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  1. New to Yamaha, new to foruma and new to shaft drive. Just picked up a xvs 650 custom 05 over the weekend. So far very happy with it.
  2. thanks for the help.... I've seen some sites that suggests I should take the final drive apart and lube the spline using moly paste. Not sure whether this is recommended, I'll pop by the newbie and introduction forum.
  3. Hi all, I probably should have researched this before I got this bike, but got a bit excited about the XVS650 that I bought one over the weekend, it's an 05 model, has 65,000 kms on the odometer. This is my frist shaftdrive system so I'm not sure hwo to maintain it besides keeping the oil full in the final gear? Is there anything else I need to know? bearing in mine I'm new to biking so no monkey wrenching experience.