Everything posted by BillyBennett
Quad engine
Hi all, haven't been on here in a while as I've sold all my bikes sadly. but I do have a Suzuki LTZ 400, well it's not mine it's my dads but he's too old to ride it lol. Anyway straight to the point, the quad needed a new con rod and the mechanic who started it never wanted to finish it so what's happened is he split the engine and that's the furthest he got, now the problem is the engine has been split for around 10 years now, would thus mean that it would need a full rebuild? Would the engine be seized? Or anything else? Or could the Conrod just be replaced and jobs done? Sorry about my lack of knowledge and please don't slate me for it. I also apologise the fact that it's a Suzuki and not a Yamaha, I appreciate any answers given, thanks a lot. Bill
Off-road tyres
My bikes completely off road, I'm not a road user, I apologise for not mentioning..
Off-road tyres
Christmas is coming up and my parents have asked what I want, I really need a new set of tyres for my yzf 250 as they're worn, as I'm no expert in picking out the best parts for my bike I once again ask the great people of this forum! So a new set of tyres is on the Christmas list, what tyres are worth asking for? I ride woodland quite abit and is really mucky so I'm looking for some big nobbly tires. Also in really struggling on finding some blue and white graphics for it (my kits blue and white so I want it to match) any websites that you can suggest to me? Thanks a lot
Vauxhall combo van
So basically I'm going to get straight to the point, 2013 yzf 250, will it fit in my friends Vauxhall convo van? It's on a 54 plate, any more info just ask
YZF 250 height
Thanks for the responses Dt and blackhat. How would I go about getting the stock rear link, my situation is the fella I purchased this bike off lives quite away from me, and he had only owned the bike for a few months, and I don't know who the first owner was or is. Could I purchase a stock link?
YZF 250 height
With how I sit on my bike, I'd think that 39 inch would be spot on for my size, just abit confused on how it's been lowered in the first place.?
YZF 250 height
Good evening, I've recently purchased a 2013 YZF 250, brilliant bike, can not fault it. A few friends have told me that my bike seems small compared to their 250's, I took no notice of it until tonight, I had nothing better to do so I decided d get the tape measure out and take a measurement for myself, my seat height turnt out to be 36 1/2 inches and my ground clearance was around 12 inches. I done some research over the Internet to find the stock 2013 YZF 250 should be 39 inches as the seat height and 14 inch ground clearance, correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I found. I measured the ground clearance by myself so it's not bang on accurate. Anybody know how to raise the height of my 250? Much appreciated. Billy
Favourite motovloggers, or YouTube entertainers that use motorcycles?
Just interested in who you watch on YouTube? Like I watch Spicy110, Jake the garden snake, RoyalJordanian and a few others..
If you know anyone that does skiing, ask them if they use helmet cameras, because they have gotta use pretty strong waterproof cameras.
If you know anyone that does skiing, ask them if they use helmet cameras, because they have gotta use pretty strong waterproof cameras.
Good music speakers for inside the house?
I've found some, they are £100, and have 32w of bass, is that good? I'm planning to buy some next month so keep your suggestions coming in and I'll look to see if I can find some more. Thanks
Good music speakers for inside the house?
That was ment to look like nothing over £80
Good music speakers for inside the house?
I'm looking for some speakers that have good quality sound, good bass and a fairly high volume. I want some that you can plug into your phone and not massive, I don't want a docking station because I already have one. Right let's narrow it down, I'm looking for, loud, bassy, good quality, suitable for iPhones, not huge speakers, not to expensive £80+. Any ideas? Thanks
Hpi Baja 5b what does HPI mean?
Hpi baja's if you don't know are little petrol engine buggys, I have a 32cc one and I want to know What HPI means. Anyone know?
How about GTA V!
Bit late, but anyone else getting it? I can't wait!
Who's you favourite riding legend?
Darcy Ward, my bad silly auto correct
Who's you favourite riding legend?
Tai woffinden and farcy ward, current Speedway Gramd Prix riders. Both absolutely crazy for their age! Anyone know who I'm on about? Also lee Richardson past away a year and some time ago, lakeside hammers rider, very sad loss! Rip RICO! I'm a lakeside hammers fan as I'm in Kent, anyone else support speedway teams? If so what teams or who's your favourite Grand Prix rider?
My school homework!
My homework was to carry out matinence on a bicycle, but I was literally half way through fixing it so i asked if i could take pictures whilst fixing my DT and explain what im doing and they said yes!
My school homework!
How cool is this, I've got to fix my DT 125 for school homework! this home works right up my street!
Can I post photos straight from my phone on to here?
I wanna show you guys all my vehicles, well not all mine but some mine and some family's, my step dads just bought a 1972 triumph bonneville it was ment to be shipped to America as it was made for America but never went, so my step dad give £3000 for it, it needed a top end rebuild though! So I can't wait till it's done because I want to show you guys!
I use silkolene 2 stroke oil and silkolene gearbox oil, it's not to expensive but it keeps my Dt running sweet! I use silkolene for my forks also, I'm not to sure on coolant!
Offroad ATV buggies
I like the first on you picked out! He 650cc one! Why the one seat you ask, this is my opinion, I find single seaters look a lot better, smaller which sometimes gives you more power, and the two seaters seem very large for my liking. The reasons i want a buggy are, i have some land which we are planning to make at track just for fun, a few ramps and some long corners to really get a slide on, I've go a 100cc Chinese buggy but its very small for me now, that was great fun when it was alive! my plan was to find a bigger cc twist and go engine for the buggy i have now, but the power would be too much and the buggy wouldn't handle it, so , my plan is to get either a second hand, completely offroad, strong reliable buggy with alot of power to have alot of fun, or completely reinforce the buggy frame i have, buy a few bits to build a ne buggy with the frame ive got. What ya think?
Offroad ATV buggies
What im really looking for is something similar to a Honda pilot, I searched that rage comet, its an absolute animal!!!
Offroad ATV buggies
Does anyone know any good offroad buggies? Like Honda pilots, but the cheapest one ive found is £6000!!! I want a buggy that's offroad only, 1 seat, fast, not to easy to control as its for fun, preferably 300cc up, reliable, anyone know of any to search on eBay? There are Chinese ones but there not very, well you know... Also if anyone knows anyone selling a Honda pilot of a very good buggy could you please let me know! Just leave a comment!! Thanks!
dt125 bling bits
A fat shiny chrome dep pipe is what you want!