Hi everyone I'm new to all this so bear with me lol, I'm 32 and live in west Yorkshire but from the north east ,bikes have been with me since I was a kid ,motorcross to road I have a full bike licence and currently running a yzf R6 I try to use my bike as much as posable ,to travel to and from work and play on it most weekends !! Here in west Yorkshire there is some great roads you can be in the lakes in no time or coast .
Spent a lot of money on my bike this so called summer only for it to let go today I was going to devils bridge when it jumped out of gear had to tinker at the road side managed to get 3rd so had to limp home not a good day !! Now have no gears so its a phone call to appleyards in the morning to see what the problem could be ?? If you think you might know please let me know many thanks . Ian