Everything posted by Captain Triple
Getting pissed off with SMIDSY's
SMIDYS are bad enough, but the one that fetched me off made eye contact, decided he could make it before I got to him, then decided to stop, filling the road and leaving me no where to go except the side of his car, the impact was enough to launch me over the top of his boot. What gets me is how many bikers have tales like this either regular near misses or account 's of how they have been fetched off. Seems to me the only way to stop this is to make drivers go through a compulsory bike riding course before their allowed anywhere near the controls of a car. In my dreams!
DT175 to 125MX change
Sounds like im sorted once Ive found the right jet size. My lads ridding it mostly and he's just started learning, so its probably not getting much revs yet. Im going out on it at the weekend to get the feel of it and will be packing on the revs doing a WOT check. Thanks.
DT175 to 125MX change
Its clicking into place - looks like the Mk2 is a 22mm carb and the Mk1 125MX is 24mm with a right hand airbox . My manual which only goes to Mk1confirms 110 /115 or 130 dependent on country on a 24mm carb. Im sticking to Airheads advice and taking it down 1 size at a time and checking how it runs at WOT. Effectivly as a 125 Ive got a Mk2 airbox with a Mk1 carb size and Ive got to find the sweetest run between these two . Thanks all for your help.
Feeling rather chuffed
All this talk of riding in the cold and wet takes me back. Im a confirmed fairweather rider now but ive served a long hard apprenticship. All the advice I read is spot on. Makes me yearn for my youth when the choice for getting to work was bike or bike. You will certainly be more hardy for it and you cant beat the bike craft you will learn with a regular ride like that.
DT175 to 125MX change
Thats a big help, thanks for that. I think 130 is probably where Ill end up but Im going to go a little at a time and thanks for the detail Ill match it all up to what I've got.
DT175 to 125MX change
Ta for that, Ill take that advice.
DT175 to 125MX change
I was a bit confused by the info in the Hains manual it says 110 and 130 dependent on country, most of what i read points at 130 ? the 160 is standard DT175 so Im guessing your right its too big, Im just a little wary of droping a minimum of 3 sizes, never really messed with carbs before always played safe and standard. I decided to stay safe at 160 while it was running in and it goes smoothly enough riden steady eddie, probably hasn't been at WOT yet. I was going to give it a bit of a thrash this weekend ,spose that will make it stutter a bit.
Hello YOC
Plastic Triumph it is , but you'll notice the Meridan metal in my list. 2 stroke triples are un requited love, but it was a 2 stroke triple that started my love of motorcycles ( GT 550 ).
DT175 to 125MX change
I have recently converted my 1981 DT175MX to a 125. Seems silly I know, but it was a nice cheap way of getting my lad mobile for his 17th Birthday, and I made him do the work by way of some education. It runs ok using all the 175 carburation set up, but its not quite as sharp as it could be ( Its hard to tell as Im used to it as a 175). Its pretty well run in now and the plug colour is a bit on the dark side. Im thinking I ought to try changing the jet or perhaps the clip position. Anyone out there with a view on this. I think Im on a 160 main and the clip position is number 3, standard exhaust and air box. Nb the long term plan is to put it back to a 175 but tests have to be passed before this happens, so I just want it running as best is reasonable without too much change.
Hello YOC
Thanks for the welcome all. Think im going to enjoy this, its great to know your all out there enjoying your Yams, specially the DT's.
Hello everyone
Hi Ive just joined the forum and so pleased to see so many keen DT owners. Ive restored my DT175 a couple of times as Im a keen green laner ( UK off road) and its been on its knees a few times. It has risen phoenix like again this time as a DT 125. If I have some knowledge to help I will.
Hi from Canada
Plenty of space for riding off road in Canada I guess. I have enjoyed holidays there and next time I go Im determined to get on two wheels. Id like to here about the off road scene out there.
Just arrived home with a Townmate T80....
Heck its like new, top restoration.
Hello YOC
Been a biker since I was 17 and I love my old DT, I've had it since new in 1981. It used to be a 175 but is currently a 125 so that my son can learn to ride. Silly UK laws he would have been safe enough with the 175, but I guess they have to draw the line somewhere and he's just pleased to be mobile. Ive checked it out before he got on it after the head and barrel change. Seems a little bit sluggish but I'm used to the 175. Im thinking maybe needs re-jetting, but reluctant to do this without a bit more background knowledge. Its about run in now so thinking of refining the performance if I can, (Dont want it to be highly tuned just as good as it can be as a standard DT 125) Any thoughts from YOC members would be greatly recieved.