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Everything posted by bippo

  1. You have inspired me Ian - I'm planning in escaping on a jaunt down to Cornwall on Friday. Hoping to camp near Perranporth. Will give me a good excuse to ride the bike, especially now the handlebar has been adjusted (was too far away for my short arms) In addition to that, the engine has now been fully run-in!
  2. Sounds like a great idea Ian - just do it! I managed a 400 mile jaunt on my little YBR, in October, darkness and the peeing rain. But I loved every minute. So go for it!! I want to do something similar on the Tiger, but work is manic at the moment. :-( As for this weather, it's great, makes a change from all the crap. The main downside for me are all the arrogant summer riders who just blank your friendly acknowledgment.
  3. Oh no, I feel terrible Tommy! Sounds like quite an adventure you had... Hayfever sucks doesn't it. I managed to get out on my bike for a little ride at about 7.30pm - at least it was cooler then!
  4. Having witnessed a hit and run on the M1 a few years back, I can tell you now the last thing anyone was doing was taking down the licence number. Car make / model, colour and details of what happened weren't an issue to recall. Everyone who wasn't involved instinctively rushed to stop traffic and help the two cars they wiped out. Can you honestly say that you'd have time to read (and remember) a plate when you think of what would have been going on around you? A group of screaming & speeding bikes, the screams from other witnesses, and the actual shock of seeing some poor kid getting hit. More importantly the disbelief of it - hardly an everyday occurrence, which would make it hard to process at speed. Total mayhem. Plus as someone else said, doubt they even had plates on, illegal, underage swines. Here's hoping one of them comes to their senses and the girl is ok.
  5. I'll be coming along with Tommy - so see you guys on Saturday!
  6. I wear them. I just get the cheap Oxford Moldex ones - but they are a step up from the yellow foam ones you can buy in bulk. Find they go in with ease and don't budge once there. As Tasky has mentioned - Caberg helmets come with a lot of wind noise, and that's the helmet I have! If I'm on a short, or slow speed trip, then I tend not to bother putting them in. But I find they are great on the motorway, or on blustery days. Appreciate they aren't for everyone, but if anyone is concerned about their hearing, then it's at least worth a shot methinks.
  7. bippo

    ebay bidding

    Bad luck Ian. But for my own self-gratification (for want of a better phrase) - PLEASSSSEEEE do share a photo of this jacket...! I'm sure I'm not the only one who's now intrigued. Alternatively, draw us up one of your great little cartoons.
  8. bippo

    One happy clam

    More than happy to give a review of the bike for anyone who is interested. I have a fair bit to say that probably wont suit a short response here. However before I dive in, can I just get a response from one of the Mods... Should I put my Tiger review in the new "review" area? Being very aware that it isn't a Yamaha, so may not be welcome there! Alternatively, I can just add my response to this topic, or another area in the forum. Please do say!
  9. Hey Grouchy - if you're lurking about behind the scenes because of us ribbing bunch of tossers, then I can hardly say I blame you..! However, if that is the case then please do drop someone on here a PM so we know all is ok. Everyone does disappear from time to time, but it would be nice to know you're ok. Your presence has been missed. If someone doesn't hear from you, then please don't be surprised if you see me scouring the streets of Bradford for ye.
  10. bippo

    One happy clam

    Yeah I bought myself a Tiger 800 - absolutely love it!
  11. bippo

    One happy clam

    Hey Tommy - I'm sure there must be some around here, we should have a look. Failing that we could always meet up on our own mini YOC run!
  12. bippo

    One happy clam

    Can I just say, I'm absolutely loving my new bike! I've just ridden home from Leeds in the rain, cold, wind and fog (over the Pennines) and I have such a grin on my face! Things are definitely easier with a bigger bike. Although I'd still enjoy a trip like that on my YBR, I often found myself having to divert over the Pennines as there's a part of Woodhead Pass that's really exposed to wind. Also when I did my CBT I really struggled with U-turns and the figure of eights. Everything else was fine, but I was paranoid about those for some reason. That carried on through to my first DAS lessons. However my instructor was brilliant (and patient) and I cracked them. My Mod 1 changed from being my biggest fear to being a breeze. I always used to say how I'd learn to do U-turns for my Mod 1, but that I'd never need them again. HOWEVER I'm so chuffed to say that I am actually doing U-turns quite confidently on my Tiger. I did one today in fact at full lock. Last weekend I came back from my parents, and as I was going over the Pennines at 2am on the Sunday, the fog was so thick I was barely getting above 25 in places - but I was singing away to myself (badly might I add). Couldn't care less what the weather is doing as long as I'm on my bike! My car just isn't getting used these days...!
  13. When I sorted my insurance for the new bike, pillion cost was minimal, so I got it just in case. I'm literally talking a few quid for me. Might be worthwhile checking to see how much it'll affect you, and then getting it. I'm not sure of the implications, but I wouldn't risk taking a pillion without.
  14. I was on my way back from B&Q about the time you would have been heading there - gutted!
  15. bippo


    Completely personal choice, they are like Marmite aren't they. Looks like you've been giving it a lot of thought, and as others have rightly said, study and meet the tattooist and more importantly get something that has meaning for you. Any idea what you want?
  16. bippo

    ebay bidding

    Just get trashed like Foamy usually does. You can guarantee a win then. Of course, you won't know until the morning what you've won, and how generous you were feeling...
  17. I'm decorating my study at the moment Paul, otherwise I would have been up for this. Shame it's on a Monday evening really...
  18. bippo

    Mug Shots

    Ok... Me looking incredibly nervous on my wedding day a couple of years back: My little puppy (although much bigger now!): My bike (complete with slack chain): Nah, my real bike:
  19. bippo

    Mug Shots

    Ha ha! None like that which I'm willing to share in an open forum Tommy!
  20. bippo

    Mug Shots

    I'm speechless Foamy...!
  21. Thanks Pat! I was indeed careful with the tyres, quite nervous about that actually as I didn't know what to expect, but all was fine. I've put about 400 miles on it now, with plenty of twisty roads so they are nicely scrubbed in now. I got such a good deal on this new bike (ABS, top box, heated grips and bigger screen) it was actually cheaper than some of the 2nd hand ones out there! These bikes seem to hold their value well.
  22. Hmm I dunno, wash, cook, clean, walk dog and love biking - a bit of a hybrid mothering type I guess! Out of his league? Maybe. ;-) Too old for him? Definitely!
  23. Great read! Start 'em young that's what I say!
  24. Lets not rule it out Noise... ;-)
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