Everything posted by bippo
Heated Grips
Yes, and I've just got it too! Swine... Actually I'm rather partial to it naked, but that's for another day...
Sr 125 - More power!!!
If I had the space and money I wouldn't hesitate to buy another small CC bike. Had such fantastic fun on my YBR. As Andrew says, with the right roads it doesn't matter what you're on!
Sr 125 - More power!!!
Ok, so I never modded my YBR as I knew I would eventually get my full licence and a bigger bike... But aside from that I genuinely found that Essos' premium fuel worked wonders. Not sure how it would work for your SR as mine was a 2012 plate. In addition to that I understand there are sceptics out there with regards to fuel. But I did genuinely noticed a difference. I live in quite a hilly place and once I switched from Tesco standard to Esso premium I found I needed to downshift less on hills I was used to riding. Perhaps worth a try as something that wouldn't effect your insurance? Just appreciate that you'll need a couple of complete tank fills to remove the previous fuel.
SR 125, poor MPG
Really glad to hear it, and thanks for taking the time to update us on progress. We like that here!
Heated Grips
That was my regular commute for a while. Twice a week I'd undertake that joyful task regardless of weather... In fact I've just done it again but this time in the car! Heated grips really do help on a trip like that as it's the constant motorway speed which creates the chill. Gets a little tedious on a naked bike though...
Superfast Archery
Ruddy 'ell...!
Heated Grips
Enjoy them Tommy. I have them on my bike and they make quite a difference.
CBT instructor training
Well done for doing it Noise! Good luck and keep us posted.
SR 125, poor MPG
At 6'3", regardless of weight, you'll also be acting as quite a sail I'd imagine. That'll affect things a fair bit too. Regarding MPG. I have to admit, it sounds a little low. When I had my YBR that was up around 100mpg. Did a quick search on Google and those that have used Fuelly on an SR125 are reporting around 80mpg for a 1998 model. A fair bit lower at 67mpg for a 1993 model. Not sure how accurate those figures are mind... There is a top forum member on here, AndrewElvisFan with an SR. Maybe drop him a message for advice?
Reminissing ?
Great pics guys. Only been to two of your Squires meets, but very much enjoyed the company both times!
New Handsome member :)
bike history
Love the photos! Great to see so thanks for sharing. My history pales in comparison...! But only been riding since 2012 so a complete newbie.
Father Jack vs Katie Hopkins
Make that 4 Katie I too was rather amused! Mrs Doyle is my favourite.
Your thoughts
THAT is a ruddy good point my dear Tommy... Based on Betty, how about you picture what each bike would look like when striped to the basics? Perhaps some of the larger ones in this list will suddenly seem more feasible as a result? Either way, I look forward to seeing what you do Noise. And more toaster tanks... Yes... More toaster tanks.
New colour,,,
That's a cool colour scheme, I like!
bike protective clothing. lack of......
Can we please keep this calm? There seems to be a growing amount of hate on the forum of late... Far more than on other bike forums I'm on. Although I can normally see the lighter side of remarks made on here - some of them just go too far. Lalla - I'm sure Fazerstun exists. I ended up Googling them (sorry) and you can see they exist on UKBF which is the forum both them and Ttasky refer too. We are all bikers. Let's try to respect the wishes of others by not sharing their username if they ask. Let's accept apologies made by simple mistakes. Let's be grateful that Fazerstun is still with us, and not a statistic. And let's try not to become an elitist forum. Things like this just make us look like idiots.
Try not to throw up
Perhaps they actually meant "brussel sprout"...?!
Killswitch, legally needed?
My classic Mini used to pass its MOT despite the obvious lack of cat converter. Purely because I knew the MOT guy and he used to own a classic himself. I still owned the cat, and used to bring it with me for an MOT, but ultimately he printed off a doctored emissions test from a similar car which had passed. He got paid, I was happy, we both won. As a result, even if it was a legal requirement (though not so according to previous comments), you'll always find someone happy to pass it!
Nerve wracking SMIDSY [not me]
Well I'm glad she is ok, that's the main thing at the end of the day. Hope she gets back on a bike as soon as she's recovered, don't let it put her off!
CBT Renewal
Well that's good to hear Grouchy! Well done Yamaha, they are churning out some brilliant bikes of late.
CBT Renewal
I don't blame you. Enjoy it, look after it and I'm sure you'll reap the benefits. How much of an improvement is it over your old bike? Appreciate one is new, and the other wasn't, but aside from that are the improvements noticeable?
CBT Renewal
Yes, I'd love a WR as a run around bike, they are just too expensive... It's not all about the power Grouch. Although I love my bike, there is something to be said for a smaller CC... The amount of times I'm out for a ride around regular roads and I recall the fun I used to have on my YBR. You get to see so much more, and it's always entertaining when you out-fox a Summer Power Ranger. Don't see the embarrassment in the L plates. You hold the key to get rid of them, so sort it! You're old enough to jump onto anything you desire before they change the rules again. If I was you, I'd re-take my CBT, sort my theory and progress with the DAS. Then the world is your oyster.
CBT Renewal
Enjoy the WR, it's a fun looking bike. Don't worry that you're stuck with it. Get your full licence now and save for a bigger bike 2 years down the line. Otherwise, you'll only be in the position 2 years later when you'll have to get your CBT again, then your full licence and other bike in close proximity. As for considering your car licence... Nothing wrong with that but as someone who has come from driving first, I find it so boring now. I only use my car out of necessity, like when I go food shopping or take the dogs somewhere. A bike is sooo much more fun!
CBT Renewal
Oh Grouchy... You really should get your full licence sorted... Ultimately the cost isn't all that bad, then at least you can enjoy your bike sans L plates... You're right though, a CBT is valid for just 2 years. Shame you have to complete it again, but at least it'll be easy!
Well, welcome back Ian! Sorry to hear you lost your job, but glad to see you're on the up again!