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Everything posted by dylan_elliot

  1. Hey guys, Thanks for the reply's I actually ended swapping the quad for a Rm85
  2. Thanks, I will give that a go to
  3. Also i forgot to say sometimes i can get it started when it's warm and it will idle fine until i touch the throttle and it just dies, One time i was able to bump start and as long as i kept it at a decent speed it would stay running but if got to say 5mph it would backfire and die
  4. Thanks for the reply, I will get back to you tomorrow if not Saturday
  5. Hi, I have a moto 4 That will always start 1st or 2nd pull when cold and runs fine until it gets warm and i turn it off after this it won't start again till about 20 Min later, Then it goes with no problem i have no idea what's causing this so any help is really appreciated. Also i know this is a motorbike fourm but i don't know any other fourms i can post on I'm not 100% on the year i think its around 89-95
  6. i'm looking for a website where i can buy genuine parts for my moto-4 250 not sure on year i think its in the 80's and what oil should i use in this and does anyone know where i can get a owners manual from sorry if i broke any of the site rules cheers,
  7. dylan_elliot posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hi can someone help me on this problem i am having with my 89 dt125r i filled it up with oil and after 10 min there is no sign through the oil eye of there being any oil and u can see it as silver so i know there no oil but every time i fill it up start it there's no sign of the oil even when i don't start the engine in about 10-15 min its all gone there is no sign of it leaking anywhere but recently the oil was coming out of an overflow pipe which it isn't doing any more so any help u can give me will be very much appreciated
  8. i'm thinking of painting my dtr but not sure what color i was thinking white and red or something like the plastic white and the frame red any ideas let me know, also the bike is black also where can i get stencils like rockstar or something not monster to many people have that on there bikes looking for something that will make mine look like a one of a kind :L
  9. put my new head gasket in today goin to take it out tomorrow and see what its like this is the old gasket thats the exact way i took it out i am really surprised that i have been running the bike like this thanks everyone for your help
  10. ok thanks for all the help, i will post when i get it fixed
  11. thanks alot i will have a look later, if it is the head gasket where is the best place to buy one ebay or is there a Athena online store?
  12. Name: yamaha dtr 125 (1990) Date Added: 29 June 2012 - 02:14 AM Owner: dylan_elliot Short Description: dtr 125 converted to a field bike so field use only View Vehicle
  13. dylan_elliot posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hi i have a yamaha dtr 125 i'm not sure on year i think its a pre-89 as it only has a 3md code and its been converted to a field bike and its been running fine until about 2 weeks ago when i was out on it and nearly had it flat out and after that cruising about the field then when i stopped and switched off the engine it was sitting for around 2 minutes then there was a loud pop and i saw the coolant from the overflow tank pouring down the side an the cap had blew off so i put it back on then was back on it, running fine until i put the engine off again same thing happened, it continued to do this when i was driving home, it started to do it when the engine was still running . i put the bike in the garage and left it a about a few weeks then took it out a run 3 days ago (i topped up the radiator and half filled the coolant tank) the bike was fine a little bit self revving i noticed then the cap blew of when i got homed switched the engine off, the next day i started up and drove it round the back of my house to wash it about 25ft then steam started pouring out the radiator and switched it of and haven't started it since. i think it could be the head gasket not sure. i am new so i am sorry if i broke any of the site rules,