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Everything posted by EazyDuz

  1. EazyDuz posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hi. I got some new saddlebags but they are already starting to sag. What happens is the front side collapses inwards which makes the bottom bow down slightly getting closer to the pipe. I put a stick of wood just under the front edge, pulling the saddlebag wide which solved the problem, but it looks stupid and falls out of place. Therefore im looking for something i can just clip/slide into place on the lip of the bag to keep it rigid, but can also be removed when the bags need to be heavily loaded for camping etc, where the lip can sag outwards for more space. Something like this: There should be a lot of products out there that can do the job but for the life of me i cant think of anything. I found this stuff but it would bend too much, if it was rigid it would be fine: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Small-Black-Car-EDGE-TRIM-SEAL-Interior-Exterior-PVC-Rubber-Van-Boat-Truck-/121628637512?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1c51a1b948 Any ideas would be greately appreciated. Thanks
  2. The classic has metal fenders, the custom has plastic....
  3. Looking at a fairly cheap xvs 650 which is in pretty good nick apart from the read fender right at the bottom has a rust patch. Is this a walk away job? Is it likely the whole thing might be corroding from within? I rubbed my hand on the underside of the fender and I had a light brown colouring on my hand (like a mix of dirt and rust) Thanks
  4. I'm in a predicament here, and i cant decide on a new bike. The hot weather is making me even more impatient with myself. I had a Virago 535 which was good fun, but it was too small (im 5ft 11) so i felt cramped after a time. It also lacked power. One up on the motorway, past 65ish, it would vibrate A LOT. I couldnt see well out the rear mirrors because of it, and my feet and hands got very uncomfortable with the vibrations after a time. So i sold it. I want a bike that can cruise at 70-80 without much vibration or fuss. I also want to go touring two up at times. This would give a combined weight of around 22 stone. This would also involve motorway riding. Narrowed it down to 3 potential bikes: Dragstar 650 Classic (dont like the custom as much even though its a bit lighter) Dragstar 1100 Classic Suzuki VL800 (preferably 05+ so its fuel injected but would get a nice clean, older carbed model). Ive done some research but with conflicting answers. Thought id ask here too. Should i be looking at the 1100/vl800 for my purposes? Ive not been able to test ride the above bikes (only seat tested and all 3 were comfortable). Thanks
  5. EazyDuz replied to EazyDuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Bluing looks cool anyway, if your bike is blue
  6. EazyDuz replied to EazyDuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Why not just delete the post in this section then repost it in wanted?
  7. EazyDuz replied to EazyDuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    No idea what happened its not even in the wanted section
  8. EazyDuz posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Wanted in the wanted section please.
  9. Looking at some 650 Dragstars on Ebay and most range between 10-30 thousand miles. Ive seen a couple i like on other sites too, but one has 21,000 miles. Is this a tad high? Or should i expect it to be trouble free for a long time? Thanks
  10. EazyDuz replied to EazyDuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Got a video mate? Did you rejet? And do you have the ais removed?
  11. EazyDuz replied to EazyDuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I think Cruzers, Shortshots or Fatpipes are my safest bet then. Its disgusting how cheap they are in the states compared to here, no point importing though as i'd just get raped with tax and import fees
  12. EazyDuz replied to EazyDuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Know of any that sound similar then? Its a shame as it seems only a couple of websites in the UK sell Dragstar pipes anymore.
  13. EazyDuz posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I'll be purxhasing a 650 soon and one of the first things I want to do is buy a new exhaust for it. The best sounding one I have found is this: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c1QkoNDhX0Q Its foreign but they are called 'Caligula'. EBay didn't find them, anyone know if they can still be bought? I like that lower down throaty kind of sound they produce, whereas others like the v&h cruzers don't quite sound as good as that. Any recommendations?
  14. Hey, thought this would be one of the best forums to ask a few questions I have so if someone could take the time to answer it would be appreciated. 1. Is the 650 OK for someone who is 6ft tall? One of the reasons I'm ggetting rid of the virago is that I feel cramped after a while. My leg/thighs are pretty much at right angles. 2. 650 custom vs 650 classic? I much prefer the aesthetics of the classic if I'm honest, but is that where the changes end? For example are the materials superior on one version than the other, or any power differences? 3. Is there much difference between years? Like were there any changes from a 2000 model to a 2003 for example? 4. What are common things to look out for when viewing one for sale? Some bikes hhave common issues, for the virago it was a faulty electric fuel reserve switch. Does the 650 have any niggles? 5.For anyone who has owned both a 535 and 650, care to share any pros/cons between them? 6. Price. From what I've seen I should be able to get a nice example for around £2000, sound about right? 7. Aftermarket parts. I'm assuming there are a lot aavailable one thing I would like to do is add floor boards. Also a nice aftermarket exhaust would be on my to do list, any highly recommended pipes? 8. Lastly, maintenance. How often and how easy is it to do the usuals, valve clearances, oil change etc. All those things on the virago were pretty painless and I'd consider myself pretty good at doing maintenance on motorbikes. Thanks and I look forward to the replies!
  15. EazyDuz replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
  16. EazyDuz replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I'm just winding you up because this thread has resorted to some really lame, petty comments thrown at both bikes, so troll the trolls. I appreciate both bikes, and mine has done about 4000 miles now with no problems, all i think it lacks is a little leg room. Regarding the Virago definition, well Dragstar isn't far off this: http://flitparalisante.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/as-duas-faces-drag-queen-17.jpg Also check MCN for specs of both bikes, the 535 is statistically faster. Which isnt surprising when the Drag weighs more than a tractor. I've also never known someone to 'pilot' a motorcycle. And when you see another motorcycle on the road, it doesn't automatically mean he is racing you, but if he did, the 535 would win hands down as its lighter.
  17. EazyDuz replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Every Dragqueen 650 I've seen in public has had a faggy leather tank cover and tassled saddlebags on it. Maybe a screen to top it off, can't have a bit of a blow on your helmet can you? Unless its a bloke doing it lol
  18. EazyDuz replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    1. The 535is a lot faster off the line than a 650, the engine is less cc but its a lot lighter. 2. If you think any Harley could outrun a basic midrange sports bike, you clearly are a raging cruiser fanboy.
  19. it only happens on overrun. If the throttle is even 1/10th open when decelerating it doesnt pop. It hints at a lean low speed circuit. Either way i intend to get a Drag next year anyway, i dont want to spend loads of money on this bike.
  20. Vinegar wont work if penetrating oil cant get in there either. Ill just deal with the popping until i sell the bike next year
  21. EazyDuz replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Tassels and studs only suit big gay bear Harley look-a-likes like the Dragstar
  22. EazyDuz replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Bunch of slack jawed faggots round 'here
  23. EazyDuz replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Yet the Dragstar mimics the Harley look which is where tassles and studs originated from?
  24. EazyDuz replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    The 535 has a faster acceleration and top speed yet you think the XVS has more grunt? Just a lower revving motor
  25. Tried everything, couldnt get it out. Decided im going to leave it. must be electrolysis