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Everything posted by EazyDuz

  1. Surely it depends on the bags? Also why do they sell bag supports if they are not needed? Pics would be appreciated
  2. what about the saddlebag problem, tbh if i could fit saddlebags i'd be more than happy with the virago
  3. Thanks for the reply. About the saddlebag supports, i have this backrest: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-XV535-VIRAGO-RENNTEC-LUGGAGE-CARRIER-RACK-AND-PADDED-BACKREST-SISSY-BAR-/360548491073?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item53f25d5f41 And i purchased some Highway Hawk supports. If you look at the pic of the backrest, on the end of the bars it is T shaped where the bolts go into. On the Highway hawk supports, they also have a very thick mount point, the same width as that on the back rest. Which means its impossible to bolt them both on unless i somehow cut the mount points on the saddlebags and made them about 5mm thick, which i didnt want to, or have the tools to do, plus it would look terrible. I sold them in the end. I'd have to either get a different back rest with very thin point points, or get a different brand of bag supports, which i cant find anywhere.
  4. Hey guys. I got a Virago 535 last year, but it rained most of the summer in England so i probably only did around 2000 miles on it. Well spring is round the corner this year, and i cant decide. Get a Dragstar 650 Classic this spring, or keep the 535 for another year and fit some straight throughs i bought for it? The only think the 535 lacks is decent luggage space. Its just so small, there isnt much room for saddlebags and i already have a sissy bar and back rest/luggage rack, and all the saddlebag supports ive seen use the same bolt hole as the back rest/rack, so i can only fit one or the other. I like to go on long weekends and tours around the UK, sometimes 2 up, so i need the room for the saddlebags. Plus i LOVE the look of the 650 classic, especially in black/grey. Advice?
  5. I have the dual tank model, i ride the bike pretty hard, i get 105 miles before reserve, with a good 25-30 miles after that. A lot of sports bikes do less than that per tank. Most places have petrol stations within 100 miles of eachother, if your route doesnt, take extra fuel
  6. Lol love how people are putting down the Virago. Unreliable? I have a 1990 model 535, did a 300 mile round trip, didnt skip a beat, still hits 100mph, engine quiet, starts on the button, chrome lasts well, cheap to run, insure, easy to ride. Here is mine: I also did a vid review a while ago, its not amazing, but its here, might help you decide OP:
  7. sounds like you have a lemon
  8. i'd like to see your bike if possible? I should be free next week
  9. awesome you are in harborough, im near lutterworth. Went to harborough the other day to buy a windscreen off a bloke. You on facebook?
  10. also just wondering is anyone in leicestershire with an xvs650? Would love to see one in person
  11. thanks for the replies. I love the nimbleness of my 535 so i think ill hold on to it for a year or 2 before treating myself to a dragstar. Randomly passed a yamaha dealership yesterday so i popped in to see what they had. The woman said they rarely get the xvs650 in, but they did have a brand new xvs950 in stock, that thing looked insane.
  12. So i absolutely love cruisers and particularly the build quality of my 1990 535. The problem is this bike has been discontinued for a long time so parts will be difficult to find as time goes on. So im considering an xvs650. Thing is they never seem to come up in the UK, they seem very rare. I am particularly after a Classic one as they look better than the custom imo. One thing is, do they even make these still or did they stop production in 2008? Also, did they change anything from their release in 1997 to present? Any replies from people who have owned an xvs650 would be useful, or someone who has owned that and a 535 and can give a review of the differences?
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