Everything posted by bippo
keep you bike locked up
That's not good, but a lucky escape. Whenever I get home I immediately put the disc lock on and a chain through the back wheel. Even if I'm only stopping for a short amount of time. If I'm travelling into a city centre or anything then the chain comes with, but regardless the disc lock is always with me and I put it on for even the shortest of stops. Not going to guarantee someone won't try but hopefully it'll help.
Which Subscription
Hey - I can see you've now purchased the 'pro supporter' package, but just for future reference, I'm a 'club sponsor' and am able to post under for sale and also view the members only discounts.
Spot the Cat
Yes. But it took me a while!
Hey and welcome to the forum! Really smart looking bike for the age, I'm sure you'll have a blast on it! Take care out there too. :-)
Complete newbie, be gentle folks
Hey and welcome to the forum Chris!
Roughleys toy run 9th December
Sadly I'm down at my parents so won't be going. Have a great time though if you are!!
Hey and welcome to the forum!
My RXS is dead. Crashing hurts.
Ouch. Glad to hear you're ok though, that's the main thing. Real shame about the bike. Well done for getting back on it after, best thing for it if you ask me. I have a YBR, and a cheap solution to the noise... Earplugs. They work wonders!
Mod 2 and ice
Sorry to hear you didn't pass, but stick with it, you're so close! I'm afraid I don't know how the changes will affect you I'm afraid.
It's that time. Who is putting their bikes away?
I have have a car, and the luxury of working from home too. I have only been riding since September and when I do go into the office it requires a jaunt over the Pennines and an 80 mile round trip on a 125. What scares me even more is the fact the I leave at 5.30am and can't see much ahead of me thanks to the unlit roads and poor headlight. It's a shame because at the moment I'd feel fine riding home from work, but I don't have the confidence to get there in the morning! The last thing I feel like meeting is some black ice on top of Woodhead Pass in the darkness. I went out today and felt quite proud of myself, only 1 other biker on the road. It was slippery out but I just took it steady and kept everything as smooth as I could. I live very close to Snakes Pass and not surprisingly I haven't heard the usual hum of sports bikes flocking towards it today! Overall, do what you feel comfortable doing. For me, I will now only use the bike for easy rides into work, and weekends. I certainly don't want to wait for Spring but will only use my bike when I feel comfortable doing so. Chicken? Maybe! But I'm going to wean myself into the riding world gently, and I'm thankful I have the luxury to do so. For those that will continue to ride through winter - good luck and take it easy!
Hello from Taunton, Somerset.
Hey and welcome to the forum! The YBR's are fun bikes so I'm sure you'll enjoy. I second what DT says though - appalling headlight for unlit roads at night!!
Hey everyone
Hello and welcome to the forum Jonny!
Whats your time worth?
Defo DIY, it's more fun. When I lived at home I would do small things on my car, but then I had the space to mess about. I also used to help my ex out with his bikes and cars, always found it good fun. Sadly, I don't have a garden or garage, so bike is on the road (and a main one at that), plus I don't have many tools, so I just do simple maintenance to my bike, any larger jobs I'd go to the garage. Looking forward to that changing when I can afford a house with some land!
Hello everyone
Hey and welcome to the forum!
How many of you riders filter/lane split?
Really good idea there. I've done that once which was good, and in a way I think it helped drivers notice us even more as there were two headlights bouncing around. I could see more eyes looking in their mirrors which was quite confidence inspiring.
How many of you riders filter/lane split?
I'm still new to riding and for a good long while I didn't even attempt to filter. So was left sitting in traffic while bigger bikes and mopeds cruised past me, ha ha! I'm not very adventurous and will only do what I feel comfortable with. My commute into work is so early I haven't got to worry about traffic, likewise my weekend rides are quite leisurely. There are two roads I filter down during my commute home from work, in standstill, single lane traffic. The roads have good visability ahead. I'm sure my confidence will build overtime but I won't risk a move if I'm not comfortable with it.
Hey and welcome to the forum!
Hi all newbie to the forum
Hey and welcome to the forum!
Welcome aboard! if you have space for two bikes, go for it! I'd love to keep my YBR after getting my full license, but it'll sadly have to go for a bigger bike. However that's only because I don't have the room for two, dammit...!
Got Pulled for F All (Again)
I am an IT Consultant at a large law firm. Funny how mentioning that puts fear in them... In all seriousness though, it's a shame that there are coppers out there that behave like that. It's puts a dark cloud over the ones who are honest, determined and hard working in their job.
Hi All! New biker
Hey Alex - a fellow YBR owner! Welcome to the forum! You're right, I love jumping on the YBR instead of clambering into the car. So much slower, but it still puts a grin on my face!
Worth A Gamble?
Let's hope they spend the 700 quid on English lessons...
Hey and welcome to the forum. I love my little 125 - forgiving, easy to control, nimble, good fun.
New member
Hey and welcome to the forum.
Newboy to the club old git on the bike...!!!
Hey and welcome to the forum.