New Problem ,weird noise
Finally got the outside race out by grinding a split [which took forever as I had to be so careful] in it .New bearings in ,been out for a quick test run all seems fine .I have just got to bleed back brakes as a bit spongy now for some reason and away I go , I would like to thank you all for any advice you gave
New Problem ,weird noise
very BAD NEWS upon attempting to replace the bearings the two bearing together came out as easy as pie the single bearing which is the one which was broken is stuck fast ,and as it is inset into the wheel I can't knock it out or lever it out so at the moment the outer ring of the bearing is stuck fast in the whhel any ideas ,, Looking at maybe grinding it out with a small grinding tool such as a dremel
New Problem ,weird noise
You all describe 2 bearings but mine has 3 , 2 one side and one the other http://yamahamotorcyclespares.co.uk/spares/epc2.asp?modelID=9505&PageiD=30&m=YAMAHA+XJ600S+Diversion+2003+REAR+WHEEL&uID=413437813&DisplayID=3226 is a diagram of how it should be will try it this weekend ,,,
New Problem ,weird noise
Thank youfor the advice so far .Turns out it was bearings after all ,noticed rear wheel had slight sideways movement so I took it apart and the right hand side [brake caliper side] bearing was shot and in bits looks like water has got past the oil seal and corroded the bearing ,local garage has the bearings in stock all 3 for £25 . So the next question is how hard are they to change? and any advice how to go about it would be greatly appreciated
New Problem ,weird noise
Thanks for the advice ,it seems to have settled down ,thinking about it, it may have been a scored brake disc as I had recently replaced the back brake pads and the old ones were worn away one almost to the metal .There has been no noise from the wheel area for about a week now so I am thinking the new pads have worm the disc flat again .Does this sound possible ?
New Problem ,weird noise
HI all ,just looking for some advice today ,, Recently ,well the last couple of days i have noticed a grinding sort of sound from the rear of the bike Sounds like the wheel area to me [XJ 600 S DIV ] . Happens maybe every couple of minutes for a second or two , does not do it when you turn the rear wheel by hand .I have also noticed tiny tiny shards of metal by the wheel if i run it on a stand im thinking to myself wheel bearing worn? if so how hard are they to replace. I use the bike everyday for work so can't afford to be off the road for long. All help would be greatly appreciated ,, Doc
Clutch problem
Rport time ,bike back together ,been out for 20 min run it selects all gears nicely no clunking either up or down ,no clutch drag at all and strangely bike even sounds better ,,, Just a case of setting the clutch to my preference and job job [lets hope it stays that way]. Thank you all for your help in solving this matter ,bike shop wanted £150 and i paid a grand total of £43 [including new socket for torque wrench] so a grand saving of £107 quid and its built up my confidence to attempt more . So once again Thanks all for the advice Andy :spin2:
Clutch problem
Hi all, i received my parts today and will fix then tomorrow ,however i have noticed that one side of the thrust bearing is flat and one side appears to be slightly sunken ,so the question is what way around does it go ,,,cheers andy
Clutch problem
I think i may have found the problem This is what is left of my thrust bearing and washer,, new parts ordered new bearing /washer/springs /gasket all for the sum of £38 from yamaha ,i've got to wait three working days but this must be the problem so fingers crossed. Will let you know what happens when i get the parts ,,,Cheers for all the help so far ,,,,Andy
Clutch problem
Going to open her up tomorrow ,wish me luck
xj600s diversion
So for someone who has never dealt with a clutch before [i said clutch ] how hard is it to change thrust washer and thrust bearing as i have the same prob gears up ok gears down almost a stamp and now slack on the cluch lever so sounds exactly same to me garage has quoted £150 .oil is creamy white and only changed about 3 months ago but very short journeys at mo ......cheers andy
Clutch problem
Thanks you for the advice, i spoke to my local bike garage and they said it sounds like the Thrust bearing to him as he has done a couple all ready this year about 2 hours labour £150 total with parts [thats if its that ] so is it easy enough for me to try ?
Clutch problem
Hi all Hope someone can help, I have suddenly develpoed a problem today my clutch lever does not spring back out it is just sitting against the handle bars and off no use at all. I have tried a few things all ready but to no advail ,I have tried adjusting the cable at the handle bars and at the two adjusting nuts at the crank case ,i have changed the cable and the spring on the little swingarm i have changed the position of the swing arm and still can not adjut it to be able to use the clutch i can manage to set the clutch lever but it is far to hard to pull the lever in and the clutch still has bad drag . Dont really want to open crank case unless i have to. The guy in this vid has the same problem but i cant seem to remedy mine i hope someone can help as i have a blooming long walk to work at the mo nearly 4 miles so quite desperate for a solution [im in the guildford area] , Thanks for any suggestions all will be appreciated
HI all
HI All , Just thought i would say hi ,In Andy alias doc-hoc the character from Tour of duty , I'm a oldish guy im 44 .I commute everyday come Sun/rain but sod the snow . Im riding a xj600 diversion 97 at the mo, been riding for about 8 years now and enjoy every second of it . So as i said before Hi everyone Andy
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