Everything posted by GREIGE
XJ600 Project
Was quick. God had been hinting to us for months to get rid of excess baggage. We ignored him. So up pops the perfect bungalow with all the extras and in the budget we had. So what could we do but get off our fat rears & go see it. Its a repossession, non standard build. Signed mortgage stuff today. How does 3 bedroom,3 piece bathroom( Bath,washbasin,toilet) and separate WC ,Kitchen diner,lounge,Box room,utility area,BIG garden,off road mono-block parking for 2 cars, 85m sqr loft space sound ? ? ? All this for £50,000 Will post some pictures separately when I get some taken.
XJ600 Project
Another Update : Bought a Bungalow ! With a Garden ! With space for a Man Cave ! Eyeballed the space I can put a shed & (confirming with a tape measure when I get the chance) I think I can get a 10'x8' shed at the side of the house. With room to spare & have access to back garden. Entry Date is mid Nov so it will be spring before I get the area slabbed & shed put in.
XJ600 Project
Are you sure its a XJ600 ? ? ? Its got SHAFT DRIVE, XJ600 is CHAIN DRIVE ! ! May be XJ900 you are looking at.
- XJ600 Project
XJ600 Project
Thankyou people. Trying to get the house into condition to sell. Not many suitable bungalows in Fife in our price range at the moment ( just 2 !! ) Only 1 that has everything we need. Man cave is a dream that I hope to get if we have the room! Keep praying ! !
XJ600 Project
EVERYTHING ON HOLD. Due to ongoing health issues that my wife has it has become apparent that our present house is not suitable. So we have come to the decision that we must sell our house & relocate to a bungalow. This means that all my energies on my days off will have to be focused on down sizing all our stuff so that we can move into a smaller dwelling. So I am making arrangements to move my XJ & store it at my Dads. Also all my tools & spares for the XJ. Furniture to be picked up by local charities ( except for the stuff we are keeping),trips to the tip,charity shops etc. No fun for a wee while but hopefully I will be back working on the XJ within a few months. ( Also hoping to have a new proper shed with roof,walls,doors,power,light etc. Watch this space....[ 10x8 gable shed with double doors... .] )
XJ600 Project
Ta. 1 step closer to actually working on the Xj600..........................
XJ600 Project
All wiring to Carport is UNPLUGGED while I am working on it. Only plugged in to do the smoke test. drewpy. Got 3 wires. Green/yellow Earth straight through to light fitting cos its metal. Blue Neutral straight through as its not required to be split at switch. Brown Live is the only wire that is required at the switch. Main interrupted Live goes to Common ( I believe ) then the Brown for the Light goes to either L1 or L2. Its on L1 at the moment which gives me Constant On. If I switch to L2 it gives me nothing. Consensus with a few friends & my dad tonight thinks it may be a faulty switch. Broken so gives constant live through L1 and nothing through L2 as it wont switch over. Open for ideas though..
XJ600 Project
UPDATE : Power into Carport ! ! ! Also light in to Carport ! ! ! Now for the electricians amongst you. The light in my carport is on all the time. regardless of which way the switch is pushed. the switch has 3 bits at the back for wires : L1,Common,L2. Live feed into Common. Then Live to Light from L1. Tried the wires in another couple of ways but Light doesnt come on. Any ideas ? ? happy for the light to come on when I switch power on from inside the house because days are getting shorter & i will be working on bike in the dark. But next spring,summer dont really want the light to be coming on when the Sun is shining. Any thoughts ? ?
Y.O.C Dicktionary
Barkie made perfect sense to me. read it like it wiz me speaking. ( Ahm fae Fife ye ken. )
Signing in ? ?
Foamys Ponderspace is where i found mention of Fridge Light.......
Signing in ? ?
True. But its the only Forum that does it. And does the fridge light really go out ? ? ? .....................
Signing in ? ?
No. I just make a point of signing out of Forums to show Im not available if anyone replies. Means they arent waiting for hours on a response. EG. You asked the question at 10:38pm last night. I am now replying at 06:45 the next morning.
Signing in ? ?
OK. even though I always Sign Out before I leave the Forum Board... As soon as I hit my Bookmarked short-cut it comes up with me ALREADY signed In ? ? ? Wot ? ? It never used to do that. And all the other forums etc.. on my bookmark bar are fine. Confused...
XJ600 Project
Wee bit progress. Sorted out where to put my light in the carport so putting that up next week. Also found my external grade switches & sockets for getting power out for light & power tools. So putting them in next week as well. Got all the right bits for my drill + screws & rawlplugs so all set. Just work & Family getting in the way. Nothing new there. Even my Bosses Boss came up to me in the Crew Room and asked if I had made any progress with my Bike ! ! This bike will be on the road for spring. Lots o people waiting to see it going. Even the Pastor at the church I attend is waiting for it. ( he rides a Suzuki GS500 ). Some of the other members have bikes so there is a core of people just waiting for me to join in on their runs.
XJ600 Project
Looks to be in somewhat similar state to mine......
XJ600 Project
Ever had the feeling that everything is conspiring against you actually doing some work on your motorbike ? ? 2 weeks holiday ( 1st week in Englandshire,2nd week at home with the assurance that I WOULD get a day with the bike) & never got near it. Off 3 days this week. haven't even moved the tarp off of it. Next week i have 2 days off. Day 1 I'm painting the garden fence,trip to the rubbish dump,getting blinds fitted & putting up new curtains. 2nd day I haven't found out about yet but what are the chances I will get time for the bike? ? .........
XJ600 Project
Yep. Sounds about right. Roughly what I thought of doing. The other was since it will have no back wheel,swingarm & shock. Pile o bricks on the ground under the seat & one of my big tie down straps loop under them around the seat then ratcheted enough just to give some working room at front. I will come up with something.
XJ600 Project
Result ! Got a nice 2nd hand rear shock off a running 1992 bike for £60 ! ! This week I aim to get the back wheel,Swing-arm & Shock off the bike so I can feel some progress has been made. Then work out how to tip the bike back so I can get the forks off & get new steering head bearings in so I can put the replacement forks on. ( After I take them apart & replace the seals & oil of course.......)
now this is funny!
Not available to view anymore.
Chain Breaker/Linker thingy
SPLIT LINK ! ! that's the words I've been looking for !! !! Thanks DirtyDT. Now back to the Guinness....
Chain Breaker/Linker thingy
Hmmm. This chain is an Uprated Heavy Duty one from DID suitable for XJ600 & comes with OPEN LINK. ? ? Cant afford to look for another chain but considering my riding style is , shall we say, relaxed im not to bothered.
Chain Breaker/Linker thingy
Right. Now i have my new chain had a bit of a look at it. Comes with one of those link pin/link things. Now its been a l o n g time since I replaced a chain. Thinking I may need to break the chain to get it off the XJ600. Then fix this new chain with link properly. Now I wondering what is the best tools for the job. New link is easy. Just put the wee washers on properly & use long nose pliers to clip link in securely ( in proper direction etc) But the old chain. haven't looked to see if its continuous or not but IF it is what would you recommend as the best proper tool for breaking/joining for long term ? ( Future bikes may have continuous chain. ) ? ? ? ?
XJ600 Project
Thats me received my Clymer Manual. So now i have a Haynes & a Clymer I think I can probably get into trouble quite quickly some work done on the bike. IF I can get some time. Also my new DID chain & sprockets Kit was delivered today. looking good. Will post photos when i get a chance to take them.
XJ600 Project
Hel ones are a wee bit more expensive. £126 complete set. But since its my life I'm mucking about with I'm not being cheap ! Never thought about looking for tyres on ebay. cant fit tyres so always got tyres at a establishment that can do all.