Everything posted by bippo
Saturday 25 October - Foamy is another year older, Loomies and Ace?
Work depending, I'd happily travel down and celebrate with you. Not been to Loomies or Ace... One pre-req though... The mankini stays at home...
Down South?
Happy to tag along if date suits and I'm down South.
Death of a rider !
I think I've covered that as best as possible by saying that his speed "played a part in his death". I'm not saying that it was a definite cause of him not getting back up after the accident. I accept that a slower speed could still have killed him, in no post have I said that he would have definitely walked away from being 'sensible'. At the end of the day, humans aren't designed for such an impact, so it boils down to luck and circumstance. My SMIDSY as a pillion left me with crutches, an operation, copious hospital visits, 6 months of physio and, 10 years later, a knee that aches near constantly and can't be fully straightened. That was a 40mph crash, but my knee isn't designed to withstand a steel Merc bonnet. Mind you, how would I have faired if we were doing 90? Not very well I'm guessing...
Death of a rider !
Death of a rider !
Yeah, not denying it, sure is worrying...! I got into riding because of a SMIDSY when I was a pillion, and the car driver not caring. My reason was to overcome my own fear of bikes, but to also show car drivers that bikers aren't complete pillocks. Most of us do a great job of that, but on some of the more specific forums I'm also on I see a high level of arrogance who assume everyone is wrong but them. The posting of this video has only exacerbated this. Their opinions won't help the biking community in the long term, and is the main reason why I stick around on this forum. Generally filled with normal human beings who don't take things too seriously or believe they are better than everyone else*. * although I'm clearly better than everyone, just because...
Death of a rider !
I'm not denying that, I have said that the car driver caused the accident, he even admitted that he didn't see the bike, or the car behind that, and has as a result been charged. What I'm trying to make clear is that the accident resulted in death *most likely* because of the bikers speed. Had he have been going slower, he *might* have had a chance to react, or failing that still been in an accident but *may* be alive today. I think we're all agreed on that.
Death of a rider !
I don't have an issue with the speed Kev, although perhaps a quieter location would have been better for this guy, but hey-ho, what's done is done... My biggest issue with seeing this video posted up on other forums (not here) is the attitude of some people. Convinced that it was solely the car drivers fault (my view is both played a part). There are people who can't understand that his excessive speed played a part in the severity of the accident.
Death of a rider !
Sure thing Toutsuite. One thing I'll begin by saying is that this is the nicest forum I'm on, and reading the responses to this particular thread it's nice to see that you guys think along the same line as me. Here's what I wrote on another forum, I hope it summarises my own opinion (which isn't too different from you guys). I felt the need to write this because of some of the responses I was seeing to the video... Shocking quote frankly. I don't really like to participate in discussions like this, due to too many differing opinions, and the virtual medium in which it's conducted. However... I'll begin with saying that I believe it's right the driver suffers some degree of conviction. At the end of the day, it helps sets a precedence and sends a message to others that everyone is responsible on the road. Aside from that, I've watched three different edits of this video now. This one, one that shows more of him riding prior to the accident, and one that sadly shows him ending up on the ground. All that rattles through my mind is: A. why was he going THAT fast down a road like that, and; B. would he have died if he was doing the speed limit. I know there are many other variables, which are ultimately too hard to fully establish, quantify and understand when just relying on single footage, but I can't help but think that the rider was the cause of his own death. Harsh I know, but he has as much responsibility on the road as the car driver. Granted the car driver caused the accident, but perhaps the biker could have either avoided it, or come away with injury (to whatever degree). Finally, I'll just end by saying that I feel terrible for the rider and his family, but also the car driver. I personally applaud the bikers' family decision to share this recording. For me it helps to keep me grounded. I, as most of you, will understand how easy it is to get carried away on a bike, so even if this video hammers home a message to just a handful of road users out there, me included, then I'm happy.
Death of a rider !
It's my understanding that that particular section of road has a 60mph speed limit. Also the rider was 38, not 22. Had been riding since he was a teenager. Just clarifying some facts, that's all - please don't shoot the messenger! We all have our own views on this particular video, and I've seen them all on other forums, ranging from the aggressive, to sympathetic, the arrogant and also the high and mighty. I guess that's what makes us all individuals at the end of the day... Ultimately, with anything like this I just hope it doesn't result in a greater divide between car drivers and bikers. I already feel there is too much hate out there between these road users, and it's not how it should be.
Great day Saturday
Congratulations to your daughter!
got visitors last evening
God, sorry to hear that Lassie, but good job you still have the bike. Swines...
Cafe Racer Yamaha TR1
Jeez, sorry to hear that mate. Accidents like that are terrible, but I really feel for the guys like you (and Drewpy) who have put so much effort into projects like this.
Squires cafe
Such a shame, a load of us were there this weekend (camping). We arrived on Friday, went on the 2 stroke run on Saturday and left this morning. Would have been good to meet up.
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
Thanks, I had a really good time, great seeing you all again, and meeting Finnerz for the first time. I didn't go into the detail of Andy leaving his keys in his top box whilst bombing down an A road, or, of course, the infamous "Bippo Breakfast"... As I didn't think it would be fair, ha ha!
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
Just a few snaps from me... Airhead and I on our stop at the Oil Can Cafe on Friday. Blackhat met us there on his DT which was a nice surprise. Arrived at Squires, and this is the cleanest my bike was... At least Drewpy managed to get a t-shirt (and a bloody good one at that)... Setting up the campsite... Cynic having a play with his pump... I don't have any pictures of Saturday. The rain didn't really let up (until we stopped riding...!) We tended to an elderly man who fell over not far from Squires, went for coffee then headed back. The 2 stroke run was at 2pm. Smaller than last year, and generally more muted, but still good. Oldtimer and Lalalalalalalasaro joined us, along with Lassie's wife. Kev and his brother-in-law were there too. Straight back to Squires after, then out for a curry where we met DirtyDT. Thanks to Paul for arranging, and John for driving! Fast forward to today. Plenty of wet clothes, urgh... We all packed up and made tracks. Airhead, Finnerz and I rode together... Up on Holme Moss...
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
Yes... Wouldn't believe the bike was clean when I arrived on Friday (I have a photo as proof!). These new triumphs are complete dirt magnets... Great seeing you!
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
Lol, yeah, I just couldn't help myself - great roads aren't they?
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
I'm safely home. Sorry for dashing off Airhead and Finnerz - I enjoy those final roads into Glossop. Hope everyone else makes it back safely, I had a great time and look forward to next year. Only took a few photos so will share later...
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
Bleedin' ponce...
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
Sorry to hear that DDT. Elvis, Finnerz and Cynic are here fine. In addition to them, Airhead, myself, Blackie, Scott, Tommy and Drewps are here. Safe travels tomorrow.
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
Oh no Tommy... How gutting. Please try and find a way to come, will be great to see you! Finnerz - your bike is looking good! Safe travels.
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
Hope you have some success Tommy... I'm just about to make tracks out of London now. Looking forward to the weekend.
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
Bike serviced last weekend, just cleaned it in the fading light. Watch it rain now on my ride back to Glossop tomorrow night... Always happens... Had to get more tent pegs today, so will just need to pack on Friday morning. Also hoping my sprained ankle gets better, but that looks unlikely...!
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
I can't believe I'm your second choice behind Foamy...!! I take offence to that Kev... Ha ha! But my tent is huge... So go on then...