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  1. Ryt I cut the exhaust in half and took the restricter out then got it welded and put it back on the bike is now a lot quicker however it boggs at high revs seems like its not getting enough fuel I am thinking of up jetting and I am currently on the stock 240 jet what jet do u think I should go for? Or are there other things I can do?
  2. Ok mate ill have a look now thanks still if any 1 has had any other problame like this and it was caused by something other than a restrictor plz let me no
  3. Hi recentley I have bought a 2003 dt125r witch had only ever been used for ploddering round a farm it has only done 700 miles. I have looked on a lot of websites and many people have asked this but still I can't find an answer to my problame. Basicly when I ride the bike it seems like anything over 7000 rpm the bike is rough it is quick off the mark but won't do over 57mph. I have another 1 of these bikes witch I use off road and have fully deristricted myself with no problames. When I bought this bike the other day I got it home removed the exhaust to find the restriction coan had been removed already I also moved my reed switch away from my speedo and wraped it in a bag I also adjusted the powervalve so it was setup exactly right. My bike still only goes 57mph and struggles from 50 it will only hit about 52 up hill max I currently have my mixture screw 1 and a half turns out and the needle in my carb is on the 4th setting down from the top with the point at the bottom, I am also running on a number 8 spark plug instead of the number 9, my main jet is a 240 and I don't no what my small one is. Any info will be usefull to me as I have run out of ideas. Some people have told me to cut the triangula block off the reed section but I didn't want to start cutting things without getting some other info, also could this be my cdi is restricted because I have another exactly the same but don't no weather its worth trying Thanks in advance