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Everything posted by R1JAN

  1. R1JAN replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in Naked
    i liked it too, it was on ebay & sold for £7000, done 2000 miles, bargain if only i'd of had the dosh :bang
  2. R1JAN replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in Naked
    the 05 is a gorgeous bike but id have an 04 rossi rep first i think http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v171/r1j...1jan/ltdr11.jpg now thats a nice bike
  3. A bit of hair works for me too, not too much mind, just the right amount, lovely :lick
  4. Now that is quality, a gorgeous woman on a yamaha, wot more could any man wish for????????????dont answer that!!!
  5. OMG

    R1JAN replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in The Bar
    Do i go! Do i do more research Do i go and invite u lot over for the races 49% Do i go and take R1JAN with me 51% WELL THAT SETTLES IT, I'LL START PACKING NOW THEN :lol:
  6. OMG

    R1JAN replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in The Bar
    I know i'd be devastated, what would you do when all youve got is a nice bike and the best roads ive even bin on! Go for it girl, rent sumwhere first to see if you like it, if you dont, come back! I wished i got the oppertunity to go & work there, i'd be gone..........
  7. R1JAN replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in General
    I pay £480 third party on my R1, i enquired about part-exing it against the new 04 and getting finance on the difference, but i would haft to be fully comp, i rang my ins for a quote £3200!!!!!!!!!!!!!, is that to put you off, or do they seriously expect people to pay that? so i can either get a bank loan & risk riding a £9000 bike on third party ins or keep my 02 for the time being! I think i'll keep the 02 and let the no-claims build up....
  8. R1JAN replied to N_Tart's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey Mozzy, dont start on us "Mancs"...we dont all think we're like Rambo, we KNOW we are
  9. R1JAN replied to Pete's post in a topic in The Bar
    Looks top mate, keep up the good work. Its easy for everyone to critisize, as theyve no idea wots involved in maintaining the site, well i think you've done a grand job........ :yay
  10. R1JAN replied to axl's post in a topic in General
    I just sit back, grip the tank hard with my knees hold my left foot pushed up on the lever (it wont change up till u let the revs off) cover my back brake just in case & wind it back, & up it comes, its all practice, practice, practice...dont just try to hoyke it right up, start off small & just get used to bringing it up higher & higher, when you find a balance point try changing to 2nd fast b4 the wheel comes down, its all practice, practice, practice. A near empty tank of fuel & down a tooth on the front sprocket helps too....
  11. R1JAN replied to Pete's post in a topic in General
    NAAAAAHHHHH, I'm having none of it, if ive gone down a nice lenth of tarmac twisty's then turned round to go back, i'm gonna go as fast as i can enjoy it! but there again thats probably why ive broke most bones in my body, and as for 30mph on my bike, there isnt one, coz if i let my clutch out, i'm speeding, thats probably why ive 9 points! :pic
  12. R1JAN replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey, ive been bitten by a hamster it f**king hurts!!!!
  13. R1JAN replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    If they want this http://img56.photobucket.com/albums/v171/r...r1jan/my_R1.bmp Then they've gotta get past this http://img56.photobucket.com/albums/v171/r...r1jan/champ.bmp He weighs over 10 stone & can be one nasty bastard, he even goes for me if i walk in the house with my helmet on!!!!!
  14. R1JAN replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    Its an eye opener, it was one of the best weeks away ive had, it sounds daft but you dont get to see much of the race as, you find a good spot to watch on a good bit of road then in turn, a load of bikes fly past you at 170 mph, then half a second later, they are gone, if you've never been or watched it, you wouldnt believe the speeds they do on the normal roads we use every day. And if your really off your rocker, do mad sunday where you get to ride the same track with the roads one way, same as the riders, but you'll haft to keep up with the traffic or you'll die, but you do get a T shirt to say you've survived it :shock:
  15. R1JAN replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'm about 6ft 4/5" and struggle to ride some sportsbikes, before i got the R1 i wanted a gsxr1000 but when i rode my mates, my legs were at the side of the tank instead of tooked into it and struggled to get my feet on the pegs so i tried an R1 and was fine so thats wot i got, its just useless for carrying passengers (never mind ) its always best to have a ride first to make sure the bikes right for you....
  16. R1JAN replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    15 year old, on a cb125 superdream, flat out towards a bend than runs under a railway bridge, i forgot to turn, hit the wall of the bridge, then the bike hit me, broke both my legs, (1 twice), 1 arm, collar bone, cracked 3 ribs, broke my little finger, and had to have a dye put into me to find internal bleeding, the only thing i can remember really hurting afterwards was my ribs, and all they did was strap them up, ive never been frightened of sneezing before (god it hurt). Now ive got 1 leg slightly longer than the other, a bent little finger and i ache everywhere if i get really cold, but its joys of motoring, i dont fancy it again though, its embarasing needing nurses to left you up so you can have a no2 whilst in traction :shock:
  17. R1JAN replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in General
    If i get to a corner & i think im going to fast to get round, i just lean more & it seems to work, coz if i try & brake, thats when bad things seem to happen. I found the best way to learn is to find a nice, quiet, twisty, country lane and ride it without braking at all, just use ur engine, smooth gear changes up/down, and you'll find that once mastered, you will ride quicker, but smoother & more in control, than just nailing it, then slamming on at the bends which is only gonna end in disaster... You dont need track days for this, just time on your bike to gain experiance......
  18. R1JAN replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    If thats your pic, you can share my tent any day!!!!!! Its good to be back, even though them roads are made for bikes, the twisties are great, & u can get some serious speed going on the straights, its good just to be sleeping in a proper bed, with no bikes flying past yr head 10ft away doing warp speed at 3am....
  19. R1JAN replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thats all the island is short of, take aways, massage parlours and lady bikers
  20. R1JAN replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    Ive just got back this morning, he was on for 4 wins this week to equal the record when he retired with a clutch problem what a rider though!!!! Ive never been anywhere else in the world, where a policeman stops you on your bike in the middle of a town centre main road, and wont let you go unless you do a burnout, there & then in front of the crowd, i couldnt believe it!!!! i obliged, and wheelied off. They are all mad over there, speed limits dont really matter, if you are riding up a normal two way road, with no traffic coming towards you, they class that as a two lane, one way street untill something comes ](*,) .... I consider myself as a good rider and i know my bike inside out but theres people over there make you look like a novice, i was racing my mate (gsxr1000) down a road towards Ramsey hairpin, and we were flogging it, as i was feeding it round the hairpin, up the arse of my mate, we both got overtook by a local on a hornet, we were gobsmacked, and dont think we ride like girls (no offence ladies) coz we dont. Anyway if you love your bikes, can ride fast, permenantly, dont mind roughing it for a week in your leathers & if the fact that there were 13 deaths in the past week, doesnt bother you, get it booked for next year, you'll love it!!!!!!
  21. R1JAN replied to Tym's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    :hi to the forum mate!
  22. R1JAN replied to Don 1's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
  23. R1JAN replied to dtmaster's post in a topic in Naked
    :finger The only thing you eat for breakfast is farleys rusks :finger
  24. R1JAN replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Let Big Billy have a go, he wont need a seat with his nappy on, he can rest his man-boobs on the bars while he handles himself.... Coz he can