Everything posted by Hunglikeahorse
Hedgehog or guinea pig for dinner..??
nothing wrong with me its all them OTHERS..!!!! yep i got a few projects on the go from ebay but none are motorcycles most are cars or trikes. i have been given a orignal rd125lc mk2 in orignal paintwork and matching numbers free of charge ..... love these stupid faces xxx
Hedgehog or guinea pig for dinner..??
Chillout mike I'm pissed and in the bar...!!!
Chicken or egg...???
I've had HIV 3 times now. Paracetamol sorted it every time. To cure ash just add hash..!!
Hedgehog or guinea pig for dinner..??
Times are hard in the recession therefore I have made sure my bikes are ready for winter ie new tyres, oil, plugs, blankets, pillows, new battery (I don't ride in winter this is just for storage). So I now am broke and can't feed my 7kids and 1 small slave I am left with no choice it's either our pet guinea pigs "twinkle" and "angelface" or the hedgehog my mate flattened last week on the B152 with his trusted reliant Robin. All share a hutch together and the guinea pigs always snuggle up behind Hoggies remaining bodyparts. Duck in a duck why not pig in a hog...????
Chicken or egg...???
Wow peeps..!!! Just logged in as been away training with mr Bernard Matthews and god you lot Are like girls.... Any how ive given up uni now and am going to join green peace in saving the trees.... Can't wait Alaska here I come and I'm going on a road registered Suzuki LT50 quad from Essex to Manchester then fly to Uranus to Hugg trees and catch some rays in the tropical forests of Alaska.....!!!!! Chickens were never my thing they alway out smarted me and kept stealing my bike. Pmsl
Chicken or egg...???
What came first I gotta know or I will fail at uni. I'm sooo desperate to be a qualified chicken plucker. If you know the answer then where did that come from...??
Newboy to the club old git on the bike...!!!
Will do I don't like to wake them from there winter sleep... the DT will be out though for a Xmas blast down the lanes etc. Ever anyone in Colchester Essex area check out TK COPES motorcycles. The best yamaha dealer in Essex and south east xx
Newboy to the club old git on the bike...!!!
Cheers dude does 30 make me old then I still got a full head of hair and no greys... Just feel old now with all these plastic Ching Chong bikes everywhere. Kids now don't know what a real quality bike is. Cheap and nasty that's my motto for most NOT ALL..!!! New bikes on the Market today. Let's build a nice engine then wrap it in plastic one scratch it's a write off. My old superdreams 125 and 400n spent most of the time on the back wheel or sliding down the road on it's side... Pick it up start and Go.. QUALITY...!!!
Newboy to the club old git on the bike...!!!
Hi all, I'm Neil and am a 2wheeled nut " live to ride, ride till the end " I own a one off show piece nc23 CBR 400 built from scrap and designed by me owned for 12years, a DT125lc mk3 as on the Haynes manual(blue/yellow) owned for 17years ps whole bike is as new and NO PATTERN PARTS, then for summer I have a CBR1000F total standard, KH400 when the middle plug stays in and for popping around my village I use a very customed and quick pug speedfight100. Now for my new project to sit with it's sister bike I have a mk2 rd125lc original paintwork matching numbers 25% parts missing but nothing major. I have many spares for the above bikes if anyone can help with my rd I will try and help you cheers guys for reading bigg hugs and bloody smiley face Pmsl xxx
RD125 lc mk2 with matching numbers..!!!
Hi all I have laid my hands on a mk2 black n red rd125 lc I need parts and wanted to know if anyone has any parts or where I can get my mitts on some quality used n new parts..!!!
RD125 lc mk2
Hi all, I have just saved from the heavens a original mk2 rd 125 lc on a c reg. With matching numbers and low milage, only thing is the twat I got it from had done the classic "I'm gonna strip this and cut that then leave it in the garden to die for 5years" does anyone know where I can get parts and will the mk1 and 3 parts fit...???
Townmate t50 what's it worth
I no it's a extra large pile of turd but it's a classic ped that back in the day was number 1 with the Honda crunch to be nicked and turned into the local lads weekend fieldbike before monday morning and school they where torched or sold to just another bloke called Dave for 5 fags..!!! I can't find a 50 anywhere for sale and it's to clean to let my rodent children at it and turn it into another lashed up heap. I love the fun and smiles every bike offers to the rider so therefore I always try to offer a caring future for any 2 wheeled object with handlebars and an exhaust so my kids can laugh at what we all ride today. what would now be scrap is restored in my lock up tucked in bed from my very first fs1 to my 1000f and my pushbike lol.
Townmate t50 what's it worth
I have just picked up a townmate 50 are these sort after as can't find any for sale I have got it running fine just wanted to know what it's worth