Digital clock onto YBR custom
Hi, has anyone had any experience of fitting a digital speedo off of ebay to a 2015 YBR custom, I unfortunately busted up my clocks after an argument with the road, with new replacements £300 plus and second-hand ones like hens teeth I am thinking its the only way to go ,any advise or mishaps you might have had, the information would be welcome . thanks
YH50 starting problem
After topping up with fresh fuel my wife's YH50 wouldn't start, topped my bike up at same time no problems. Cleaned plug topped up charge on battery and managed to get it started it revved well with the rear wheel off the ground but when the throttle is released it died and will not start again, any ideas
XT125 R ignition barrel
Hi my son recently bought a XT125 2005 vintage with only one ignition key which he has now mislaid or lost, he has bought a new switch for a 2007 model as the correct year one is £70 dearer in the hope it would fit without too much trouble. We have now found that although they both have 6 wires from the switch , they all go to one multi plug on the new switch but some go to a separate plug on the switch on the bike, does anybody know if its possible to splice and shrink wrap the right wires from the new switch to the old wiring, if any idea of wire colours it would be a help as we have no wiring diagrams.
Help with XT125 R ignition barrel wiring
Hi my son recently bought a XT125R 2005 vintage with only one ignition key which he has now mislaid or lost, he has bought a new switch for a 2007 model as the correct year one is £70 dearer in the hope it would fit without too much trouble. We have now found that although they both have 6 wires from the switch , they all go to one multi plug on the new switch but some go to a separate plug on the switch on the bike, does anybody know if its possible to splice and shrink wrap the right wires from the new switch to the old wiring, if any idea of wire colours it would be a help as we have no wiring diagrams.
slipping clutch
Just back on my SR125 SE after bike being laid up since Nov after a chain break. The clutch seems to be slipping when changing gear, engine races for a bit before settling down after letting out clutch sometimes have a job getting up to 50 till warmed up. Bad when pulling out of a junction, as bike is outside in all weather's but under a cover my thinking is it is hopefully just a stiff cable any other ideas anyone. Bike just clocked 9000 miles today though it is a 1996 model.
SR125 SE sprocket and chain change
Good point, will have to do that
SR125 SE sprocket and chain change
See what you are saying but then it is a bit of a struggle sometimes anyway LOL. Will give it some thought before making decision
SR125 SE sprocket and chain change
I think its 2 more teeth without checking the manual, ebay sellers are saying 14 is standard
SR125 SE sprocket and chain change
I need to replace chain and sprockets after a chain break. I was thinking I might fit a 16 tooth sprocket on the front for more top end speed. Does anyone know if this will fit in the sprocket cover without fouling, how many links would I need in the chain, and would the loss in acceleration be that noticeable. Any help/advice would be appreciated
broken chain
Thanks when I get my new sprocket and chain kit I will check it out
broken chain
My chain broke this morning, a bit lucky I was only doing about 30 mph and chain wrapped around front sprocket. Anyway removed the demolished chain but found a nylon block inside the front sprocket cover. I am assuming it is probably a chain guide but where does it go or fit in the cover , it was just laying loose when I took it off and cant find anything in the workshop manual that helps.
blowing headlight bulbs sr125
thanks mines a '96 I am on standard bulbs. might try higher wattage myself. will just have to carry spares and a screwdriver
blowing headlight bulbs sr125
I am on my 3rd headlight bulb in the space of 6 weeks the last one lasted 3 days of use I have had the bike for a little over18 months with no problem with them until recently, the only thing that has changed is I am now doing 80 miles most days for work. The bike is unfortunately kept outside and was wondering if it could be a water problem. Any one else had this problem or any ideas
My first geared bike
Hi , I have just bought my first proper bike (40 years too late), SR125 1995 vintage with less than 7000 miles. Are there any points I should look out for, I bought it knowing it is officially only good for about 55mph, but lots of reviews I have read say you can get 60mph easily and some have claimed 70mph. Is there anything I can do to get 60-65, I will not be racing about but would be good to know I could do it if I wanted to. I dont pick up till Saturday so not Ridden it yet. Thanks
never too old to ride
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