Everything posted by G.muir
Your First Bike Adventures...
you arent kidden !
Your First Bike Adventures...
Yeah I am a total newbie and my first ever best adventure was an experience to remeber ! it actually was a decent dry sunny day (not warm though) and i decided am going to take a trip to tesco ! was the best trip ever ! went to the check out with 2 dvds, packet of dorritos, sweets , juice all the usal things and then realised i had nowhere to put all this junk ! had to phone my mate to meet me at tesco and take my junk home for me :| thats how I roll
Theory - Pass or Fail ?
I love my 125 but if/when I pass in september next year I will be getting rid of the 125 for either an R6 or a kawasaki zx6r :| hope kawasaki isnt a bad word on this forum :S lol
Theory - Pass or Fail ?
Good luck to your son then Jimmy and as for the parking my mate just took his car. just played it safe. hoping to do my module 1 and 2 next month aswell so fingures crossed
Theory - Pass or Fail ?
Well I sat my theory test this morning at 8am, me and my mate went down with the laptop and did a wee practice outside the test center thats how we roll some nice talent aswell which was a sign that it was going to be a good day anyway enough of the BS .................. I PASSED 48 out of 50 theory 64 out of 75 hazzard big boy test next month all going well
New =] go easy
Thanks, Yeah hoping to get the big boy test done in September ! all going well ! this parking thing just gets me confussed :S think ill speak to a traffic warden and see what BS they say thanks again. ill probs post a big massive YAY if I pass on Saturday and if I fail i will probably delete my profile in shame :0 cheers
New =] go easy
Hey guys, New to this and new to the bike aswell. I was into my cars (yes, triator I know) and in june my mate suggested to join him in get a bike so 2 weeks later I got my CBT and the following week I bought a Yamaha yzf R125 and I love it never had a bike before, never been on a bike before but loving it ! I have my Theory test to do on Saturday and i have a question ? The test is in Glasgow and am wondering about parking, do I still need to pay and display with a bike or can you park up on the pavement ? whats the do's and donts ? Hopefully you all can keep me right Cheers, Graham