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  1. Name: yamaha fzr 600 (1998)<br />Date Added: 02 July 2012 - 12:30 PM<br />Owner: danielwj26<br />Short Description: None Provided<br /><br />View Vehicle
  2. hi all i past my test at begining of this yr and got a zzr600, i wanted something sportier so i av now got my lovely fzr 600 1998, mexican made in 1997 n improted to uk in 1998, as im new to this bike i wondered if anyone can help or advise me with a few things...... 1st bike judders if i try riding or cruising below 3500 rpm above this its fine. ..is this normal? Clunky gears from 1st to 2nd and if i dont catch rite a little grinding... Again, normal? Clutch cable is pretty much at its maximum adjsutments, chain and sprockets all good, fluids, oils, spark plugs and air filter replaced, any other help or advice gratefully received. Thanks