TW wont start up
thx for ur fin help, after spending over 100hrs in garage i managed to find out its valve, again thx and hopefully i ll never have to go on this freekin forum again cause its waste!
TW wont start up
got a new spark plug, got manual too, where will i have to unplug it? and thank you for your reply
TW wont start up
little update, cleand the carb, no change, compared the sound it makes when i try to start it up and it sounds like the kill switch is on constanlly, anyway to by pass it?
Hi there
Im in Ipswich, and i was born in Poland. yeah hopeuflly someone will help, but i think i know what it might be, long night ahead -.-
Hi there
Hello guys! new to this forum so i though i would say hi, had few bikes before, but yamaha is my favorite one! well at least it was till it died today.... but anyway im electrician, 19yrs old, love downhill cycling, music, chilling out with friends,and most important i love riding on motorbikes! btw english is not my first language so i apoligise straight away for anymistakes
TW wont start up
so i had my tw for 2 days, went for a ride this morning, everything was allright, bike had a 2hr breake, and i jumped on it again, started up fine, done around 20 meters and first i lost the power, then engine went off, and since then bike would not start up, i ve checked airfilter, spark plug, battery, fuel tap, and to be onist i do not have a clue whats wrong with it! btw its my first 125 and im pritty newbie in bikes and at this forum, so hi to everyone
Yamaha TW 125 stickers!
yeah will do and thank you!
Yamaha TW 125 stickers!
hi there, im in proces of re spraying my TW and im looking for a Yamaha TW stickers, if anyone knows where i could get some i would be more than really happy! Thank you
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