Fazer FZ6 S2
Latest pic with luggage.
Happy New Year
Reclaim North Wales
I went Phil, we were heading for the ponderosa cafe on the horseshoe pass, never seen so many bikes ever we were going absolutely nowhere...nobody was! Gave up in the end and rode to Bala had some lunch and went for a ride to and around lake Vrnwy. A magnificent turnout, bikes absolutely everywhere. Sounded like a great day out, never been to the ponderosa cafe myself but one day I hope to go. I would have loved to go just to see such a big turn out of bikers. Thanks Phil.
Reclaim North Wales
Just wondering if any one went to the rally in North Wales, I was working myself so was a bit disappointed not to be there. Would be nice to hear if any of you did go, and what it was like. Cheers Phil.
Pet Food Cavalcade
Been told they are expecting around 3,000 bikers. Bring it on.
Hi biglis, when my 2yrs were up i just went out and got me a bigger bike. If you are a little worried about it being legal and all that no harm in giving them a ring for piece of mind.
ShoKz on the road
Looking good ShoKz.
Pet Food Cavalcade
Anyone looking for a ride out on Sunday 20th September, why not try this always a great day. http://www.petfoodcavalcade.com/
Looking good there mate, Bargain.
Fazer FZ6 S2
Thanks mate, got mine from Heinz Gericke.
Fazer FZ6 S2
One or two people have asked how I get my bike in and out of the drive. In the photo it looks very tight to turn the bike around, so this is my secret weapon would not be without.
If you've never been on this run before give it a try. Been on many of the charity runs over the years in Stoke and think this is the best. http://www.petfoodcavalcade.com/about%20the%20run.html
Reclaim North Wales
Hi all, MCN are organising a rally in North Wales, meeting at the Snowdonia National Park on September 13th Click on the link below to see how you can get involved. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/new...im-north-wales/
Resrictor problem :(
Six or seven years ago I had a Vivacity 50cc, and if I remember right when I had it d- restricted they took the washer out and also cut off part of the exhaust underneath where a pipe of about six inches stuck out. After having that done I got about 55 mph top end.
Fazer FZ6 S2
Just posting a update on my fazer, I have removed the tank cover and relocated the Stebel air horn behind the faring had to much trouble with the heavy rain getting inside. No probs with it now dry as a bone. 07 Black FZ6 S2...Mods.... Scorpion cans...R&G Crash protectors...Puig touring screen...Belly pan...Stebel Nautilus air horn...Fender extender... Radiator cover.
Yammy dodger
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