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  1. Took the whole thing apart with a friend who knows bikes - torsion spring was snapped in half. Now to find the part! Also, my keyboard is covered with a little bike grime.
  2. It's an 82, would the emissions regs back then be as strict? I'm worried it's more of a my bike specific issue.
  3. Thanks guys, really looking forward to getting to know my bike, to learn how to cruise safely and enjoy the beautiful NW summer weather we have going on.
  4. It's any gear. It's a lot easier to shift up then down, but it's still a problem. I'll go ride and see if I can't diagnose it more precisely. EDIT: Just took it out, it's starting to become a serious safety issue, getting a little frustrated. If I slow down and I'm not in first, it stalls out, which is normal, but I can't get it in first so I'm constantly stalling, and neutral's really difficult to hit so starting it back up again is tough, and everyone on the road is waiting behind me, and I'm waving them around while I try and figure it out. On the dual sport I learned on I could start it up in first as long as the clutch was in, and I'm trying to do it on this and it's not having it. Not sure if I have the $ to go to a bike shop though, spent half my disposable income on the bike to begin with. It was fine when I tested it out, but now not so much. See if I can't enlist some friends.
  5. Hi all, my name is Nathan, just snagged an '82 Yamaha XJ 550 Maxim, it's a blast. Having a little trouble, but hopefully I'll figure it out - shifter stuff. If you have any pointers, I'd love to hear your input. I've wanted to ride since I was a little kid, I always thought there must be something remarkably freeing about riding on a sunny day. Over the past few days, I've had these beliefs reaffirmed. My inner 12 year old is ecstatic. I'm really looking forward to getting to know more about bikes, maybe meet up with some people in my area for rides once I get better. Have a great day all!
  6. Hey all, Just purchased my first bike, I'm loving it. Seem to have run into a few problems though. The gearshift seems to be a little tricky. If I'm in 3rd, and I downshift to second, the shifter stays down, so that when I try and downshift to first, it doesn't have anywhere to go and I don't shift - I'm having to kick it back up to center (and sometimes accidentally upshifting in the process) before I can downshift. It's really hard to find neutral and first for this same reason, which means I'm stalling at stoplights. Any idea what I can do to fix this? I was worried it might be due to rider technique (as I'm a very, very new rider), but a family friend who's been riding for 30+ years has the exact same trouble with it. When it's going, it's great, but I worry that this has the potential to become a safety issue if I don't get it figured out. On a less important note, I'm also sometimes having trouble starting up. The fuel valve has 3 settings - RES, OFF, and PR. I still need to get my hands on a manual, but I'm having to throw the choke out even though it's 65, 70 degrees out, and I think it's related to this (or the fact that I can't get the thing in 1st gear/ neutral that easily and have to squeeze the clutch all the way in just to back it out). I've been using the choke, holding the clutch in with the valve on PR, starting it up and it's fine (although it takes a few tries), but throwing it to OFF after I've started going doesn't stop gas flow to the engine, which makes me think that PR means "to prime" the engine rather than "primary" fuel supply. Can anyone confirm this? Yes, I'm looking around for a manual. I'm thrilled about the bike, but it's going to be difficult to improve on my skill set with the shifter issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.