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  1. Hi All, I bought some Castrol Power 1 4T 10W40, hopefully this will do the trick and it was only £7.70 for a litre delivered I'll let you all know the results! Thanks, Michael
  2. m3stone88 replied to m3stone88's post in a topic in Projects
    Hi AJ, Lol, yep the bears help alot! Quite knowlagable too Here are a couple of pictures of the frame being resprayed.
  3. Hi Matt, I can top it off at 60-64ish and I would be sitting at that speed for the majority of a 30 minute journey so your probably right. I have an XS/SR 125 manual so I will get reading as I haven't touched the engine, apart from an oil change, since I bought it. Thanks! Michael
  4. Hi All, Thanks for your replies. I did a complete oil change about 6 months ago but I did use the Wilkinsons car oil rather than actual motorbike oil. I have to buy oil for my 250 restoration so I may as well do both at the same time. I'm fairly sure I used the right amount of oil but can't tell as my viewing window is full of crap so I can't see anything. I'll have a look at the clutch as well. I have quite a bit of slack on the clutch as I have small hands so reach can be any issue, i've read elsewhere that having slack is a preference things, could that be a problem? Thanks, Michael.
  5. m3stone88 posted a post in a topic in Projects
    Hi All, I'm mid way through a restoration of my 1993 SR250 only I didn't think to take any pictures throughout the process which i'm pretty gutted about now i'm on the forum. I'll try my best to give you an idea of the state it was in when I bought it. The tank had been resprayed matt black and had white paint flecks all over it where someone must have been painting something else nearby. The frame and pretty much everything else (litterally everything) had been hand painted with black gloss which was about 4-5mm thick in some places, and still wet underneath! Lot of gloss drip marks on the engine and chrome parts. There was a home made sissy bar on the back which was just a piece of foam with a cheap imitation leather stuck on a piece of wood...The handlebar was bent from being dropped, mirrors scratched, exhaust hammered in at the end, a real state! So my mentor and I began the task of stripping it down. Took an afternoon and a few bears too get it down to the frame then we started on taking the gloss off. It turned out that the bike had had a decent metallic blue spray job done at some point in it's life but I wanted to start from scratch so the frame was taken down to the metal aswell as the tank, wheel spokes, bits that the sissy bar join onto (not sure what they're called), carb etc. The frame had been primed and sprayed gloss black, not using actual gloss like the prvious owner, and the tank is primed ready for painting. Alot of the other parts are aluminium so have been polished up as they should be. The main body of the carb and barrell on the engine (I think that's what it's called) have been re-sprayed matt black, as there was no hope of hell of getting it back to original. And the engine plates had had the silver spray job removed and are being polished up as well. TBC... (Going for a haircut)
  6. m3stone88 posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi all, Just introducing myself to you all. I own a 1991 SR125, which is my daily commuter and an 1993 SR250 which is an ongoing project. I started biking as it was the cheaper option to getting a car and found that I got a buzz from the ride. I try to do most of the work needed and services etc myself and i'm lucky to have a well learned relative to assist when i'm stuck. I'm 24 and have only been biking for 10 months but can see myself becoming a bike nut over the next few years. Anyway, just to say Hi! Michael
  7. Hi, I'm not sure if this is a common problem but it is a real pain getting my SR125 to go into netral. I normally end up jumping from 1st to 2nd and back four or five times before it goes and sometime I have to walk the bike and play play around with the clutch before it goes in. I don't have any problems changing into any other gears, just neutral... strange! Any ideas would be brilliant. Thanks, Michael
  8. Hi and welcome! I'm new to the forum as well. I have an 1991 SR125 and manage to get up to 64 mph on level roads although it can be almost impossible to pick up any speed on an incline. It's a brilliant bike to own though. All I have done to mine is service it with new oil/filter, spark plug, and cleaned/re-oiled the air filter which is fairley cheap and easy to do yourself. All the best, Michael
  9. Hi, I hope you can help, i've had my SR125 since last October and i've had no trouble at all with as i've only been riding in town. I've recently moved house and now do a 15 mile commute on national speed limit roads. When I start up the bike I have had no problems at all and when i'm on the country roads at top speeds it's all fine too. The problem i'm having is that when I get into the town on the other end of my commute, if I have to stop completely or hold my clutch in for too long the engine cuts out completely (Sometimes whilst i'm still rolling along!) When I hit the electric start it wont start unless I give a little throttle, although I do have my lights on as i'm mid journey. This only happens after the commute and goes back to normal later that day / the next morning. If anyone had any ideas that would be brilliant. If possible I would like to do any work myself; I have a learned mentor to assist me if it's anything complicated. Thanks in advance, Michael