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Everything posted by GREIGE

  1. Welcome to this bunch of loonies ! Sure you will find lots of help here. And a lot of humour too !!
  2. And all of a sudden,even though I don't sign out,everything is back to normal. I have to sign in. And when I click on " New Content" lo & behold its there !!
  3. Welcome. I think there are a few on here with similar bikes. Enjoy
  4. Welcome. My bikes been off the road for years. That will change this year though.
  5. Just noticed this. hopefully someone will be able to help you soon. Ignore 2nd bit of my reply in your Newbie bit.
  6. Welcome Norm46 ! Nip over to the workshop part of the Forum. Put on exactly what bike ( Year etc) and what your looking for. The more info you can give the better. Then someone who has experience of cissy bars etc will be able to help.
  7. Welcome. Lots of support & help,info etc on here.
  8. Welcome. Foul weather everywhere. It is Britain after all !
  9. Welcome. I plan to ask lots of daft questions & beg help once I start stripping/rebuilding my old XJ600. Its part of the joy of Forums. :-)
  10. Decided on drewpy's method. Just never signing out. Works fine.Can see new content.
  11. GREIGE

    Project Clocker

    Since I should be getting my own new Man Cave this year all I can say is " You have given me an idea ! I really should be able to do some Art with the bits of motorcycle,Musso & associated car parts. Hmmmmmm."
  12. Checked. Thats how they are. This is annoying now.
  13. Managed to change my screen name. Didnt change anything else in "Settings". just left everything as is.
  14. Signed out earlier on to go have a meal. Just signed back in. No new postings. And 2 new posts had happened in this thread !! I havent changed any settings. Wouldnt know what settings to change. Could probably guess how to muck it up though.
  15. As Above. ( in 1990). And have kept it since.
  16. It always does. Still nothing. Except the Thread I started just now !!
  17. After being away from the Forum for a while I usually press the "View New Content" button to see whats been happening in a summary version. But in the last few weeks it keeps telling me there is none ! Now either you lot have all left the country or the Forum/my computer has a problem. ( And if you have left the country thankyou for written instructions leaving all your motorcycles to me ! Promise I will find good homes for them & send the proceeds of sales onto you in a timely manner) Any ideas ? I dont think I have changed anything/pressed any buttons I shouldnt. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  18. Welcome. Expect fun & chaos. Probably.
  19. You will get used to it. Eventually............
  20. Welcome. Got to start somewhere so what better than an old Yamaha. Who also make musical instruments I believe.......
  21. Excellent. Welcome to the Forum.
  22. Somebody on Dundee Bikers Forum has asked if I could put up some of the books "Words of Wisdom". Said I might. May even pass on some here. If they are relevant/funny/odd.
  23. New book just arrived. ( Yes I know the 3rd Edition is out there. But this was cheap & really just bought for fun ! )
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