Yamaha XS 1100 missing cylinder 3...
Hi there... I took the out carbs again and cleaned it thoroughly... specially the 3'rd... It is beginning now to run a bit better...The temp is op around 170C now so I guess some kilometers can make it god... Thank you to all that helped me in this process... It is very nice to get some input..... Best regards Henrik
Yamaha XS 1100 missing cylinder 3...
All 4 cylinders are at 125 psi, and yes it is a little wet when I take out the spark plug, not much.... maybe I have to take out the carbs again and check the 3'rd harder....
Yamaha XS 1100 missing cylinder 3...
there is not that much fuel in cyl 3.. it's only so I can that'it's wet... I tried to plug the vacuum line as you said and run it til it stopped and... the temp never got over 80C... the others about 400C....
Yamaha XS 1100 missing cylinder 3...
Hi... Thank you for your reply's Yes I have a spark... this model shares the coil between cylinder 2 and 3 and i have tried to swab them.. same result.... Moderator: can you tell me what you mean by hydraulics..? /Henrik
Yamaha XS 1100 missing cylinder 3...
Hi AJ Thank you for your reply... I have performed a compression test and it did show yhat all 4 was fine.... I will repost it on the workshop... Thanks... regards Henrik
Yamaha XS 1100 missing cylinder 3...
Hi to all you bikers I am new here I have a problem with cylinder 3 that wont run, temp on exhaust manifold is aprox. 60degree C and the other ones are 300degree C. I have tried to clean the carbs, swobbed the ignition cables 2 to 3, swobbed the sparkplugs.... when I look down in the sparkplug hole I can see gasoline on the piston... I asumed that when cylinder 2 has a spark then cylinder 3 also would have... Compression is fine on all 4 cylinders Hope that anyone of you can help me Thanks.. Regards Henrik
Yamaha XS 1100 missing cylinder 3...
Hi to all you bikers I am new here I have a problem with cylinder 3 that wont run, temp on exhaust manifold is aprox. 60degree C and the other ones are 300degree C. I have tried to clean the carbs, swobbed the ignition cables 2 to 3, swobbed the sparkplugs.... when I look down in the sparkplug hole I can see gasoline on the piston... I asumed that when cylinder 2 has a spark then cylinder 3 also would have... Hope that anyone of you can help me Thanks.. Regards Henrik
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