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  1. Thanks for the help guys!!
  2. Thanks for the info DirtyDT. I will check them out.
  3. Hey all, pretty new to forums so we will see how this g oes. I am the owner of my dads 1970 yamaha enduro dt2 50. Its all original and in great shape but hasnt been r idin in 30 years. Only has 1400 miles on it. I need some help of where to look to find original par ts for it. Besides ebay i wasnt sure if there are good p arts websites out there. Also, if anyone has a red oil tank that is in real good s hape that they want sell please let me know. Thanks for any help!!
  4. Hey all, pretty new to forums so we will see how this goes. I am the owner of my dads 1970 yamaha enduro dt250. Its all original and in great shape but hasnt been ridin in 30 years. Only has 1400 miles on it. I need some help of where to look to find original parts for it. Besides ebay i wasnt sure if there are good parts websites out there. Also, if anyone has a red oil tank that is in real good shape that they want sell please let me know. Thanks for any help!!