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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Ever done the same ride so may times you wish you had auto pilot, I'm going back to port bruce for the 3 time in 3 days just to go try and catch some rainbow trout,GRRRRRR dam yellow perch just keep pickin my line ,,,not that I don't like perch but hunting for rainbows for the big meal. Add what you lke about the same ride done over and over Happy fioshing to all that doo and rubber side down
  2. New plugs and check you air filter. A compression test wouldn't hurt just for more info as to what is also possible wrong
  3. Alex Do you mean adjust the cam chain tension? Not timing? the cam chain if loose will mess with timing but to my knowlage the cam timing is fixed and not adjustabl unless you slot the sprocket mounting holes and index the cam using a degree wheel. Personaly I think you need to check the valve clearence. Then if thats ok then set the carb up set float height to factory spec. fuel mix screw at 1.5-2 turns from fully seated,once you have the bike ideling again you can keep adjusting for off idle performance IE no bog when snaping the throttle open. But only go 1/8of a turn at a time Also not starting on side stand will it start standing upright with side stand down? if not you have a problem with the side stand saftey switch could be cutting out your spark then when it allows spark you firing raw fuel which could back fire in the pipe. And realy mess with the back pressur in the cylinder.And stop your bike from idleing.
  4. Just to add a twist it's a anti crush collar,because without it you will crush your bearings when tighting your wheel. But for now SPACER
  5. I'll let you know when my mom gets back to me. My aunt was a army nurse and lived on all kinds of bases,actualy that side of whole family are army brats so there is a good chance it's her.Looks alot like old picts of my mom and grandma when they were younger.But I never realy knew her as they lived it the USA and that pict was taken 14yrs before I was born. But the time frame fits.
  6. Just my 2 cents worth here but FUBAR does it not mean Fucked Up Beyond All Reconision? Dose here Round abouts LMAO we just got one in London ontario with only 2 intersecting streets,and it took about 8 months for the normal traffic to figure out how to use it,created traffic jam's for months.If the gov was to incorporate you style of round abouts most of the dum ass cage drivers would never get anywhere be stuck going around and around for hours.
  7. Thats cool I fowarded it to my mom the lady in picture 24 might be my aunt,right name ,she was a nurse during the war and I think they live in that base during the war.It will be one hell of a weird way to find a old picture of her.Thanks drewpy
  8. As I said tommy no biggie. A 100 f u c k me no thanks thats just to dam hot we been around 80f just fine by me, still comfortable in full gear when moving. But as they say everything is big in TEXAS even the heat I guess your used to it
  9. Check out companys that do car wraps,then you can have custom made to you designe,there hundreds around here.They install the wrap so if it goes wrong they just make another set and dosen't cost you any more.http://www.auto-wrap.co.uk/car-wrapping/ this was the first one i found but there are lots more.Way cheaper than a custom paint job and if you get board with it peal it off and your back to stock paint job. Buy the time you pay for decals and the install kit it's about the same money and if you mess it up then you have to pay for another set and then it cost you more
  10. dt502001


    Check that you have voltage at the points then,if you have battery voltage, if no battery then you need to check you charge coils.. More info would help did it run before ?
  11. I was going to make the same comment as blackhat WTF a suzi in kawak colour,but looks a nice bike enjoy.
  12. No way you can 2 hand steer without doing it,now that said,the art of doing it properly takes practice.aAnd can save a low side when your going to crash without knowing how to do it and turning a low side into a high side if done wrong. But done properly you will be drifting in no time safely. Keith Code's books TWIST OF THE WRIST "the motorcycle road racing hand book" notes and comment's by Eddie Lawson and "the soft sicence of road racing motorcycles" notes by Wain Rianey both cover indepth the art of cornering. And this is 20+ yr old books this is nothing new,and applicable in any situation and on any bike I would highly recomend everyone read both books,if you do and put the workshop test to practice you will be a better rider go faster around corners with more confidence!
  13. Yep as SACHA said great DAD postr up you quweries and they will get answered soon I'm sure ther are so many sr125 owners here you should get answers quickly.
  14. YO Tommy ...ehhhemm I'm from CANADA and YES it's 2 different country's no big deal though. Hang tight BEVO there are a few Americans on this site Collarodaosand's hasn't been around in a while,hes from SL,UT and other's who post now and then . Dig throug some of the old post and you will see there are a few more from the USA. Send some emails to any other Yammie friends you have to join up. The site is growing fast globaly. Any way missed your hello so Hi and welcome but Tommy is right you will hear alot of belly aking about weather,speaking of how dam hot is it in TEXAS?
  15. Yes the main does afect the idle in a very small way,but not enough to cause that problem. Most likely you have messed up your float height
  16. Hey John get 1 you will love it compared, to the 125 it's a rocket,mine is a 01 and serviced every 1000 kms had to change the tranny bearings last rebuild.But the bike has been bulit proff yes parts wear but if you service it as per the service manual you will never have problems.The startor went in 2010. and thats was the only part that ever failed without notice I would suggest to check when the valve's were last changed the spring pressure is very high and can wear at the stems of the valves where the keepers fit,and the spring's can warp Know idea of your height but I'm only 5'10 (180 cm) and I have no problems with kick starting it,just took a bit to get used to the height. All the yzf eng parts fit so you can hopp it up with cams easy. Check the rear shock bushings they do wear alittle quickly,, other than that they wear like any other bike,the front shocks do require work to get the bike set up for your weight and best left to a suspenssion shop to get the most out of them. I have kinda lost track of how many miles I have on my bike but it has to be over 20k all beating the m*ther *uckin crap out of it every ride,WFO every gear and I love the 3rd gear wheelies. Friends have bought King Till Mondays (KTM) and they all broke and my wr keeps up no problem and out lasted all of them. If you looking at getting a newer bike the KAW is the HP king and pulls like no other bike,I've ridden 1 and liked it but keepin my wrf250 it's old and I love showing up guys on newer bikes.
  17. Done only less than 1300 to go
  18. Hey just rember to lower the front as well,, the same height as the rear or you will change the steering angle.And it will handle like crap. silde the forks up and then find the right links to lower the rear the same
  19. Also if you need to change the starter in the future just cut the wire and put a new terminal end on the wire and a new bolt MUCH easier than pissing with a rusted bolt.
  20. Sory grouch for not gettin back sooner,started a new job,take a piece of hard wood ( broom handel ect?) and a hammer and put the wood on the oppsite end of the starter from the broken ear,,, ie the way you want it to go out and drive it out ,but dont just hit in the same spot,go top bottom side to sid where ever you can It will pop right out with a couple of hits. Also if you still have the wrong cover off you can tap on the drive gear of the starter but DO NOT HAMMER THE CRAP or again you will duck your starter
  21. Grouch nice to see your trying,you don't need to remove the screw holding the wire on the starter,if you do you wil fuck the starter most likely,just leave it on and drive the starter out from the stator side wire atached the wire is long enough to do this . You shouldn't have tryed prying on the ear mount of the starter they always snap off if you do,but you can still use it with 1 bolt in for now till it need replacing or have someone weld the ear back on with everything bolted in place. Bolt everything back together with the old gaskets put the new bolt in the shifter and make sure it's tight to the shaft and they move as 1 piece. don't wory about small oil leaks untill you prove whats wrong is fixed you may end up pulling covers off again. Then when it is fixed put new gaskets in and everything will come off easy the second-third time easy. Also if your going to replace all the bolts I suggest you find a allen bolt kit and not buy the phillips screws to replace them,or buy hex head bolts. Post som picts of your shifter where it fits to the shaft so we can see if its striped,most likely it is from use when the bolt was loose
  22. 1981 rd 350lc out at the beach all day and drinking a few beers,18rys old dumb ass stupid,budy needs a ride back into town, just so happened that he makes prefect counter weight for 6th gear midheight wheelies ( Just ride the rear brake a wee bit and this works great) well he got @ 200 meters from home,after at least 70 wheelies in the 1.5 hr drive, he was encouraging me at every stop), me on the gas hard and over we went' in 4'th,came up over the hill and the pavers had split the road, and well it griped way harder and stood up in a nano second. The bike hit off the taillight and I was over the bars,standing on the pegs,waiting for him to bail off and he did and so did I, the bike fliped end to end 3-4 times and slid spining to a stop. He was laughing when I got to him lain on the side of the road, so I go look at the bike dable ? pick it up EH!! maybe all right turns to my other friends house and the bike is locked to the left steering lock. So I get the bike to my buddies house and 14 or so of my riding friends of the time are all there...WALK OF SHAME.. the best part is I couldn't forget about it for 3months . Because my buddy who was on the back couldn't sit down for that long when he slid he was wearing cotton pants,road rash up the back of his legs to his cheeks,,,,,,,,,,,, Later he as never mad at me and we alway's laugh about that day we lived.And so did the bike in the form of parts and a new exhaust for my81gpz 750from said parts
  23. Any of the 500's that wayne rainy or eddi lawson had, kenny roberts 750,any bike that freddie spencer raced and any of the last 500 2t gp bikes and all would be ridden not stored in a museum.
  24. New voltage regulator.If money is tight check out klumes fix using another regulator
  25. Did you clean the rim of crap and scratches that could be catching the tire and holding it from seating? and you can try turning the tire 180. Some stations( on this side of the pond) regulate the pressure to 40 psi max and you might need 60 to get it to seat BUt again be very carfule you don't want to get hurt from a tire blowing up in your face for the sake of 20 bucks having a tire shop do it using a saftey cage.
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