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Everything posted by GREIGE

  1. GREIGE replied to drakey125's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome !
  2. GREIGE replied to taffy57's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome ! Looking forward to hearing what you are doing in the rebuild of your XS1100 !
  3. GREIGE replied to SCDave's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hello and Welcome from another "Beards For Yes" Supporter.
  4. Welcome ! Sorry I don't have a bike of 125cc. It would be considered Cruel & Unusual Punishment to the poor thing to put my weight on it.
  5. GREIGE replied to John Hudspith's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    For a better chance of getting an answer ( not promising a sensible answer....) you could always try going to the Newbies Section and putting in a wee introduction. As you were advised in your other post..........
  6. Nip across to the Newbie section & tell us something about yourself & your bike. More chance of getting a reply to your question then. Welcome anyway.
  7. Looks good. ( p.s. if you use the IMG bit on a host site its possible to put the pictures on here !! )
  8. Welcome Lukestar721 !
  9. Hmmmm. Try introducing yourself in the Newbies Section. A wee post there always helps in getting your questions answered in the relevant sections. Sorry I cant help otherwise. Your bikes too new for me !!
  10. GREIGE replied to pablo0874's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    If you put your picture onto a hosting site (Photobucket for example) then Highlight the img tab,right click on that and choose "Copy".Then come back onto your thread. Start a reply.Right click again and choose"Paste" then the photo should come up. Long winded way of doing it but it works for me !
  11. GREIGE replied to GREIGE's post in a topic in Projects
    Building work ( as opposed to digging out) has begun ! Due to illness,hurt builders & weather etc we are about 2 weeks behind.About 30 tonnes of soil & rubble dug out and put in 2x20tonne skips. Alsodue to the weather we have got some graphic illustrations of the need for drainage. This whole area was 1 big pond. Found the remains of a Victorian Land Drain. So now added onto the project is drainage pipes to tie into existing runs. Oh. And the bit in the picture is the bit before the bit that has to happen before the bit that I can order the Man Cave. Approximately.
  12. GREIGE replied to elprez66's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Introduce yourself in the "New Members" Section. Its only polite & may help with your question. A Haynes/Clymer Manual or similar will also help.
  13. Welcome. Looking forward to seeing pictures in the Projects Area of the forum.
  14. Welcome. Sorry cant help with your problem. Put a wee bit more about yourself in this thread. Then I suggest going to Workshop section of the forum and asking there. Just put details of your bike there.A wee summary of the problem. Maybe some impressions of what it feels like,( Does it feel like the engine doesnt want to rev higher/cant rev higher. Is it stuttering ? etc )
  15. Quick look on GOOGLE and I found this : Horizons Unlimited ( Forum) Pulsar Coil Resistance green-white/red 90-130 ohm Hope this helps. Double Dutch to me. Clymer or Haynes manuals may be a help as well. I dont know if the info was for the XT600e that you have or another variation/year.
  16. GREIGE replied to beemer328's post in a topic in Naked
    Got good stuff from Wemoto on the internet. Wouldn't say they were cheap but the stuff has been good. Worth checking there prices against the Yamaha Dealers.
  17. GREIGE replied to GREIGE's post in a topic in Projects
    Yes, I read your Project Report. Fantastic work. Will be using it for reference as well !! Work on the bike is on hold till the Man Cave is in situ. Before that I have a lot of work on the house & garden. The house is getting some cladding where it wasnt finished in the original build. ( House was a Community Build in 2000. I have some bodges & finishing to do since I bought it last year). Cladding was finished TODAY !!! Garden starts Sunday. 1st of 2 20ton skips getting delivered Friday. Mini Digger starts on Sunday. 3 days of digging & clearing.Then its retaining walls,slabbing,step building,ramp building,monoblocking,fence repair,order Man Cave,Build Man Cave,empty loft of tools & bits,put XJ in Man Cave. Start. Just glad most of this is being done by Professionals. If I was to do it myself it would take a year ! And ,yes it would be a bit chilly riding up to here over winter. But if you ever feel like touring up this way then accommodation is always available. And if you like a wee dram of whisky then I have a few Single Malts to try. ( 12,14,16 something like that. May be even 20+ ). Sitting on the decking on a nice summer evening after doing some good roads on the bike, having a wee dram . Nice.
  18. GREIGE replied to GREIGE's post in a topic in Projects
    Thanks richiedan40 ! And if you are willing to travel to help I may take you up on the offer. Wales-Fife nice run. Can give you a bed,feed you,unlimited tea/coffee biscuits. Just got to wait until garden & Man-cave are all done.
  19. GREIGE replied to Samyamman's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Samyamman. How about a wee post in the "New Members" bit ? A wee bit about yourself,exactly which bike you are on about etc. Someone who has some idea what you are asking will be able to help. But a wee post in the other bit is polite & will probably bring you some good answers. The DT does come in various sizes I believe. And there will be variations year by year.
  20. GREIGE replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in Random
    Thankyou. Might even get into Englandshire on my Xj at some ! ( After I rebuild it that is !! )
  21. GREIGE replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in Random
    Well UK is still UK. I Voted "YES" but it wasnt enough. Will you still allow me to post on here ? I still have a Yamaha ! LOL !! Now the work really starts. Getting politicians to do as they promised.........
  22. GREIGE replied to GREIGE's post in a topic in Projects
    Latest Update. Still no work on the bike. ( I know I know. But just wait) Started getting people in to quote for Hard landscaping the garden which includes the big slabbed area for my new Shed/Garage/Man Shed ! Work should start in a couple of weeks. So New Shed before Christmas !! Will have power to shed so I can have Light & Heating to work over the wiinter. Luxury I know. Will post pictures of work as it progresses.
  23. GREIGE replied to rwd's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome ! Bit of a collection you've got going there ?
  24. GREIGE replied to Sean O'Brien's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome !
  25. Welcome. And I agree with my colleagues ! I hope that isn't your first bike because it will kill you. I'm hoping that you have had training etc and that this is your first Yamaha. Enjoy the bike but be careful !