Everything posted by Alexengongong
GPR Exhaust on XT125R
I didn't notice a performance increase, but then I hadn't been on my bike for about 8 months prior to putting it on... I got it for £200, so it is a bit expensive but it just sounds so much better, and if you ask me looks a load better. The thing that I found help my performance the most was adjusting the valve clearances.
Xt 125 r to x
speedo will need recalibrating...
GPR Exhaust on XT125R
Thanks man!
My GPR exhaust
I don't know what you're talking about! i would never swear at a motorcycle!
GPR Exhaust on XT125R
Here's a clearer picture
GPR Exhaust on XT125R
Yeah it's my college workshop, i'm studying motorcycle mechanics. Yeah it's the GPR much better than the standard i think, i've posted a video of it in the video section if you wanna give it a listen
My GPR exhaust
http://youtu.be/6gYOgpJnSic hope this works...
GPR Exhaust on XT125R
My baby while i was doing the winter service (just testing uploading photos)
Bike Cutting Out And Not Restarting
Check your valve timing, mine cut out occasionally... Then I opened her up and adjusted to 0.08mm on the inlet and 0.12mm on the exhaust valve and now it doesn't cut out and just runs smoother in general...
Big bore kit
i wish i could man! been waiting since i got my bike when i was 17 to do this license and now they decide to put the full license back to the age of 24! gives me another 3 years to wait! kinda annoying, i would love to have a couple of bikes but being a full time student and only having a part time job doesn't really supply me with the funds i need :/ have a look at the Ducati Monster 660 or the Cagivo Raptors..... i think they're gorgeous!
Big bore kit
well i was planning on doing my direct access as soon as i hit 21(29th of january 2013) but obviously they're bringing in this new law so you're restricted to 47bhp on the 19th.... ten days before my birthday! so i'll get the DRZ leave it a couple of years then move on to a 750 Dorsoduro which was my plan originally
Big bore kit
Sorry I think I confused you foamy, both are four stroke, I was just being an idiot but yeah I am very much looking forward to getting the DR, heard great things about them.
Chain & Sprocket Wear
Good on you grouch! Other than saving money I think it's just a bit more rewarding when it all comes together after you've done it solo!
Big bore kit
Just examined the engines and they seem very similar if not exactly the same, 0.7CC difference (may just have rounds up the CC) exact same bore, exact same compression ratio, and they both look identical
Big bore kit
Someone mentioned it being a two stroke... Silly me for not checking really. And I know they're not the fastest bikes but I don't see the harm in working on it a little. Planning on getting the DRZ400sm next year but I don't mind spending a couple of hundred on the XT making it a bit more punchy in the meantime.
Chain & Sprocket Wear
£48 labour?! I've done this on a GSXR600, took about 15 minutes.
Big bore kit
Hey guys I've read in a few places that you can use the big bore kit from the TTR125 ( http://www.ebay.com/itm/BBR-Big-Bore-150cc-Engine-Kit-Yamaha-TTR125-TTR-125-L-LE-R-Cylinder-/150690446784 ) for the XT125, not sure how true this is as the XT is four stroke and the TTR is two stroke, although it does look very similar and doesn't replace the part for the valves used in the four stroke...... thoughts?
Yamaha XT125R engine swap.
Hey guys. I'm planning on completing my A2 license after the bike law change in January, so i can't touch a bike over 47BHP. to save myself the cost of a whole new motorbike i'm considering an engine swap.. Does anybody have any ideas on which engine would be good to go for, preferably a 250-300CC, air-cooled, 4-stroke.. Any suggestions welcome, even if it's just to tell me this is a stupid idea. Thanks!
yamaha xt 125 r problems need help !
Had a problem with my speedo too a couple of years ago, i'm pretty sure it's just brake dust and random crap off the road that builds up on the speedo sensor (mounted to/close to the front caliper) try and get a pipe cleaner or some kind of rigid cloth behind there and give it a good ol' scrub! if this doesn't work then it may need replacing as this is a common fault with the XT's.
Yamaha xt 125 x digital speedo not lighting up
Nice speedo! would there be any problems getting it on the xt125r 09?
Clutch and brake lever
Just thinking something a bit more attractive, price range maybe up to £40-£50?
Clutch and brake lever
Sorry, i forgot to mention, i am looking for some different ones than standard, maybe a little shorter... big thanks for the replies though
Clutch and brake lever
Hi all, i am looking to get a new clutch and brake lever for my XT125R 09 model , any suggestions? also is it a universal fit or do i have to be pretty specific? Thanks!
YBR 125 clicking sound on deceleration
Check the chain guard isn't loose, also check chain slack to make sure it's not tapping the swing arm.... other than that it might be internal...
YBR125 ready for winter
I've found wearing a pair of thinsulate kind of gloves underneath your normal gloves helps with the wind chill.... obviously not with the rain though...