove this?
i want to remove it to replace it lol.. im starting to think some one welded the thing in place with how stuck it is lol
How the hell do i remove this?
lol i was quite a cassanova in my earlier years.. i think marriage has reduced my pulling power
How the hell do i remove this?
not sure i can do it unfortunatly. cant find any sort of link pipe that would work for the Rxs. I guess i could cut up one of my silencers that i have and weld a smaller link pipe to that and then a can on the end of it. but that would probably end up in the same situation as im in now and look like shit.. I wonder if its going better without the silencer due to sucking in more air one the charging stroke due to there being no silencer. but i have jammed on a pod filter which just really made it noisy. and didnt seem to improve anything really. im on 120main jet. i think that the right size. (2 diferent carbs have the same issue though so i doubt its the carb) I really didnt want to get the engine out and in bits before i knew 100% what exactly i was fixing.. id hate to rebuild the thing then have the same issue because it was something i never thought of. Having a spare engine i can now change the whole crank over which should be easier then splitting the crank to replace big end bearings. i also have a spare gearbox and so on. But again. i dont want to replace all that stuff if i didnt need to either.. i wont just swap engines because the numbers on the new engine had been suspisiously bashed with a hammer. and then to get the barrell off of it i decided to hit the number with a hammer when holding the barrel.. (which worked.. but did completley destroy the numbers) I guess i could get a length of pipe bent to shape. i dont have the tools to bend a pipe of the diamiter needed so i would have to source that out.. All in all its a lot of work/money though. I just really need to know what im actually fixing lol.. I guess i will just have to bite the bullet and brebuild it from the ground up replacing everything as i go and hope that the issue goes away. Should have bought a ginnelli exhaust for it when they were like £25 lol. expantion chambers are stupid prices now.
How the hell do i remove this?
The thing is rediculously stuck.. caustic soda did a good job. ( i think i went over board with the mixture, it started bubbeling like crasy and that made me happy) But even after the caustic soda it was still stuck.. couldnt get the thing out. so i poured in some terps. got the blow torch on it and set the thing on fire.. i let it burn for ages.. Still wouldnt come out. I hammered a screw driver all around the edge to try and seperate it from the silencer.. Still wont come out. Sprayed crazy ammounts of WD40 around it.. (you guessed it still wont come out) Funny thing is.. I decided id take it for a spin without any silencer at all on it (just the down pipe) Thing runs MUCH better without the silencer, its crazy.. im starting to think i should make my own straight pipe, stick it to the downpipe, and jam on an aftermarket silencer can to the end of it. I know it needs back pressure, but with the way it runs without a silencer. i think the bends in the downpipe do a good job of that. I would just put on a straight pipe and forget the silencer but its loud.. so im wondering if i could just jam a baffel in a straight pipe. Imay need some sort of expantion chamber on the pipe though. and i know if i mess that up it can make things worse. but i really didnt think it would run that well without a silencer at all. so I think a straight pipe+can or straight pipe + baffle may work well.. but i dont know what the mot people would say about it.