Aerox 50cc
Spark plug is fine still bk firing alot though and cutting out now
Aerox 50cc
Hi there thanks a lot for advise,will check 2moz some 1 else said may be spark plug so fingers crossed,I fitted a new carb it's running better not cutting out when accelerating just only reaching 15mph & bk firing any ideas cheers
Aerox 50cc
Hi all,my bike started running not to well so took off the carb and cleaned was running well but not once it start and I rev it the bikes wants to cut out could this be due to the air fuel mixture not bein right on the carb or is there other bits to check cheers
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
thats a good idea cheers
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
no worries jus glad of ya help,icheersts still running well
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
hi there just to let you all know you was right, i found out the 2 batterys the bike shop has sold me in the past,were 2small for bike so not powerfull enough as i got to use my friends battery off his aerox we noticed straight away that it was bigger and the bike started straight away so cheers for ya advise
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
ok i wil bear that in mind cheers will be workin on it 2day so will keep u posted cheers
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
ok brilliant i will charge the battery to full power and check the voltage now i know what it should be,i will also check the main earth not sure where it should be but guess it will be or should be a thick black wire to the frame will also check voltage for charging then if all this seems ok maybe will try new battery no.3 lol thanks you guys for the help will keep you posted
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
it didnt come with a kicker on it but engine is ok as jumps off a car battery 1st press of the button so not sure whats happening but will check the starter cheers
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
i know you said you have no experince but do you know where or what the starter clutch is also would this drain the battery cheers
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
i tested the battery it was 11.5 before i tried starting it then as soon as i pressed the elec start button it went down to 2.6 and wouldnt even crank over, off the battery there is the posative wire which leads to a box then to the starter motor and when trying to start this clicks but not sure what it is.im so confused why this is draining and cant use my ped :-( not sure what else to try but thanks for your advise
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
yeah thats a good idea as there is no kick start on it so will source 1 on ebay then use that hopefully it will work,but still confused to why the battery is getting drained as soon as i press the elec start its a wierd 1
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
hi there i wrote on the new members page and i will not be goin anywhere so no worries there,i have fitted a new battery well this is the 2nd new battery and still doin the same thing so not the battery any other ideas,also is there any where i can find out where there is meets on cheers
New member
hi there allthough at 30 yrs old i have allways wanted a aerox so got 1 bit they are a little tempermental so found this forum site and thought id join,if there is ever any meets let me know or where i can check for these as would be good cheers
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
hello every 1i am new to this site and may i say it seems really good,i have a yamaha aerox 100cc i brought it cheap as a non runner i got it working but now when i go to start it off elec start the battery drains to 3 volts so wont start but then if jumped off a car battery will start 1st time and once started will hold the volts at around 12v,anyone ever experienced this and can help cheers