Everything posted by bippo
sun is/was shining
Far from lazy - my poor bike has gone without a proper clean since December... I'm actually ashamed to say that! All I've done is cleaned and lubed the chain as and when, but the rest of the bike has gone without. Thankfully that December clean involved a thorough clean and a full coat of ACF50. Well I'm telling myself that was a good thing. Fear not though everyone - full clean pencilled in for this weekend, I promise!!
wtf have I done to deserve this shit?
Oh dear - it keeps getting worse for you mate. Just out of interest, what's your reason for being so adament about not selling it? Are you planning on keeping the XT and a larger bike once you get your full licence?
sun is/was shining
Great photos! Looks like you enjoyed yourself - hope you enjoyed cleaning the bike after too! Thanks for telling us about the bridge too - a hidden gem.
The latest fuck up!!!!
Just as Slice said... Instead spend the money on getting your full licence!
Hi, new member, WR 125X, and a question on the bike..
Hello Alex, welcome to the forum! Very wise in getting a 125 to practice on before attempting your DAS again. I'm sure you'll have great fun on the WR! I have an Oxford Monster XL chain - certainly a sturdy looking thing and it has both Thatcham and Sold Secure Gold ratings to it, which will go some way towards reducing your insurance (just as long as you do actually use it when you're out and about). I find the lock mechanism smooth, despite being out in all sorts of weather. I also use a disc lock (Oxford Patriot) as another deterrent. Unlike the chain, I've had to squirt some WD-40 into the lock mechanism because it became tricky to use, but that's such a minor point. Finally I also have an Oxford Aquatex cover as my bike gets parked on the road. Main reasons for buying a cover were to act as a further deterrent, but to also stop kids messing around with my controls etc. It's one of the cheapest covers Oxford sell. If you have a different set of priorities and want to keep the bike dry etc, then invest in a more expensive one as it lets rain through a little. We're looking forward to seeing your videos once you're up and running!
Hi newbie
Hello and welcome!
Hello from bournemouth!
Welcome to the forum! Plenty of info on DT's, you'll be we'll at home. :-)
Fork seals
You're not having a lot of luck of late. Take a gander at Beef's thread where help has been offered. Although no one is in Yorkshire, there are a couple in Manchester. Not saying they'll have the knowledge for this particular skill but there's no harm in asking. Just remember to supply the necessary parts, a notepad so you can learn, and some dosh or booze as a thanks for their time and patience. You're talking 40 miles max, one way, on your 125. A good excuse for a ride out if you ask me. My 125 does an 80 mile round trip for work and I love it. Alternatively, use the knowledge everyone has already shared, plus places like You Tube etc and see if you can try it yourself. If you aren't too comfortable doing this, then just share pictures of each stage. May take longer, but think of the satisfaction after.
Quick Hello - First Ever Bike Yamaha SR 125
Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your bike once you get up and running. You'll really enjoy riding around the Dales etc. The Peak District is where I spend most of my time practising.
Hello! Yamaha YG5T (1968) Clutch Cable
Welcome, lovely bike Dave Oh and Sacha, yours is too!! :-D
new yamaha r6 owner
Hello and welcome Brett!
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
Thanks Drewpy, that sounds like a plan!
Too close for comfort
I've seen drivers do similar things on the motorway with other cars, they pull back over w-a-y too soon. Could be wrong, but sometimes, I think they just get annoyed that other vehicles around them aren't travelling at the same speed as them. You "made" him pull out and overtake you, which must have been too much effort for the poor soul and he wanted you to know. Or possibly I'm reading too much into this! Regardless though, it was an idiotic thing for him to do, but glad you're ok. :-) I'm impressed with the speed at which you get in the horn!
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
Would there be room for a learner with a 4 stroke?! I'm purely a maybe at present, need to check plans for September.
First ride out
That's a smart looking example, looks like great fun!
Welcome to the forum!
Bike getting sorted out, once and for all!
You never know Grouch, but the offer of a crate of someone's finest may give you a welcome hand from someone on the forum who lives near you. If they have the tools and the time and you buy the parts then its an opportunity for you to learn about your bike while getting all this sorted. Worth a shot perhaps, and if not - I hope the bill isn't too extreme for you.
Hi new cbt learner on the road beware!!
Welcome Luke!
Being vigilant near junctions has its perks.
You just can't trust anyone. I recently had some woman pull out in front of me on a roundabout. Fair enough, it happens and I'd anticipated, but what made me laugh was that our eyes were locked on each other from the moment she approached to the moment she hesitated and then went to go. I could see her thought process in her face "crappy learner on bike, bet I can beat them. Really can't be bothered to stop and go into 1st... Yeah I'm gonna go for it... Oh bollocks..." Goes to show that even the ones that look don't always engage brain. Just keep on riding defensively and look out for yourself as much as you can. :-)
My little old YBR
Looks nice Wes! I have a pilot sporty on the rear (puncture after 500 miles) so I have limited knowledge of riding the YBR on all stock tyres. Haven't *yet* had a problem with still having the stock one on the front after nearly 3000 miles. But what I do know is that I just feel safer on the pilot sporty, so like you I'll eventually get the front sorted to match.
TT600RE GPR Exhaust v Standard
Sounding nice! Guess this means I'll hear you around Glossop now...
hi everyone oouuusshhhhh
Hey, welcome to the forum.
Hey Bo - welcome! Share picture of your trike when you get a chance!
New to the site
Hey Callum, welcome to the forum!